Analisa laboratorium pengaruh padatan bor terhadap sifat lumpur pemboran air laut dengan sistem prehydrate bentonite-drispac
Nomor Panggil : 1775/TP/2011
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2011
Pembimbing 1 : Sugiatmo Kasmungin
Subyek : Oil Well Drilling
Kata Kunci : oil based mud, drilling operation, plastic viscosity
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2011_TA_TM_07104121_8.pdf |
2. | 2011_TA_TM_07104121_7.pdf |
3. | 2011_TA_TM_07104121_6.pdf |
4. | 2011_TA_TM_07104121_5.pdf |
5. | 2011_TA_TM_07104121_4.pdf |
6. | 2011_TA_TM_07104121_3.pdf |
7. | 2011_TA_TM_07104121_2.pdf |
8. | 2011_TA_TM_07104121_1.pdf |
P Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari penambahan drispac pada berbagai padatan bor terhadap sifat-sifat fisik lumpur pemboran air tawar. Adapun sifat-sifat fisik lumpur pemboran yang penting adalah Plastic viscosity, yield point dan gel strength. Sifat-sifat lumpur lainnya yang diukur adalah API fluid loss, mud cake dan densitas lumpur. Dalam Studi laboratorium ini diperlukan berbagai macam bahan kimia dengan komposisi tertentu sesuai dengan yang diperlukan dalam penelitian Tugas Akhir. Adapun komposisi yang dibuat menjadi masing-masing 2 komposisi lumpur, yaitu Percobaan lumpur dasar tanpa penambahan aditif dan lumpur dengan penambahan Drispac-R. Bahan-bahan yang terdapat di tiap komposisinya yaitu Air Asin Jenuh, Bentonite, KOH, Soda Ash, Lignite, Padatan Bor dan Drispac. Sedangkan alat- alat yang di gunakan dalam percobaan lumpur, antara lain Mixer, Mud Balance, Fann VG Meter, API Filter Press, pH Stripe. Didalam lumpur pemboran selain terdiri atas komponen pokok lumpur, maka ada material lain yang berfungsi mengontrol dan memperbaiki sifat-sifat lumpur agar sesuai dengan formasi yang dihadapi selama operasi pemboran. Dari hasil penelitian di laboratorium dan uraian serta bahasan pada bab- bab dalam makalah tugas akhir ini dapat disimpulkan Lumpur yang paling ideal, dinilai berat jenis lumpur, viscositas lumpur, laju tapisan, ketebalan mud cake dan pengaruh lumpur tersebut terhadap padatan bor dari tidak ada padatan sampai dengan penambahan 7 gram padatan bor adalah lumpur prehydrate bentonite-drispac komposisi 4A, 4B dan 4C dengan nilai densitas sebesar 8.76 lbs/gal, 9.6 lbs/gal dan 9.9 lbs/gal viskositas sebesar 45 second/quart, 72 second/quart dan 79 second/quart, plastic viscosity sebesar 5 cps, 10 cps dan 15, yield point sebesar 12 lbs/100ft², 29 lbs/100ft² dan 25 lbs/100ft², gel strength 10 detik sebesar 5 lbs/100ft, 9 lbs/100ft dan 12 lbs/100ft, gel strength 10 menit sebesar 14.5 lbs/100ft, 29 lbs/100ft dan 34 lbs/100ft, laju tapisan sebesar 11 cc/30menit, 7.8 cc/30menit dan 6 cc/30menit, ketebalan mud cake sebesar 1.25 mm, 1.5 mm dan 1.75 mm dan pH sebesar 9.5, 9.2 dan 9.
T This study was conducted to determine the effect of the addition of drispac drill solids on various physical properties of the drilling mud water bargaining. The physical properties of the drilling mud that matters is Plastic viscosity, yield point and gel strength. Other mud properties were measured is the API fluid loss, mud cake and mud density. In this laboratory study required a wide range of chemicals with a specific composition as required in the research task End. The composition is made into each 2 composition mud, the mud basic experiment without the addition of additives and sludge with the addition of Drispac-R. The materials contained in each composition is Saturated Brine, Bentonite, KOH, Soda Ash, Lignite, and Drispac Drill solids. While the tool- tool used in the experiment mud, among others Mixer, Mud Balance, Fann VG Meter, API Filter Press, pH Stripe. In the drilling mud in addition to sludge consisting of principal components, then there is other material that serves to control and improve the properties of mud to fit the formation encountered during drilling operations. From the results of research in the laboratory and a description and discussion of the chapter- chapters in this thesis paper can conclude that the most ideal Lumpur, assessed the density of the mud, mud viscosity, the rate of strainer, thickness of mud cake and the mud effect on solids no drilling of solids up to the addition of 7 grams of solids drill is prehydrate bentonite mud-drispac composition 4A, 4B and 4C with density values ​​of 8.76 lbs / gal, 9.6 lbs / gal and 9.9 lbs / gal viscosity by 45 second / quart, 72 second / second quart and 79 / quart, plastic viscosity of 5 cps, 10 cps and 15, the yield point of 12 lbs/100ft ², 29 lbs/100ft lbs/100ft ² and 25 ², gel strength lbs/100ft 10 seconds at 5, 9 lbs/100ft and 12 lbs/100ft, gel strength of 14.5 lbs/100ft 10 minutes, 29 lbs/100ft and 34 lbs/100ft, strainer rate by 11 cc/30menit, 7.8 cc/30menit and 6 cc/30menit, mud cake thickness of 1.25 mm, 1.5 mm and 1.75 mm and a pH of 9.5, 9.2 and 9.