Perencanaan bangunan pengolahan air limbah domestik di Kawasan Grand Wisata, Bekasi Timur
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2016
Pembimbing 1 : Muhammad Lindu
Pembimbing 2 : Ariani Dwi Astuti
Subyek : Wastewater treatment plant
Kata Kunci : wastewater, Grand Wisata, cost
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2016_TA_TL_08211048_Halaman-judul.pdf | 14 | |
2. | 2016_TA_TL_08211048_Bab-1.pdf | 2 | |
3. | 2016_TA_TL_08211048_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2016_TA_TL_08211048_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2016_TA_TL_08211048_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2016_TA_TL_08211048_Bab-5.pdf | 9 |
7. | 2016_TA_TL_08211048_Bab-6.pdf | 17 |
8. | 2016_TA_TL_08211048_Bab-7.pdf | 70 |
9. | 2016_TA_TL_08211048_Bab-8.pdf | 9 |
10. | 2016_TA_TL_08211048_Bab-9.pdf |
11. | 2016_TA_TL_08211048_Lampiran.pdf | 24 |
12. | 2016_TA_TL_08211048_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | 2 |
K Kawasan Grand Wisata adalah kawasan pengembangan baru dengan luas total 1100 Ha, yang direncanakan sebagai kawasan pemukiman, dan komersial. Kawasan ini berlokasi di Kecamatan Tambun Selatan, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Air limbahdomestikkawasan Grand Wisataakandisalurkanmenujuinstalasipengolahan air limbah yang akandibuangkebadan air penerimaterdekatyaitu Sungai Srengseng. Pembangunan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Kawasan Grand Wisata dilakukan dalam 2 tahap. Keduatahap IPAL kawasan Grand Wisata mempunyai kapasitas sebesar70 L/detik. Pentahapan ini disesuaikan dengan pentahapan Pembangunan Kawasan Grand Wisata. Air limbah yang akan diolah berasal dari cucian dapur, air bekas mandi, serta air kotor yang berasal dari kloset. Berdasarkan hasil analisis laboratorium, hasil sampling karakteristik air limbahadalah BOD = 143,76 – 204,6 mg/L; COD = 232 mg/L; TSS = 137,92 – 217,2 mg/L; Minyak dan Lemak = 4,31 mg/L; Deterjen = 3,6 mg/L; Amonia = 8,37 mg N/L. Diten tukan Target Perencanaan Baku Mutu yang didasari dari Peraturan Gubernur JawaTimur No 72 Tahun 2013 Tentang Baku Mutu Kegiatan Industridan/ atau kegiatan lainnya dikarenakan peraturan tersebut termasuk ketat terhadap penentuan standar baku mutu air limbah yang diperbolehkan untuk dibuang ke badan air yaitu TSS = 50 mg/L; COD = 50 mg/L; BOD = 30 mg/L. Unit pengolahan air limbah Kawasan Grand Wisata adalah sumur pengumpul, bar screen, grit chamber, bakekualisasi, complete mixed activated sludge, clarifier, desinfeksi, sludge thickener, sludge digester tank, sludge drying bed. Total biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk pembangunan fasilitas Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik di Grand Wisata adalah sebesar Rp.,10. Biaya setiap 1 m3/hari diperkirakan sebesar Rp.2.835.174,37.
G Grand Wisata is a independent estate with total area 1100 Ha, which was planned as domestic and commercial area. Grand Wisata is located at South Tambun district, Bekasi, West Java. Domestic Waste Water from Grand Wisata will distributed to waste water treatment plant and will discharge to nearest river that is Srengseng river. Development of Grand Wisata wastewater treatment facilities will be done in 2 batches, this is in accordance with Grand Wisata Development Master Plan. Wastewater that will be treated in the facility will came from kitchen used water, bath used water, and wastewater coming from toilets. Both batches capacity is 70 Litre/second. Based on Laboratory data, wastewater sampling shows characterisics of BOD = 143,76 – 204,6 mg/L; COD = 232 mg/L; TSS = 137,92 – 217,2 mg/L; oil and grease= 4.31 mg/L; Detergen = 3.6 mg/L; Ammonia = 8.37 mg N/L. Planning Targets of quality standards were determined based on Regulations of East Java Governor No. 72 Year 2013 about Quality Standards of Industrial Activities because these regulations were strict than other to determine the quality standards that allowed to dispose the wastewater in to the river and there are TSS = 50 mg/L; COD = 50 mg/L; BOD = 30 mg/L. Treatment units of Grand Wisata is wastewater facilities are Collection Tank, Bar Screen, Grit Chamber with Proportional Weir, Equalization Tank, Complete Mixed Activated Sludge, Clarifier, Desinfection Tank, Sludge Thickener, Sludge Digester, Sludge Drying Bed. Total cost that is needed for the development of waste water treatment facilities in Grand Wisata in Rp34.294.269.151,10. The cost development waste water treatment plant per m3/day is Rp. Rp.2.835.174,37.