Desain interior Museum Perangko Indonesia di Menteng, Jakarta Pusat
Nomor Panggil : 0003/DI/2016
Penerbit : FSRD - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2016
Pembimbing 1 : Arma Gafar S
Pembimbing 2 : Sangayu K. Laksemi
Subyek : Museums - Designs and plans;Museums - Decoration
Kata Kunci : interior design, museum stamps
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2016_TA_DI_09109049_Halaman-judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2016_TA_DI_09109049_Bab-I.pdf | ||
3. | 2016_TA_DI_09109049_Bab-II.pdf |
4. | 2016_TA_DI_09109049_Bab-III.pdf |
5. | 2016_TA_DI_09109049_Bab-IV.pdf |
6. | 2016_TA_DI_09109049_Bab-V.pdf |
7. | 2016_TA_DI_09109049_Bab-VI.pdf |
8. | 2016_TA_DI_09109049_daftar-pustaka.pdf |
P Perangko adalah tanda bukti pembayaran dalam mengirim surat. Keberadaanperangko di Indonesia tahun 1 April 1864 sampai saat ini dan sudah memilikikoleksi perangko yang banyak, bentuk unik, hingga memiliki sejarah atau momentpenting untuk Indonesia. Untuk melestarikan perangko agar tetap di kenalperlunya dibuat suatu museum perangko yang menunjang kebutuhan baikaktivitas, informasi dan fasilitas. Dari hasil survey lapangan dan literaturemenunjukkan bahwa masih banyak kekurangan yang dimiliki museum perangkoIndonesia, mulai dari penjelasan benda koleksi kurang detail dan kurangnyainteraktif pada benda koleksi.Dalam perancangan desain ulang museum perangko Indonesia pengelompokanpenyajian benda koleksi akan di kelompok menjadi beberapa area seperti,miniatur kantor pos, flora dan fauna, dan 100 tahun Indonesia. Karena perangkomemiliki ukuran yang relative kecil sehingga membutuhkan penataan,penempatan dan teknologi yang baik dalam penyajian. Teknologi menjadi salahsatu media yang sangat membantu dalam memberikan informasi kepadapenggunjung akan perangko tersebut. Penggunaan teknologi yang tepat danmenarik dapat membantu untuk mendatangkan pengunjung ke museum, sehinggapengunjung datang berkunjung ke museum tidak hanya kalangan orangtua,komunitas, dan keperluan institusi pendidikan saja, namun anak muda jugamemiliki ketertarik untuk datang ke museum dan mengenal benda koleksiperangko tersebut. Kata Kunci : Indonesia, Koleksi, Museum, Perangko, dan Teknologi
S Stamp is a proof of postage payment when sending mails. The existence of stampsin Indonesia started from April 1st, 1864 until today and it has a numerousnumber of stamp collections with unique forms, and some also have historicalvalues or represent very important momentos in Indonesia. In order to preservestamp’s popularity, it is necessary to establish a stamp museum that accomodateall necessities including activities, information, and facility. From the field surveyand literature research, it is shown that there is alot of insufficiency in Indonesiastamp museums, starting from the explanation of the collections which are notdetailed and lack of interaction with the collections themselves.In planning and redesigning Indonesia stamp museum, the classification for thepresentation of stamp collections shall be done in a number of different areas,such as the miniature of post offices, flora and fauna catgories, and Indonesia’s100 years/100th anniversary. As the stamps have relatively small sizes, suchcondition requires special and proper arrangements, placements, and technologyfor their unique presentation. Technology has become one of the media which isso helpful in providing information to the visitors about the stamps. The use ofappropriate and appealing technology would be able to help to attract more andmore visitors to come to the museum, and therefore, those visitors coming to themuseums are not only elderly, certain communities, and educational-institutions,but also the youths who have the passion to come to the museum and in order tobetter know the collections of the stamps. Keywords : Indonesia, Collections, Museum, Stamps, and Technology