Implementasi sistem enterprise resources planning odoo modul wholesale pharmacy management pada apotek hari kartini

Oleh : Galuh Putri Angelina

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2024

Pembimbing 1 : Teddy Siswanto

Kata Kunci : Enterprise Resource Planning, Odoo, Implementation, UTAUT, Pharmacy.

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Status : Lengkap

A Apotek Hari Kartini, yang terletak di Jakarta Pusat, menghadapi tantangan operasional akibat penggunaan metode pencatatan manual dalam transaksi penjualan, pembelian, dan manajemen inventaris. Dengan adanya keterbatasan ini, efisiensi dan efektivitas operasional apotek menjadi kurang optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan sistem ERP berbasis Odoo untuk meningkatkan kinerja operasional apotek. Tujuan penelitian mencakup perancangan modul ERP yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis Apotek Hari Kartini serta mengembangkan sistem untuk manajemen persediaan yang lebih efisien. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan implementasi ERP dengan tahapan sebagai berikut: (1) Discovery and Planning, termasuk analisis kebutuhan dan wawancara; (2) Design, dengan perancangan sistem yang disesuaikan; (3) Development, meliputi instalasi modul dan migrasi data; (4) Testing, termasuk User Acceptance Test (UAT); dan (5) Deployment dan Support, untuk evaluasi dan perawatan sistem. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ERP Odoo telah berhasil diimplementasikan dan siap digunakan oleh Apotek Hari Kartini dengan menggunakan modul Wholesale Pharmacy Management. Modul tersebut mencakup manajemen farmasi grosir, inventaris, penjualan, pembelian, akuntansi, kontak, website, dan Point of Sale. Penilaian pengguna terhadap aplikasi menggunakan model Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) menunjukkan hasil yang positif: Performance Expectancy 88.6%, Effort Expectancy 82%, Supporting Facilities 87.7%, Facilitating Conditions 88.3%, Attitude Towards Technology 92.2%, dan Behavioral Intention 90%. Modul website juga berfungsi sebagai media promosi yang efektif. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan sistem ERP berbasis Odoo dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan efisiensi operasional dan pelayanan di Apotek Hari Kartini.

A Apotek Hari Kartini, located in Central Jakarta, faces operational challenges due to the use of manual recording methods in sales transactions, purchases, and inventory management. These limitations result in less optimal efficiency and effectiveness in the pharmacy\\\'s operations. This study aims to design and implement an Odoo-based ERP system to enhance the operational performance of the pharmacy. The research objectives include designing ERP modules tailored to Apotek Hari Kartini’s business needs and developing a system for more efficient inventory management. The research methodology employs an ERP implementation approach with the following stages: (1) Discovery and Planning, including needs analysis and interviews; (2) Design, involving customized system design; (3) Development, including module installation and data migration; (4) Testing, which includes User Acceptance Testing (UAT); and (5) Deployment and Support, for system evaluation and maintenance. The results indicate that the Odoo ERP application has been successfully implemented and is ready for use by Apotek Hari Kartini. The designed modules include wholesale pharmacy management, inventory, sales, purchases, accounting, contacts, website, and Point of Sale. User evaluations of the application, using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model, show positive results: Performance Expectancy 88.6%, Effort Expectancy 82%, Supporting Facilities 87.7%, Facilitating Conditions 88.3%, Attitude Towards Technology 92.2%, and Behavioral Intention 90%. The website module also functions as an effective promotional tool. This study demonstrates that implementing an Odoo-based ERP system can significantly enhance operational efficiency and service quality at Apotek Hari Kartini.

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