Dampak dari social media marketing terhadap brand loyalty pada perusahaan perbankan
Nomor Panggil : 022001807003
Penerbit : FEB - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2023
Pembimbing 1 : Nico Lukito
Subyek : Brand loyalty;Social media - Economic aspects;Banks and Banking - Management
Kata Kunci : brand equity; brand loyalty; brand love, brand trust dan social media marketing
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001807003_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 10 | |
2. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001807003_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 6 | |
3. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001807003_Bab-1-Pendahuluan.pdf | 5 | |
4. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001807003_Bab-2-Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf | 8 |
5. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001807003_Bab-3-Metode-Penelitian.pdf | 19 |
6. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001807003_Bab-4-Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf | 12 |
7. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001807003_Bab-5-Kesimpulan.pdf | 3 |
8. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001807003_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 5 | |
9. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001807003_Lampiran.pdf | 31 |
T Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh Social Media Marketingterhadap Brand Love. Pengaruh Social Media Marketing terhadap Brand Trust. PengaruhBrand Love terhadap Brand Equity. Pengaruh Brand Trust terhadap Brand Equity. Pengaruh Brand Equity terhadap Brand Loyalty. Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah survei online yaitu Nasabah bank di wilayah DKI Jakarta yang aktif minimal 1 tahun di sosial media yaitu Facebook, instagram, twitter, youtube,dan tiktok. Pengujian data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis Structural Equation Model (SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Social Media Marketing memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap Brand Love. Social Media Marketing memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap Brand Trust. Brand Love memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap Brand Equity. Brand Trust memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap Brand Equity. Brand Equity memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap Brand Loyalty. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat menambahkan variabel Brand Image dan Brand Awareness agar dapat menyempurnakan ruang lingkup penilitan ini. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat mempertimbangkan untuk memberikan pertanyaan mengenai media sosial yang digunakan oleh responden agar peneliti mengetahui media sosial responden secara spesifik. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat melakukan wawancara langsung kepada responden agar mengurangi kesalahpahamanatau persepsi responden.
T The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of Social Media Marketing on Brand Love. The Influence of Social Media Marketing on Brand Trust. The Effect of Brand Love on Brand Equity. The Effect of Brand Trust on Brand Equity. Effect of Brand Equity on Brand Loyalty. The unit of analysis in this study is an online survey, namely bank customers in the DKI Jakarta area who are active for at least 1 year on social media, namely Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and TikTok. Data testing was carried out using Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis. The results of this study indicate that Social Media Marketing has a positive influence on Brand Love. Social Media Marketing has a positive influence on Brand Trust. Brand Love has a positive influence on Brand Equity. Brand Trust has a positive influence on Brand Equity. Brand Equity has a positive influence on Brand Loyalty. Future research is expected to be able to add Brand Image and Brand Awareness variables in order to improve the scope of this research. Future research may consider asking questions about the social media used byrespondents so that researchers know the respondent's social media specifically. Futureresearch is expected to be able to conduct direct interviews with respondents in order to reduce misunderstandings or respondents' perceptions.