Energy, tourism, and financial sustainability
Kata Kunci : financial sustainability, energy development, oil production.
Subyek : Energy development - Finance;Energy consumption
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2016
Halaman : 25 p.
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2016_PKM_FTKE_Energy,-Tourism,-and-Financial-Sustainability_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 3 | |
2. | 2016_PKM_FTKE_Energy,-Tourism,-and-Financial-Sustainability_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 4 | |
3. | 2016_PKM_FTKE_Energy,-Tourism,-and-Financial-Sustainability_Bab-2_Materi-Sosialisasi.pdf |
4. | 2016_PKM_FTKE_Energy,-Tourism,-and-Financial-Sustainability_Bab-3_Pelaksanaan-Kegiatan.pdf |
5. | 2016_PKM_FTKE_Energy,-Tourism,-and-Financial-Sustainability_Bab-4_Kesimpulan.pdf |
6. | 2016_PKM_FTKE_Energy,-Tourism,-and-Financial-Sustainability_Lampiran.pdf |
J Jatuhnya harga minyak dalam 2 (dua) tahun terakhir memberi dampakpositif sekaligus negatif bagi perekonomian Indonesia sebagai negara pengimporminyak sekaligus negara penghasil minyak dan gas bumi. Dampak positifnyaantara lain, penurunan harga energi (harga BBM, listrik, gas, dan LPG),penurunan biaya produksi industri manufaktur sehingga harga barang menjadilebih murah, daya beli masyarakat meningkat, dan penurunan biaya impor.Sedangkan dampak negatifnya adalah, (a) penurunan investasi usaha hulu migasyang juga memberi dampak pada efisiensi perusahaan, pengurangan tenagakerja, hingga tutupnya beberapa perusahaan penyedia jasa migas; (b)perubahan asumsi makro harga ICP dalam APBN yang akan berdampak hingga kedana bagi hasil daerah, (c) penurunan kinerja ekspor terutama dari sektor migassebagai sumber utamoil productiona devisa negara, (d) mengancam kedaulatan energi nasionalkarena gap produksi dan konsumsi akan semakin lebar.Hingga saat ini migas masih menjadi sumber utama devisa negara,dengan cadangan dan produksi yang terus berkurang sementara kebutuhan akanenergi terus meningkat, maka dikhawatirkan akan menjadi beban bagiperekonomian Indonesia di masa mendatang. Momentum turunnya hargaminyak harus dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pengelolaan energi dan sumber dayaalam untuk mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional.
T The fall in oil prices in the last 2 (two) years had an impactpositive as well as negative for the Indonesian economy as an importing countryoil as well as oil and gas producing countries. The positive impactamong other things, falling energy prices (fuel, electricity, gas and LPG prices),decrease in manufacturing industry production costs so that the price of goods becomescheaper, people's purchasing power increases, and the cost of imports decreases.While the negative impacts are, (a) the decline in upstream oil and gas business investmentwhich also has an impact on company efficiency, power reductionwork, until the closure of several oil and gas service providers; (b)changes in ICP macro price assumptions in the APBN that will have an impact onregional revenue sharing funds, (c) a decline in export performance mainly from the oil and gas sectoras the country's main source of foreign exchange, (d) threatens national energy sovereigntybecause the production and consumption gap will be wider.Until now oil and gas is still the main source of foreign exchange,with reserves and production that continue to diminish while the need for it willenergy continues to increase, so it is feared it will become a burden forIndonesia's economy in the future. Momentum for falling pricesoil must be utilized in the management of energy and resourcesnature to support national economic growth.