Analisa pressure build up test pada sumur x lapangan y
Nomor Panggil : 1146/TP/2019
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2019
Pembimbing 1 : Lestari Said
Pembimbing 2 : Andri Halim
Subyek : Well drilling - Analysis
Kata Kunci : well testing, pressure build up test, initial reservoir pressure
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500152_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 16 | |
2. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500152_Bab-1.pdf | 2 | |
3. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500152_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500152_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500152_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500152_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500152_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
8. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500152_Lampiran.pdf |
P Pada analisa uji tekanan transient yang dilakukan pada sumur gas yaitu uji Pressure Build Up dan uji Deliver ability dengan metode Modified Iscohronal. Dalam menganalisa ini dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu menggunakan software Well testing dan juga Horner melalui metode pendekatan Pressure (P) dan Metode pendekatan Pseudo pressure ψ(P). Analisa Pressure Build Up bertujuan untuk mengetahui parameter-parameter karakteristik reservoir diantara nya tekanan awal reservoir (Pi), permeabilitas (k), skin (s) dan juga dapat mengetahui Well model, reservoir model dan boundary model. Sedangkan uji deliver ability yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan suatu reservoir dapat mengalirkan fluid agas tersebut atau disebut juga Absolute Open Flow Potential (AOFP). Hasil analisa yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan software Well testing dan Horner dengan metode pendekatan Pressure (P) dan Metode pendekatan Pseudo pressureψ(P). Nilai yang diperoleh secara berturut-turut pada tekanan awal reservoir sebesar 2,982.3 psia, 2,979.096 psia dan 2,979.096 psia, nilai skin secara berturut-turut sebesar -2.4, -3.307 dan -3.27, nilai permeabilitas berturut-turut sebesar 30 mD, 31.819 mD dan 30.278 mD pada ketebalan formasi sedalam 141.247 ft. Sedangkan hasil analisa uji deliverability yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan software Welltesting dan Ms. Excel. Nilai C yang diperoleh secara berturut-turut sebesar 0.0041 (mscf/D)/(psi2/cp)n dan 0.13012(mscf/D)/(psi2/cp)n. Nilai AOFP yang diperoleh berturut-turut sebesar 357,808Mscf/d dan 367,958.654 Mscf/d. Model yang diperoleh dari hasil analisa Pressure Build Up ini dengan model Vertical Well Model, Constant Wellbore Storage Model, Two Porosity PSS Reservoir Model dengan nilai omega (ω) sebesar 0.427 dan nilai lambda sebesar 3.63x10-7 (λ) dan pada Boundary Model yaitu Infinite.
I In the analysis of transient pressure tests performed on gas wells, namely Pressure Build Up test and Deliver ability test with Modified Iscohronal method.In analyzing this, it was done in two ways, namely using Welltesting software andalso Horner through the Pressure (P) approach and the Pseudopressurependekatan (P) approach. Pressure Build Up analysis aims to find out theparameters of the reservoir characteristics between the initial reservoir pressure(Pi), permeability (k), skin (s) and also know the Well model, reservoir model andboundary model. While the deliverability test is carried out to determine theability of a reservoir to drain the gas fluid or also called Absolute Open FlowPotential (AOFP). The results of the analysis were obtained using Welltesting andHorner software using the Pressure (P) approach and the Pseudopressureapproach ψ (P) method. The values obtained respectively at the initial reservoirpressure are 2,982.3 psia, 2,979,096 psia and 2,979,096 psia, skin values arerespectively -2.4, -3.307 and -3.27, permeability values are 30 mD, 31,819 mDand 30,278 respectively. mD at the thickness of the formation is 141,247 ft.Whereas the results of the deliverability test analysis were carried out usingWelltesting and Ms. software. Excel. The value of C obtained in a row is 0.0041(mscf/D)/(psi2/cp)n and 0.13012 (mscf/D)/(psi2/cp)n. The AOFP values obtainedare 357,808 Mscf/d and 367,958,654 Mscf/d, respectively. The model obtainedfrom the results of Pressure Build Up analysis with the Vertical Well Model, TwoPorosity PSS Reservoir Model with an omega value (ω) of 0.427 and a lambdavalue of 3.63x10-7 (λ) and in Infinite Boundary Model