Analisis pressure build up dan penentuan deliverabilitas serta prediksi Plateu Time sumur gas CR-7
Nomor Panggil : 1200/TP/2019
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2019
Pembimbing 1 : Djoko Sulistyanto
Pembimbing 2 : Arinda Ristawati
Subyek : Petroleum engineering;Gas - Production standards
Kata Kunci : pressure transient, pressure derivative and deliverability test
Status Posting : Published
Status : Tidak Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2019_TA_TM_071001600039_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 18 | |
2. | 2019_TA_TM_071001600039_Bab-1.pdf | 3 | |
3. | 2019_TA_TM_071001600039_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2019_TA_TM_071001600039_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2019_TA_TM_071001600039_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2019_TA_TM_071001600039_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2019_TA_TM_071001600039_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 1 |
P Pada pengujian sumur gas CR-7 dapat dilakukan antara lain uji pressure build up test dan uji modified isochronal test. Karakteristik reservoir yang dapatdiperoleh dari analisis hasil uji sumur antara lain permeabilitas, skin dan tekananreservoir (Pi). Selain itu didapatkan juga Absolute Open Flow Potential (AOFP)dari uji deliverabilitas sumur. Batuan formasi lapisan yang diuji merupakan batupasir.Pada analisis hasil uji pressure build up menggunakan metode type curvepressure derivative dan horner plot serta uji deliverabilitas modified isochronal testdengan metode C and n dan metode Laminar Inertia Turbulent (LIT), denganbantuan perangkat lunak kemudian hasil tersebut dibandingkan dengan perhitungan pada miscrosoft Excel, kemudian dari data yang diperoleh dapat diketahui beberapa parameter beserta karakteristik formasi yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan besarnya GIIP (by well) seperti porositas, saturasi, faktor volume formasi gas,ketebalan dan luas area. Sedangkan dari hasil uji deliverabilitas dapat diperhitungkan inflow performance relationship (IPR) selanjutnya hasil analisis GIIP (by well), IPR sumur akan digunakan untuk menentukan plateau time SumurCR-7 pada berbagai laju alir produksi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis pressure derivative didapatkan karakteristik reservoir yaitu model reservoir adalah two layers dan model boundary adalah onefault, serta didapat nilai initial pressure (Pi) sebesar 1.802 psia. Pada reservoir memiliki nilai total skin yaitu -4,31, nilai permeabilitas sebesar 40,769 mD.Sedangkan pada hasil analisis horner plot didapatkan nilai slope -44.043, kemudian nilai radius investigasi diperoleh sebesar 820,7288 ft. Selanjutnya melalui perhitungan volumetrik didapatkan besarnya GIIP (by well) sebesar 2070,929mmscfd. Kemudian melakukan prediksi plateau time Sumur Gas CR-7 menggunakan Microsoft excel.
W Well testing job that applied in this well are Pressure Build Up test, andModified Isochronal Test. Characteristics of reservoir that can be obtained fromthe tests are permeability, formation damage factor (skin factor) and initialreservoir pressure. Also can be obtained Absolute Open Flow Potential from thewell deliverability test. The well produces wet gas. The layer that being tested is asandstone formation.The analysis of Pressure Build Up test uses Horner method, and Type CurvePressure Derivative. The analysis of Modified Isochronal Test uses C and Nmethod, and Laminar Inertia Turbulent method. Both analysis are done byperangkat lunak. Then, the results are compared by output from the calculationusing Microsoft Excel, then Based on pressure build up result can be known severalparameters of formation characteristics that can be used to determine GIIP (bywell) example porosity thicknes, saturation etc. Meanwhile, deliverability resultcan be used to determine formation inflow performance relationship (IPR) from thewellbore. Moreover, from GIIP (by well) analysis will calculate plateau time of CR-7 well from various production flow rate. These two well test analysis will doneby software and manual calculation as a comparisonBased on pressure derivative analysis results, obtained reservoircharacteristics which is two layers as the reservoir model, and boundary model isone fault, and also initial pressure (Pi) values at 1.802 psi. reservoir obtainednegative total skin value of -4,31, permeability of 40,769 mD,meanwhile, fromradius of investigastion 820,7288 ft. next, volumetric calculation obtained GIIP (bywell) 2070,929 mmscfd. And then, plateau time predicted with Excel Manual