Peningkatan kualitas dan minimasi pemborosan dengan metode sustainability awareness dan lean six sigma pada produk bucket pc200 di PT Kharisma Logam Utama

Oleh : Nur Febrianti Sasmita

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2023

Pembimbing 1 : Rina Fitriana

Pembimbing 2 : Debbie Kemala Sari

Subyek : Six sigma (Quality control standard);Stream mapping

Kata Kunci : Lean six sigma, PDCA, sustainability awareness, sustainable value stream mapping, process activity m

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2019_TA_STI_063001900037_Halaman-Judul.pdf
2. 2019_TA_STI_063001900037_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf 3
3. 2019_TA_STI_063001900037_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf 7
4. 2019_TA_STI_063001900037_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf 33
5. 2019_TA_STI_063001900037_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf 9
6. 2019_TA_STI_063001900037_Bab-4_Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf 115
7. 2019_TA_STI_063001900037_Bab-5_Kesimpulan.pdf
8. 2019_TA_STI_063001900037_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf 5
9. 2019_TA_STI_063001900037_Lampiran.pdf

P PT KLU adalah sebuah unit usaha yang bergerak di bidang industri logam dan mesin. Salah satu produk yang paling banyak di produksi adalah Bucket PC200 pada Excavator. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk peningkatan kualitas dan perbaikan proses sehingga dapat menjalankan produksi yang lebih efisien. Berdasarkan hasil observasi terindikasi adanya waste seperti defect, overprocessing, motion, dan waiting pada produk Bucket PC200. Metode yang digunakan untuk penelitian adalah Sustainability Awareness dan Lean Six Sigma untuk menurunkan waste dan meningkatkan kualitas dalam proses bisnis pada aspect three bottom line melalui tahapan Plan – Do – Check – Action. Tahap plan digunakannya diagram SIPOC, Critical To Quality (CTQ), Cause and Effect Diagram, serta perhitungan dengan menggunakan Peta Kendali P, DPMO juga tingkat sigma. Nilai DPMO dan tingkat sigma untuk menghitung kapabilitas produk cacat dengan hasil sebelum perbaikan sebesar 31.400 dengan tingkat sigma sebesar 3.361 sigma. Digunakan juga metode sustainability awareness, sustainable value stream mapping, dan terakhir pembuatan process activity mapping dan diperolehnya nilai process cycle efficiency dengan hasil sebelum perbaikan sebesar 82.71%. Tahap do dilakukan analisa terkait perbaikan dengan metode 5W+1H dengan perbaikan berupa pembersihan mesin sesudah pemakaian, training untuk operator, membuat meja finishing, penerapan working standard, penerapan 5K (ketelitian, kerapian, keberhasilan, kesegaran, dan kedisiplinan), serta melakukan preventive maintenance pada lantai produksi. Tahap check yaitu proses pemeriksaan setelah perbaikan dan diperoleh nilai DPMO dan tingkat sigma sebesar 12.300 dan 3.748 sigma. Diperoleh juga process Cycle Efficiency setelah perbaikan sebesar 83.72%. Tahap action diketahui adanya peningkatan kualitas

R Research was conducted on a company unit engaged in the metal and machinery industry. One of the most widely produced products is the PC200 Bucket on Excavators. The purpose of this research is to quality improvement and be able to run production more efficiently. Based on the results of observations there are indications of waste such as defects, overprocessing, motion, and waiting for queues on the Bucket PC200 product. The method that is used for this research is Sustainability Awareness and Lean Six Sigma to reduce waste and improve quality in business processes in the three bottom line aspects through the stages of Plan – Do – Check – Action. The planning phase uses SIPOC diagrams, Critical To Quality (CTQ), Cause Effect Diagrams, as well as calculations using the P Control Map, DPMO as well as the sigma level. DPMO value and sigma level to calculate the capability of defective products with a result before repair of 31,400 with a sigma level of 3,361 sigmas. And also sustainability awareness method, sustainable value stream mapping, and process activity mapping is also being made. The result of the process cycle efficiency value is obtained with a pre-repair result of 82.71%. In the do stage, an analysis is carried out related to improvements using the 5W + 1H method. In this case, repairs carried out include cleaning machines after use, training for operators, making the finishing tables, implementing working standards, implementing 5K (Accuracy, tidiness, cleanliness, freshness, and discipline) as well as carrying put preventive maintenance on the production floor. The check stage is the inspection process after the repair and the DPMO values and sigma levels are 12,300 and 3,748 sigmas. Process Cycle Efficiency was also obtained after the improvement of 83.72%. In the action stage, it is known that there is an increase in quality

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