Perbaikan kualitas produk tempat sampah bulat stainlesssteel dengan pendekatan six sigma dan metode fuzzyanalytical hierarchy process pada PT. Harapan mulya putri
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2023
Pembimbing 1 : Wawan Kurniawan
Pembimbing 2 : Ratna Mira Yojana
Subyek : Six sigma (Quality control standard)
Kata Kunci : six sigma, DMAIC, failure mode effect analysis (FMEA), fuzzy analytical hierarchy process.
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2023_TA_TI_063001900008_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2023_TA_TI_063001900008_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | ||
3. | 2023_TA_TI_063001900008_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | ||
4. | 2023_TA_TI_063001900008_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf |
5. | 2023_TA_TI_063001900008_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf |
6. | 2023_TA_TI_063001900008_Bab-4_Pembahasan.pdf |
7. | 2023_TA_TI_063001900008_Bab-5_Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf | ||
8. | 2023_TA_TI_063001900008_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
9. | 2023_TA_TI_063001900008_Lampiran.pdf |
P PT. Harapan Mulya Putri merupakan sebuah industri manufaktur yang memproduksiperalatan kebersihan berbahan dasar stainless steel dan plastik, namun pada penelitian inidifokuskan pada produk tempat sampah bulat berbahan dasar stainless steel sebab merupakanproduk yang paling banyak diproduksi dan masih tinggi nilai cacatnya. Data yang digunakanadalah data produksi periode Januari hingga Juni 2022, dimana pada periode tersebut terdapattingkat cacat produk dengan persentase cacat tertinggi 10,86% sedangkan toleransiperusahaan berada pada 5%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperbaiki kualitas dari produktempat sampah berbahan dasar stainless steel. Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian iniadalah mengidentifikasi jenis cacat, penyebab terjadi cacat dan memberikan saran perbaikanuntuk proses produksinya. Pada penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah Six Sigma danFuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process. Metode Six Sigma memiliki 5 tahapan yang disingkatDMAIC, yaitu: define, measure, analyze, improve dan control. Pada tahap Define digunakanalat bantu berupa diagram SIPOC dan identifikasi Critical To Quality (CTQ). Jenis cacatyang ditemukan berupa body penyok, baret/goresan, bercak, dan tutup kasar. Pada tahapMeasure terdapat perhitungan dengan peta kendali P serta DPMO dan tingkat sigma. Nilaitingkat sigma awal adalah 3,422. Pada tahap Analyze, dilakukan analisa penyebab terjadinyacacat dengan tools berupa diagram pareto, fishbone diagram, serta failure mode effectanalysis (FMEA). Hasil dari proses Analisa yaitu didapatkan cacat dengan nilai tertinggi(Risk Priority Number) sebesar 280. Tahap selanjutnya yaitu Improve, dimana cacat dengannilai RPN tertinggi diprioritaskan untuk diberikan usulan perbaikan menggunakan FuzzyAnalytical Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP). Berdasarkan hasil penilaian Fuzzy AnalyticalHierarchy Process, didapatkan bahwa alternatif perbaikan dengan total bobot tertinggi adalahalternatif 3 yaitu mesin wajib dibersihkan secara rutin setelah digunakan dengan total bobotsebesar 0,4322, alternatif 2 yaitu penambahan material handling untuk memudahkanpemindahan produk dengan total bobot sebesar 0,2048, dan alternatif 4 yaitu PenetapanStandard Operating Procedure dalam penanganan produk sebesar 0,2041. Setelah tahapImprove, maka dilakukan tahap akhir berupa Control untuk melihat apakah implementasiusulan perbaikan memberikan dampak positif bagi perusahaan. Hasil implementasi berupadilakukannya Standard Operating Procedure dengan Checklist penanganan produk operatordilakukan selama 5 hari kerja, dengan kenaikan tingkat sigma menjadi 3,6061.
P PT. Harapan Mulya Putri is a manufacturing industry that produces cleaning equipment.Various cleaning equipment was produced, such as ashtrays, round fiber bins, and 120 literand 240 liter HDPE plastic bins, but in this study the focus was on round trash bins madefrom stainless steel because this is the product that is most commonly produced and still hasa high value of defects. The data used is production data for the period from January to June,where in that period there is a significant level of product defects with the highest defectpercentage of 10.86% while the company's tolerance is at 5%. The purpose of this researchis to improve the quality of waste products made from stainless steel. The stages carried outin this study were to identify the types of defects, the causes of defects and providesuggestions for improvements to the production process. In this study the method used is SixSigma and Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process. The Six Sigma method has 5 stages,abbreviated as DMAIC, namely: define, measure, analyze, improve and control. In the Definestage, tools such as SIPOC diagrams and Critical To Quality (CTQ) identification are used.The types of defects found were body dents, scratches, spots, and rough covers. In theMeasure stage there are calculations with the P control chart as well as DPMO and sigmalevel. The initial DPMO value obtained is 3.422. In the Analyze stage, analysis of the causesof defects is carried out using tools such as pareto diagrams, fishbone diagrams, and failuremode effect analysis (FMEA). The results of the analysis process are defects with the highestvalue (Risk Priority Number) of 280. The next stage is Improve, where defects with thehighest RPN value are prioritized for proposed improvements using the Fuzzy AnalyticalHierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP). Based on the results of the Fuzzy Analytical HierarchyProcess assessment, it was found that the improvement alternative with the highest totalweight was alternative 3, namely the machine must be cleaned regularly after use with a totalweight of 0.4322, alternative 2, namely the addition of material handling to facilitate producttransfer with a total weight of 0 .2048, and alternative 4, namely the establishment of aStandard Operating Procedure in handling products of 0.2041. After the Improve stage, thefinal stage in the form of Control is carried out to see whether the implementation of theproposed improvements has a positive impact on the company. The result of theimplementation was in the form of carrying out a Standard Operating Procedure with aChecklist for operator product handling carried out for 5 working days, with an increase inthe sigma level to 3.6061