Perancangan dan simulasi wearable antenna bahan tekstil sebagai pendeteksi dini kanker payudara
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2020
Pembimbing 1 : Yuli Kurnia Ningsih
Subyek : Electric engineering;Radio – Antennas
Kata Kunci : wearable antenna, textile material, breast cancer
Status Posting : Published
Status : Tidak Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2020_TA_STE_062001800541_-Halaman-Judul.pdf | 10 | |
2. | 2020_TA_STE_062001800541_-Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 3 | |
3. | 2020_TA_STE_062001800541_-Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 6 | |
4. | 2020_TA_STE_062001800541_-Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf |
5. | 2020_TA_STE_062001800541_-Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf |
6. | 2020_TA_STE_062001800541_-Bab-4_Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf |
7. | 2020_TA_STE_062001800541_-Bab-5_Kesimpulan.pdf |
8. | 2020_TA_STE_062001800541_-Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 |
A Antena bahan tekstil merupakan salah satu wearable antena yang dapatdigunakan untuk mendukung pendeteksian kesehatan di bidang medis karenabahannya fleksibel dan nyaman digunakan. Salah satu implementasi wearableantena yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam bidang medis adalah antena sebagaipendeteksi dini kanker payudara. Saat ini sudah banyak teknologi yang mampuuntuk mendeteksi adanya kanker payudara. Dengan adanya wearable antena yangakan dirancang, diharapkan dapat memberi alternatif pendeteksian dini kesehatankhususnya pendeteksian dini kanker/tumor pada payudara.Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan antena mikrostrip denganbahan tekstil berupa katun sebagai substrat dan cooper tape sebagai patch. Antenatersebut bekerja pada frekuensi Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) yaitu2,45 GHz yang merupakan salah satu unlicensed bands yang disetujui oleh FederalCommunication Commission (FCC) pada tahun 1985. Salah satu karakteristikantena yang dapat digunakan sebagai pendeteksi adalah memiliki nilai gain yangtinggi. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode Inset-Fed dan penyesuaian dimensiantena untuk dapat memperoleh karakteristik parameter antena yang diinginkan.Dari hasil pengukuran, didapat parameter antena yang mampu bekerjadengan baik pada frekuensi 2,45 GHz dengan nilai VSWR sebesar 1,023,Return Loss sebesar -38,07 dB, Gain 5,975 dBi dan Pola Radiasi Unidirectional
T The textile material antenna is one of the wearable antennas that can be usedto support health detection in the medical field because the material is flexible andcomfortable to use. One implementation of wearable antennas that can be appliedin medical field is an antenna as an early detection of breast cancer. Nowadays thereare many technologies capable to detect the presence of breast cancer. With thewearable antenna to be designed, it is expected to provide an alternative to earlydetection of health especially early detection of cancer/tumors in the breast.In this research, the design and realization of microstrip antenna with textilematerial in the form of cotton as substrate and Cooper tape as patch. The antennaworks on the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Frequency of 2.45 GHz,which is one of the unlicensed bands approved by the Federal CommunicationCommission (FCC) in 1985. One characteristic of antenna that can be used asdetector is to have high gain value. In this study used the Inset-Fed method and theantenna dimension adjustment to be able to obtain the characteristics of the desiredantenna parameters. Thus, the expected antenna that is designed can be used as asupporting tool for early detection of breast cancer. In this research, a microstripantenna was designed with textile material in the form of cotton as the substrate andcooper tape as a patch. The antenna works at an Industrial, Scientific and Medical(ISM) frequency of 2.45 GHz which is one of the unlicensed bands approved by theFederal Communication Commission (FCC) in 1985. One of the characteristics ofan antenna that can be used as a detector is that it has a gain value. tall one. In thisresearch, the Inset-Fed method is used and the antenna dimension adjustment isused to obtain the desired antenna parameter characteristics.From the measurement results, the antenna parameters are able to work wellat a frequency of 2.45 GHz with a VSWR value of 1.023, a return loss of -38.07dB, a gain of 5,975 dBi and a unidirectional radiation pattern.