Determinants of green product buying decision in Jakarta
Nomor Panggil : 022001901166
Penerbit : FEB - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2023
Pembimbing 1 : Arnolt Kristian Pakpahan
Subyek : Marketing - Management;Environmental economics
Kata Kunci : environmental consciousness,eco-label, attitude,green advertising, price.
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001901166_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 10 | |
2. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001901166_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 6 | |
3. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001901166_Bab-1-Pendahuluan.pdf | 8 | |
4. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001901166_Bab-2-Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf | 14 |
5. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001901166_Bab-3-Metode-Penelitian.pdf | 15 |
6. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001901166_Bab-4-Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf | 15 |
7. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001901166_Bab-5-Kesimpulan.pdf | 3 |
8. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001901166_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 6 | |
9. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001901166_Lampiran.pdf | 20 |
T Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh Environmental Consciousness,Eco-label, Attitude,Green Advertising, Price terhadap Green Product Buying Decision. Penelitian ini menggunakan data cross sectional dengan mengumpulkan data dari setiap responden dalam satu waktu. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang mana data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari penyebaran kuisioner. Dalam penelitian ini sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 180 responden. Metodepengambilansampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknikpurposive sampling. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah Confirmatory Ffactor Analysis (CFA) dengan melihat nilai factor loading pada Structural Equation Model (SEM) serta software AMOS. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini yaitu terdapat pengaruh positif environmental consciousness dan price terhadap green product buying decisiondantidak terdapat pengaruh positif eco-label, attitude dan green advertising terhadap green product buying decision
T The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Environmental Consciousness, Eco-label, Attitude, Green Advertising, Price on Green Product Buying Decisions. This study uses cross-sectional data by collecting data from each respondent at one time. The data used in this study is primary data in which the data in this study were obtained from distributing questionnaires. In this study, the sample used was 180 respondents. The sampling method in this study used a purposive sampling technique. The analysis tool used is Confirmatory Ffactor Analysis (CFA) by looking at the value of factor loading on the Structural Equation Model (SEM) and AMOS software.The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is that there is a positive influence of environmental consciousness on green product buying decisions and there is no positive effect of eco-label, attitude, green advertising and price on green product buying decisions