Pecancangan model sistem pendukung keputusan untuk headway Kereta Api Commuter Jabotabek Lintas Jakarta - Bogor
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2015
Pembimbing 1 : Pudji Astuti
Pembimbing 2 : Sucipto Adisuwiryo
Subyek : Performance standards
Kata Kunci : commuter train, headway, spk
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2015_TA_STI_06310136_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2015_TA_STI_06310136_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | ||
3. | 2015_TA_STI_06310136_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | ||
4. | 2015_TA_STI_06310136_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf |
5. | 2015_TA_STI_06310136_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf |
6. | 2015_TA_STI_06310136_Bab-4_Pengumpulan-Data.pdf |
7. | 2015_TA_STI_06310136_Bab-5_Perancangan-Sistem-Pendukung.pdf |
8. | 2015_TA_STI_06310136_Bab-6_Analisis-Hasil.pdf |
9. | 2015_TA_STI_06310136_Bab-7_Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf | ||
10. | 2015_TA_STI_06310136_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
11. | 2015_TA_STI_06310136_Lampiran.pdf |
K Kereta commuter adalah sistem transportasi berbasis kereta api yang menghubungkan daerah bisnis pusat (central business district) di perkotaan dengan kawasan – kawasan pinggiran kota. Kereta commuter line di selenggarakan para komuter atau penglaju. Permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada kereta commuter adalah penumpang yang berdesak – desakan didalam gerbong pada saat jam – jam sibuk disebabkan karena jumlah penumpang yang melebihi kapasitas gerbong dan juga headway yang tidak teratur yang tidak sesuai dengan harapan dan kenyataan. Dengan adanya permasalahan tersebut perlu dibuat suatu sistem yang dapat mendukung pengambilan keputusan untuk menentukan headway dan frekuensi perjalanan yang ideal (dapat diterapkan) berdasarkan jumlah penumpang dan kapasitas kereta commuter serta kenyamanan ideal (area penumpang berdiri ≥ 0,2 m2/penumpang) bagi penumpang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang model Sistem penunjang Keputusan (SPK ) penentuan headway terdiri dari submodel basis data (database) yang meliputi basis data jumlah gerbong, jumlah penumpang duduk, luas kereta, dan area tempat duduk. Submodel pemodelan (modelbase) yang meliputi submodel penentuan headway teoritis, submodel penentuan frekuensi ideal, dan submodel penentuan kenyamanan penumpang. dan user interface SPK penentuan headway didukung oleh software Borland C++ 5.02. Berdasarkan hasil implentasi sistem pendukung keputusan penentuan headway, dihasilkan rekomendasi keputusan yang disarankan adalah penambahan frekuensi perjalanan pada kelompok II sebanyak 3 trip/jam, penambahan frekuensi perjalanan pada kelompok III sebanyak 3 trip/jam, dan penambahan frekuensi perjalanan pada kelompok IV sebanyak 4 trip/jam, sehingga total penambahan frekuensi perjalanan sebanyak 10 trip/jam.
T The commuter train was train-based transportation system that connects the central business area (central business district) in urban areas – a suburban area. The commuter train line in held by commuters or commuters. A problem that often occurs in commuter train passengers berdesak – urging in the hopper when the hour – peak hours because the number of passengers exceeded capacity hopper and also irregular that headway is not in accordance with the expectations and the reality. The existence of these problems need to be made a system that can support decision making to determine the headway and frequency ideal journey (applicable) based on the number of passengers on commuter trains as well as the capacity and comfort ideal (the passenger stand area ≥ 0,2 m2/passenger) for passengers. The purpose of this research is to design Decision Support System model (SPK) determination consisting of a submodel headway database (database) data base that includes the number of carriages, passenger seat, train, and spacious seating areas. Submodel modeling (modelbase) submodel that includes the determination of the theoretical, headway submodel ideal frequency determination, determination of the submodel and passenger comfort. the user interface of the SPK and the determination of headway software is supported by Borland C++ 5.02. Based on the results of the implentasi decision support system for the determination of headway, generated recommendations of suggested decisions is increased frequency of travel on a group II as much as 3 trips/hours, increased frequency of travel on a group III as much as 3 trips/hours, and increased frequency of travel on a group IV 4 trips/hours, so the total addition of as many as 10 trip trips/hours