Analisis konektivitas dan pendingin sumur di lapangan panas bumi yanara berdasarkan uji rekam jejak (tracer test)
Nomor Panggil : 1167/TP/2019
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2019
Pembimbing 1 : Sugiatmo Kasmungin
Pembimbing 2 : Kris Pudyastuti
Subyek : Petroleum engineering - Well drilling
Kata Kunci : geothermal, reservoir, tracer test, well connectivity.
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500160_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500160_Bab-1.pdf | ||
3. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500160_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500160_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500160_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500160_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500160_Lampiran.pdf |
T Tracer testing adalah salah satu metode mempelajari sifat hidrotermal darireservoir geotermal. Tracer biasanya bersifat inert. Tracer dilepaskan kelingkungan biasanya melalui sumur injeksi, dan terdistribusi ke seluruh reservoiroleh pola aliran alami. Pada hari atau bulan berikutnya, sampel dikumpulkan darisumur produksi di seluruh area lapangan panas bumi, dan diuji untuk mengetahuikehadiran tracer. Setelah itu konsentrasi tracer terhadap waktu dimonitor untukmemodelkan karakteristik hidrotermal reservoir. Di samping untuk menentukankonektivitas antar sumur, pengetahuan tentang tracer dapat membantu mempelajariresiko pendinginan akibat injeksi. Tracer yang digunakan di lapangan panas bumiYanara adalah 1.5 NDSA dan 1.6 NDSA yang pemakaiannya hanya cocok beradadi reservoir dominasi air yang memiliki ketahanan temperatur hingga 3500 C. Dilapangan ini tracer test berhasil membuktikan adanya konektivitas antara sumurdengan konektivitas yang termasuk baik. Tracer pertama kali mucul dari sumurinjeksi AN ke sumur produksi ada di hari pertama lebih tepatnya di jam ke-18 dandari sumur injeksi AM ke sumur produksi ada di hari kedua. Dari sample tracer inidata kemudian diolah di software TRINV yang nantinya akan didapatkan parametermassa dikali tracer, parameter ini yang nantinya akan diolah di Excel untuk mencarinilai recovery factor. Nilai recovery factor terkecil dari injeksi sumur produksi AMadalah 4.3% dan yang terbesar adalah 6.9%, sedangkan dari injeksi sumur ANadalah 8.7% dan 29%. Data recovery factor dapat digunakan untuk mengetahuinilai luas yang dapat digunakan untuk prediksi pendinginan sumur dalam 30 tahunmendatang. Hasil prediksi pendinginan sumur di 30 tahun mendatang dengan lajualir 361 kg/s dan dengan beberapa suhu tidak terlihat dampak yang begitu besar disetiap sumurnya, tetapi di sumur produksi AC terjadi perubahan temperatur yangpaling signifikan diantara sumur-sumur produksi lainnya yaitu dengan penurunantemperature hingga 170C ditahun ke 30 dengan laju alir injeksi fluida 361 kg/s ditemperatur 800C. Dari hasil perkiraan pengaruh reinjeksi terhadap pendinginan dilapangan Yanara ini disarankan agar selalu menjaga laju alir fluida injeksi tetapberada dibawah 361 kg/s agar tidak mengalami penurunan temperatur fluidaproduksi yang besar.
T Tracer testing is the most definitive method for learning about thehydrothermal properties of a geothermal reservoir. Tracers are usually inert.Tracer chemicals released into the environment are usually through injection wells,and are distributed throughout the reservoir by natural flow patterns. In thefollowing days or months, samples were collected from other wells throughout thegeothermal area, and tested for the presence of tracer. The concentration of tracerand travel through the reservoir at all times is monitored from various observationpoints which allow the researcher to model the hydrothermal characteristics of thereservoir. The tracer is used in geothermal reservoir engineering to determine theconnectivity between injection and production wells, and to prevent early coolingin the reservoir. Tracers that used in this field are 1.5 NDSA and 1.6 NDSA whichits use are only suitable for a water-dominated reservoir that has a temperatureresistance of up to 350 C. Tracer first appeared from the AN injection well to theproduction well on the first day more precisely at the 18th hour and from the AMinjection well to the production well on the second day. From this tracer sample,the data is processed in the TRINV software, which will then get the mass parametermultiplied by the tracer, this parameter which will be processed in Excel to find therecovery factor value. The result of the smallest recovery factor value from AMinjection well is 4.3% and the biggest recovery factor is 6.9%, while from ANinjection well the smallest recovery factor is 8.7% and the biggest recovery factoris 29%. From the recovery factor, we get the average cross-sectional area valuethat later can be used to predict the cooling of wells in the next 30 years. From thecooling prediction of wells for the next 30 years with a fixed rate at 361 kg/s andwith different temperatures it does not seem to have such a large impact on eachwell except the AC production well, the AC production well experiences the mostsignificant temperature change among other production wells, AC production wellhave decrease in temperature to 170 C with final temperature around 2430C in 30years by injection fluid rate of 361 kg/s at temperature 800C. From the result of thecooling effect on Yanara geothermal field it is suggested to always maintain theinjection fluid flow rate below 361 kg/s so there is no big decrease in productionfluid temperature.