Perancangan sistem informasi inventori pergudangan pada PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia unit Lampung
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2005
Pembimbing 1 : Tiena G. Amran
Subyek : Material handling - Data Processing;Warehouses - Data processing;Information systems
Kata Kunci : information systems, inventory warehousing, PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia, Lampung
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2005_TA_TI_06300212_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 26 | |
2. | 2005_TA_TI_06300212_Bab-1.pdf | 6 | |
3. | 2005_TA_TI_06300212_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2005_TA_TI_06300212_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2005_TA_TI_06300212_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2005_TA_TI_06300212_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2005_TA_TI_06300212_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2005_TA_TI_06300212_Bab-7.pdf |
9. | 2005_TA_TI_06300212_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
10. | 2005_TA_TI_06300212_Lampiran.pdf |
Seiring dengan berkembangnya industri manufaktur di Indonesia, persaingan antar perusahaan semakin tidak terhindarkan, khususnya untuk industri pembuatan pakan ternak ayam. PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Unit Lampung adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pembuatan pakan temak ayam. Pada umumnya konsumen menginginkan untuk mengambil produk jadi secepat mungkin tanpa proses yang berbelit-belit dan produk jadi selalu ada pada saat yang diinginkan. Karena permintaan produk jadi dari konsumen bersifat probabilistik, maka perusahaan sering mengalarni masalah persediaan bahan bak:u dan bahan pembantu, apalagi bahan bakunya ada yang berasal dari impor dimana lead time-nya cukup tinggi. Hal ini menyebabkan perusahaan sering mengalami kerugian secara finansial. Karena hal-hal tersebut diatas maka perlu dibuat beberapa perbaikan, yaitu perencanaan persediaan bahan baku/pembantu dimana perrnintaan produk jadinya bersifat probabilistik, kemudian merancang tata letak gudang produk jadi dan gudang bahan baku/pembantu untuk mempercepat pengambilan produk jadi dan pemasukan bahan baku/pembantu ke intake mesin, dan merancang sistem yang dapat mempercepat penghantaran informasi, pembuatan laporan, dan memudahkan dalam pencarian lokasi material.Untuk perencanaan persediaan bahan baku/pembantu, maka permintaan produk jadidiubah
A Along with the highly developed manufacturer flldi,istrial in Indonesia, 'the competition between companies perceived highly increased.iowadays, particularly, for the poultry feed manufacturer. PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia, for the Lampung unit is a company which is running in the poultry feed production. Gtnerally, custower requires thebest product and finished products are provided with no complex and fur.Uiet process andthese readily products should be available when needed. :mie to the 'finished productsdemand from the customer, created a probability nature, thus, the company often times was experiencing raw and supportive materials problem, in addition to that issue, the raw material could be only done by imported product, where the lead time perceived high. Thisissue has caused the company numerous problems related to the financial loss. Due to the problems above, thus, requires several improvements, such as the raw material/supportive material supply planning, where the finished product demand perceived pwbability in nature, thus designing finished product plant position and raw/supportive mat&iats located into the machine intake, and designing the system that could accelerates the !nformation delivering, reporting, and enabling the material location searchiµg.In order to plan the supply of raw/supportive materials, thus, the demand of finished product should be altered in order to be used as the raw/supportive .(Ilaterials.Because the supportive materials consists of various types, it will require8 a selection in order to find the most critical item to determine the supply by using the ABC clW cation which is oriented to the most utilized type. The A classification provides the .&Slization contribution of 85% and resulted 4 items, B classification provides utilization cotttrjll\ionof 10% and resulted 7 items, and C classification provides utilization contribution of ff<>and resulted 20 items. And for the warehouse position designing, in the early stage, fiehighest stock data was used form January 2004-0ctober 2004, in order to determines the packet's amount, determines the pallet amount, kavling amount, and lastly, determining the warehouse area requirement. Kavling placement for each finishecJ'• product and raw/supportive materials based on the ABC classification which is oriented to the highest demand. For the finished product, A classification provides the utilization contribution of 80% and resulted 4 items, B classification provides utilization contribution of 15% and resulted 5 items, and C classification provides utilization contribution of 5% and resulted 5 items.The final step which was implemented is the information system planning. This information system planning step was implemented by using the System Development Life Cycle which is consists stages of: planning, analysis, designing, dan implementation. The information system resulted I 7 databases with 7 entities, and 10 output items. These databases was made by using Oracle 9i and user interface, by using the Visual Basic 6.0. by inserting result of finished products supply planning and raw/supportive materials, and result of warehouse position planning into the information system, thus, it will enables the warehousing activity, such as the reporting, raw material order, enables the material location searching, etc. By applying the information system, thus, it was suggested to establish the Local Area Network (LAN) as well as the computer hardware which its specification is above the average minimal limit.