Perancangan Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja Customer Relationship Management (CRM)Menggunakan Metode Crm Scorecard Pada PT. Cahaya Lintas Media
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2012
Pembimbing 1 : Didien Suhardini
Pembimbing 2 : Nurlaila Badariah
Subyek : Customer relations - Management;Organizational effectiveness;Balanced scorecard (Management)
Kata Kunci : crm scorecard, performance measurement system, servqual
Status Posting : Published
Status : Tidak Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2012_TA_STI_06308082_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 24 | |
2. | 2012_TA_STI_06308082_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 2 | |
3. | 2012_TA_STI_06308082_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | ||
4. | 2012_TA_STI_06308082_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf |
5. | 2012_TA_STI_06308082_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf |
6. | 2012_TA_STI_06308082_Bab-4_Pengumpulan-dan-Pengolahan-Data.pdf |
7. | 2012_TA_STI_06308082_Bab-5_Perancangan-Model.pdf |
8. | 2012_TA_STI_06308082_Bab-6_Pengukuran-Kinerja.pdf |
9. | 2012_TA_STI_06308082_Bab-7_Analisa-crm.pdf |
10. | 2012_TA_STI_06308082_Bab-8_Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf | 3 | |
11. | 2012_TA_STI_06308082_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
12. | 2012_TA_STI_06308082_Lampiran.pdf |
P PT Cahaya Lintas media adalah perusahaan advertising service. Pada tahun 201C tahun 2011 ada penurunan jumlah pelanggan sebesar 5,38% dari 353 menjadi 334 pelan€ Peningkatan keluhan pelanggan terhadap pelayanan perusahaan sebesar 5,53%. Peningt keluhan dapat menjadi salah satu sebab penurunan pelanggan. Oleh karena itu PT Ca Lintas Media memerlukan program Customer Relationship Management (CRM) mengukur keberhasilan kinerja CRM perusahaan, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui p perusahaan di mata pelanggan dan hasil pengukurannya dijadikan bahan evaluasi peningkatan kinerja CRM selanjutnya. Perancangan program CRM dimulai dan penyusi kuesioner berdasarkan servqual dengan lima dimensi yaitu tangible, reliab responsiveness, assurance, dan emphaty. Dilanjutkan dengan mengidentifikasi tin kepentingan dan tingkat kepuasan pelanggan berdasarkan Importance Performance M (IPM), diperoleh tingkat kepuasan pelanggan terhadap tingkat kepentingan sebesar Pada kuadran II terdapat 7 atribut yang masih hares diperbaiki, dimana 7 Atribut ten. dimasukkan ke dalam inisiatif baru. Pqngukuran kinerja CRM dengan metode Scorecard mempunyai perspektif berfokus kepada pelanggan. Tahapan perancangan CRM Scorecard adalah penerjemahan nisi mini perusahaan ke dalam 4 perspektif Scorecard, yaitu Customer Value, C omer Satisfaction, Customer Interaction, Customer Knowledge dan ditetap 9 jua trategis dan penerjemahan perspektif Scorecard. Setelah itu dilabwk pembobota terhadap tujuan strategis yang sl berhubungan dengan menggunal Pairwise Comparison. Hasil bobot terbesar adalah tujuan strategis pemanfaatan teknologi teelaru. Skor kineija CRM sebesar 2,82 tergo dalam kategori "cukup ba. " erspektif dengan terkecil dan perlu ditingkatkan ac Customer Value dengan or ir sebesar 0,25 'aigan gori sangat tidak baik. Cush Satisfaction sebesar 0,55 1111ftgan kategori tic 'k Sehin,:ga diperlukan inisiatif baru bersaing dengan harga yang kompetitif, pengiriman proyeK tepat waktu, layanan yang c bagi pelanggan, kecepatan dalam menanggapi masalah, keramahan dalam menjawab keramahan dalam proses pelayanan terhadap pelanggan, dan kesiapan dalam mere permintaan pelanggan. Inisiatif baru tersebut untuk memperbaiki kinerja CRM.
P PT Cahaya Lintas Media is an advertising service company. In 2011, there was a decrease in the number of customers by 5.38% from 353 to 334. An increase in customer complaints about the company's services by 5.53%. The increase in complaints can be one of the causes of the decrease in customers. Therefore, PT Cahaya Lintas Media requires a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program to measure the success of the company's CRM performance, which aims to find out the company's performance in the eyes of customers and the measurement results are used as evaluation material for further CRM performance improvements. The design of the CRM program began and the questionnaire was compiled based on servqual with five dimensions, namely tangible, reliable, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Continued by identifying the importance and level of customer satisfaction based on the Importance Performance M (IPM), the level of customer satisfaction was obtained for the level of importance of In quadrant II there are 7 attributes that still need to be improved, where 7 attributes are included in new initiatives. CRM performance measurement with the Scorecard method has a customer-focused perspective. The CRM Scorecard design stage is the translation of the company's mini-values ​​into 4 Scorecard perspectives, namely Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Interaction, Customer Knowledge and also determined strategic and translation of the Scorecard perspective. After that, the weighting was carried out on the strategic objectives that are related to using Pairwise Comparison. The largest weighting result is the strategic objective of utilizing the latest technology. The CRM performance score of 2.82 is included in the "fairly good" category. The smallest perspective and needs to be improved is Customer Value with an or ir of 0.25 'aigan categorized as very bad. Customer Satisfaction of 0.55 1111ftgan category tic 'k So, no new initiatives are needed to compete with competitive prices, timely project delivery, good service for customers, speed in responding to problems, friendliness in responding to friendliness in the customer service process, and readiness to meet customer requests. The new initiative is to improve CRM performance.