Efek ekstrak jahe gajah (zingiber officinale var. officinarum) terhadap pertumbuhan streptococcus mutans
Nomor Panggil : 617.634 2 BRA e
Penerbit : FKG - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2021
Pembimbing 1 : Eko Fibryanto
Subyek : Herbs - Therapeutic use;Dental caries
Kata Kunci : streptococcus mutans, zingiber officinale var. Officinarum, caries, minimum inhibitory concetration
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2021_TA_KG_040001600013_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2021_TA_KG_040001600013_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | ||
3. | 2021_TA_KG_040001600013_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 3 | |
4. | 2021_TA_KG_040001600013_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf |
5. | 2021_TA_KG_040001600013_Bab-3_Kerangka-Teori,-Kerangka-Konsep,-Hipotesis.pdf |
6. | 2021_TA_KG_040001600013_Bab-4_Metode-Penelitian.pdf | 7 |
7. | 2021_TA_KG_040001600013_Bab-5_Hasil-Penelitian.pdf | 4 |
8. | 2021_TA_KG_040001600013_Bab-6_Pembahasan.pdf |
9. | 2021_TA_KG_040001600013_Bab-7_-Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf |
10. | 2021_TA_KG_040001600013_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 4 | |
11. | 2021_TA_KG_040001600013_Lampiran.pdf |
L Latar belakang: Karies merupakan penyakit yang mengenai jaringan keras gigi. Streptococcus mutans merupakan salah satu mikroorganisme yang dapat menyebabkan karies karena memfermentasi karbohidrat menjadi asam. Zingiber Officinale Var. Officinarum merupakan tanaman rimpang yang banyak tumbuh di Indonesia dan memiliki daya antibakteri. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui efek ekstrak Zingiber Officinale Var. Officinarum dengan konsentrasi 6,25%, 12,5%, 25%, 50%, dan 100% terhadap pertumbuhan Streptococcus mutans. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimental laboratorik in vitro yang terdiri dari 7 kelompok. Metode ekstrak yang digunakan adalah metode maserasi dengan etanol 96%. Ekstrak Zingiber Officinale Var. Officinarum dibuat dalam konsentrasi 6,25%, 12,5%, 25%, 50%, dan 100%. Kontrol positif adalah klorheksidin glukonat dan kontrol negatif dimetilsulfoksida (DMSO) 20%. Uji daya hambat pertumbuhan Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175,USA dilakukan dengan metode dilusi menggunakan media Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) dan perhitungan jumlah koloni menggunakan metode hitung cawan. Data dianalisis dengan uji One-way ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji post-hoc Tukey (p<0,05). Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan efek ekstrak Zingiber Officinale Var. Officinarum terhadap pertumbuhan Streptococcus mutans. Konsentrasi 100% berbeda bermakna terhadap konsentrasi 6,25%(2,42 ±0,19.108 CFU/mL), 12,5% (2,06 ±0,19.108 CFU/mL), dan 25% (1,46 ±0,11.108 CFU/mL). Tidak ada perbedaan berkmana antara konsentrasi ekstrak 100% terhadap konsentrasi 50% (0,81±0,50.108 CFU/ml) dan klorheksidin glukonat. Kesimpulan : Ekstrak Zingiber Officinale Var. Officinarum 50% mampu menghambat pertumbuhan S.mutans.(minimum inhibitory concetration) Konsentrasi ekstrak 100% mampu mengeliminasi S.mutans.(minimum bactericidal concetration). Konsentrasi 100% sama efektifnya dengan klorheksidin glukonat.
B Background: Caries is a disease that affects the hard tissue of the teeth. Streptococcus mutans is one of the microorganisms that can cause caries because it ferments carbohydrates into acids. Zingiber Officinale Var. Officinarum is a rhizome plant that is widely grown in Indonesia and has antibacterial properties. Aim: To see the effects of Zingiber Officinale Var Officinarum extract with concentrations of 6.25%, 12.5%, 25%, 50%, and 100% against the growth of Streptococcus mutans. Methods: This study was an experimental in vitro laboratory consisting of 7 groups. The extract method used was the maceration method with 96% ethanol. Zingiber Officinale Var. Officinarum extract is prepared in concentrations of 6.25%, 12.5%, 25%, 50%, and 100%. The Positive control was chlorhexidine gluconate and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) 20% negative control. The growth inhibition test of Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175, USA was carried out by dilution method using Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) media and calculation of the number of colonies using the plate count method. Data were analyzed by One-way ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey test (P <0.05). Results: Variety of effects of Zingiber Officinale Var. Officinarum extract against the growth of Streptococcus mutans. The 100% concentration differed from the distance to the concentration of 6.25% (2.42 ± 0.19.108 CFU / mL), 12.5% (2.06 ± 0.19.108 CFU / mL), and 25% (1.46 ± 0 ), 11,108 CFU / mL). There was no difference between the 100% extract concentration and the 50% concentration (0.81 ± 0.50.108 CFU / ml) and chlorhexidine gluconate. Conclusion: Zingiber Officinale Var. Officinarum 50% is able to inhibit the growth of S. mutans. (Minimum inhibitory concentration) The extract concentration of 100% was able to eliminate S. mutans. (Minimum bactericidal concentration). The 100% concentration is as effective as chlorhexidine gluconate.