Kajian kadar debu terhadap kesehatan pekerja dan pengamatan CO di sekitar pabrik keramik PT Sandimas Reksakeramika Granito Bogor
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2004
Pembimbing 1 : Amir Susanto P.
Pembimbing 2 : Sintorini Moerdjoko
Subyek : Air pollution - Dust;Occupational health and safety
Kata Kunci : worker health, dust process
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2004_TA_STL_08297053_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 13 | |
2. | 2004_TA_STL_08297053_Bab-1.pdf | 4 | |
3. | 2004_TA_STL_08297053_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2004_TA_STL_08297053_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2004_TA_STL_08297053_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2004_TA_STL_08297053_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2004_TA_STL_08297053_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2004_TA_STL_08297053_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
9. | 2004_TA_STL_08297053_Lampiran.pdf |
D Debu adalah partikel di udara yang terjadi akibat proses alamiah. Masalah tersebut terdapat juga dalam proses pembuatan keramik. Debu dalam konsentrasi yang besar menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan pekerja. Untuk mengetahui proses terjadinya debu, kadar debu, serta dampak yang terjadi, dilakukan penelitian pada PT. Sandimas Reksakeramika Granite. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk mendapatkan fakta dan data untuk menganalisa debu terhadap kesehatan para pekerja.PT. Sandimas Reksakeramika Granito berdiri pada bulan Mei 1996. pabrik ini mempunyai luas 10 hektar dan memiliki kapasitas produksi kurang lebih 2.000.000m2/tahun. Pada unit produksi PT. Sandimas Reksakeramika Granite adalah RawMaterial Storage, Ball Mill, Slury Tank, Spray Dryer, Sillo, Press, Dryer, Kiln, Sorting, Polishing, dan Gudang. Prose yang terjadi daopat menimbulkan pencemaran udara.Pengukuran kadar debu dan CO dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2004. Pengukuran ini dilakukan selama 6 hari kerja, yang terbagi atas 3 shift. Lokasi pengambilan sarnpsl antara lain pada ruangan Raw Material Storage, Pressing, Polishing, dan pengamatansebaran CO pada Dryer (cerobong).Kadar debu diruangan Raw material storage sekitar 4,07 mg/m3 - 5,61 mg/m3Pressing sekitar 8,40 mg/m3- 9,73 mg/m3 dan Polishing sekitar 0,58 mg/m3- 0,68 mg/m3Kuesioner dibagikan ke 95 responden. Antara lain pada ruangan Raw Material Storage sebanyak 9 orang, Pressing sebanyak 55 orang, dan Polishing sebanyak 31 orangHasil perhitungan odds ratio adalah sebagai berikut: di ruangan raw material storage sebesar 0,66 kali, diruangan pressing sebesar O,75 kali, dan diruangan polishing sebesar O ,63 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan para pekerja yang berada diarea yang berkadar debu < 10 mg/m3•Dari hasil pengamatan CO maka didapatkan hasil pada jarak 300m sekitar 5,01ppm - 7,00 ppm, pada jarak 600 m sekitar 4,89 ppm - 7,02 ppm dan pada jarak 900m sekitar 5,01 ppm - 7,15 ppm. Berarti pengamatan yang dilakukan masih dibawah ambang batas menurut P.P.R.l / 41 / 1999 tentang baku mutu udara ambien nasional sebesar 30 ppm.Pengendalian kesehatan di pabrik PT. Sandimas Reksakeramika adalah pemakaian cara pemakaian APD di lingkungan kerja pada saat bekerja. Dan dengan pembelian mesin baru atau perawatan mesin secara kontinue akan mengurangi konsentrasi gas CO.
D Dust on the air exist due to the nature process as well as in the process of producting ceramic tiles at PT. Sandimas Reksakeramika Granite. High concentration of doesn't may especially the health of workers. Which result in problems effects on the health of workers. Knowing dust process, dust concentration and its effects this conducted by research at PT. Sandimas Reksakeramika Granito PT. Sandimas Reksakeramika Granite built on May 1996. Factory has 1 O hectares and the average of productioncapacities are 2.000.000 m2/year.The unit of PT. Sandimas Reksakeramika Granite consist of raw material storage. Ball Mill, Slury Tank, Spray Dryer, Silo, Press, Dryer, Kiln, Sorting, Polishing, and Store. And these effects could cause air pollution.The activity to measure the content Of dust and CO has been for six working dayas conducted on june 2004. To get the information regarding the process which produced dust, the content and the impact of existence of the dust have been done bydoing aloboiratory test and analyzing. The data that has been collected through aspecific questionare. The data of the activities are to get to information deal data. And also the impact of the dust on the health of the workers. And for the purpose to check spread of CO, the sample, was taken out after the outlet of the chairmen. Dust concentration is found at Raw Material Storage at between 4,07 mg/m3 -5,61 mg/m3 Pressing area Of 8,40 mg/m3- 9,73 mg/m3 and Polishing of,58 mg/m3- 0,68 mg/m3. Questionaire distributed to 96 respondents, i.e at Raw Material Storage is 9 respondents, Pressing area is 55 respondents, polishing is 31 respondents. Accunt result of the odds ratio in raw material storage equal to 0,66 times, pressing equal to 0,75 times and polishing equal to 0,63 times bigger than the dust level of< 10 mg/m3.Result of CO was found at based on 300m of between 5,01 ppm - 7,13 ppm, at600m of between 4,89 ppm - 7, 02 ppm, at 900 m of between 5,01 ppm - 7,15 ppm. Based on the result above, it can be intutified that CO concentration is still mean theNAB. P.P.R.l / 41/1999 which is 30 ppmThe efforts of health workers at PT. Sandimas Reksakeramika Granite is correctuse of safety equipment at its environment and also buying new machine or applying maintenance machine continuesly it would lessen the CO concentration