Karakteristik reservoir berdasarkan data geokimia manifestasi dan data sumur produksi lapangan panasbumi "X" pengalengan . Jawa Barat

Oleh : Aziz Ramadhan Keman

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 930/TG/2018

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2018

Pembimbing 1 : Fajar Hendrasto

Pembimbing 2 : Untung Sumotarto

Subyek : Geothermal;Geochemistry;Geological engineering

Kata Kunci : geothermal system, temperature, reservoir, upflow, outflow

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 1.-2018_TA_GL_072001300023_Halaman-judul.pdf
2. 2.-2018_TA_GL_072001300023_Bab-1.pdf 7
3. 3.-2018_TA_GL_072001300023_Bab-2.pdf
4. 4.-2018_TA_GL_072001300023_Bab-3.pdf
5. 5.-2018_TA_GL_072001300023_Bab-4.pdf
6. 6.-2018_TA_GL_072001300023_Bab-5.pdf
7. 7.-2018_TA_GL_072001300023_Daftar-pustaka.pdf 3
8. 8.-2018_TA_GL_072001300023_Lampiran.pdf

L Lapangan Panasbumi “X” berada di Desa Margamukti, Kecamatan Pengalengan, Kabupaten Bandung Jawa Barat. Secara geografis terletak di zona perbukitan Bandung Selatan. Terdapat tiga bukit berderet utara - selatan yaitu Gunung Bedil, Gunung Wayang, dan Gunung Windu merupakan perbukitan yang memanjang utara - selatan dan depresi pangalengan di sebelah barat. Analisis didaerah penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik reservoir dan sistem panasbumi berdasarkan metode-metode geokimia dengan data geokimia manifestasi di permukaan dan sumur produksi di kedalaman. Jenis manifestasi yang terdapat di daerah penelitian berupa mata air panas dan fumarol. Sistem panasbumi di daerah penelitian termasuk kedalam sistem dataran tinggi dengan temperatur reservoir 225ºC sampai dengan 323ºC yang termasuk kedalam sistem panasbumi temperatur tinggi. Tipe reservoir yang terdapat di daerah penelitian adalah dominasi uap di bagian utara dan dominasi air bagian selatan. Zona upflow menyebar dari utara dan selatan daerah penelitian, sedangkan zona outflow menyebar di bagian barat dan barat daya daerah penelitian.

G Geothermal field of “X” is located in Margamukti Village, Pengalengan District, Bandung Regency West Java. Geographically it is located in the mountain zone of South Bandung. There are three hills lined up nort - south the ridge of Mount Bedil, Mount Wayang, and Mount Windu is a hill that extends north - south and pangalengan deperession in the west. The research analysis was conducted to know the characteristics of reservoir and geothermal system based on geochemical methods with geochemical data of surface manifestation and production wells in depth. Types of manifestations found in the study area in the form of hot springs and fumaroles. The geothermal systems in the study area are included in the upland system with reservoir temperatures of 225ºC to 323ºC which are included in the high temperature geothermal system. The reservoir types found in the study area are vapor dominated in the northern and liquid dominated parts of the south. Upflow zones spread from the north and south of the research area, while the outflow zones spread across the western and southwestern regions of the study.

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