Perbandingan tingkat ekspresi SOD2 pada polimorfisme rs1141718 gen SOD2 penderita kanker serviks
Nomor Panggil : S 2072
Penerbit : FK - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2023
Pembimbing 1 : Monica Dwi Hartanti
Subyek : Gene expression;Cervical cancer.
Kata Kunci : polymorphism, gene expression, SOD2, rs1141718 polymorphism, cervical cancer.
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2023_TA_SKD_030001900094_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 15 |
2. | 2023_TA_SKD_030001900094_Pengesahan.pdf | 1 | |
3. | 2023_TA_SKD_030001900094_BAB-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 5 | |
4. | 2023_TA_SKD_030001900094_BAB-2_Tinjauan-Literatur.pdf | 14 |
5. | 2023_TA_SKD_030001900094_BAB-3_Kerangka-Teori.pdf | 3 |
6. | 2023_TA_SKD_030001900094_BAB-4_Metode-Penelitian.pdf | 15 |
7. | 2023_TA_SKD_030001900094_BAB-5_Hasil.pdf | 4 |
8. | 2023_TA_SKD_030001900094_BAB-6_Pembahasan.pdf | 4 |
9. | 2023_TA_SKD_030001900094_BAB-7_Kesimpulan.pdf | 1 |
10. | 2023_TA_SKD_030001900094_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 6 | |
11. | 2023_TA_SKD_030001900094_Lampiran.pdf | 17 |
P Perbandingan tingkat ekspresi SOD2 pada polimorfisme rs1141718 gen SOD2 penderita kanker serviks
P Persistent infection Human Papillomavirus (HPV) high-risk type oncogenic is the basis for the malignancy in cervical cancer. In Indonesia, cervical cancer ranks second highest. HPV infection and oxidative stress play a role in damageDeoxyribo Nucleic Acid (DNA) and the process of carcinogenesis. Superoxide dismutase-2 (SOD2), a mitochondrial enzymatic antioxidant, is vital in eliminating oxidative stress and suppressing tumor growth. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) causes base sequence substitution so that the translated amino acid changes. SOD2 rs1141718 polymorphism causes the substitution of Thymine (T) to Cytosine (C), primarily associated with carcinogenic processes. Previous studies have proven that SNP events affect genes expression, activity, and function. This study compares SOD2 gene expression levels in the rs1141718 SOD2 gene polymorphism in cervical cancer patients.METHODThe total samples studied were 37 samples. A cervical cytology examination has resulted in 15 standard samples and 22 confirmed cervical cancer. The total sample was examined for polymorphism by the RFLP method and visualized by electrophoresis. The qPCR method analyzes cervical cancer samples, then calculate the Ct value results, and a statistical test carries out.RESULTSThere are rs1141718 genomic variations in the SOD2 gene in the population, CC and TT genotypes. The Kruskal-Wallis test results showed that the median value (range 95% CI) SOD2 expression increased according to the progressive stage (p>0.05) of cervical cancer. The Mann-Whitney test results showed no significant difference in the expression level of the SOD2 gene in the rs1141718 polymorphism of the SOD2 gene (p>0.05) in cervical cancer patients.CONCLUSIONThe wild-type genotype in this study was the TT genotype (homozygous). The SOD2 gene rs1141718 polymorphism did not affect the expression level of SOD2 (p>0.05)