1%,the coal in this research area was deposited in a transitional lower deltaenvironment but with characteristics of mineral matter content, and low sulfurcontent, including high grade coal with sub bituminous rank A -sub bituminous B,the sulfur content at the research location is classified as low-medium. It can beinterpreted that the environmental conditions are slightly affected by seawaterfactors." /> 1%,the coal in this research area was deposited in a transitional lower deltaenvironment but with characteristics of mineral matter content, and low sulfurcontent, including high grade coal with sub bituminous rank A -sub bituminous B,the sulfur content at the research location is classified as low-medium. It can beinterpreted that the environmental conditions are slightly affected by seawaterfactors." /> 1%,the coal in this research area was deposited in a transitional lower deltaenvironment but with characteristics of mineral matter content, and low sulfurcontent, including high grade coal with sub bituminous rank A -sub bituminous B,the sulfur content at the research location is classified as low-medium. It can beinterpreted that the environmental conditions are slightly affected by seawaterfactors." /> 1%,the coal in this research area was deposited in a transitional lower deltaenvironment but with characteristics of mineral matter content, and low sulfurcontent, including high grade coal with sub bituminous rank A -sub bituminous B,the sulfur content at the research location is classified as low-medium. It can beinterpreted that the environmental conditions are slightly affected by seawaterfactors." />


Analisis lingkungan pengendapan batubara dan keterkaitannya dengan kualitas batubara pada Area “x”, Cekungan Sumatera Selatan


Oleh : Triatmojo Ajiwijaya

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2024

Pembimbing 1 : Moehammad Ali Jambak

Subyek : Deposition

Kata Kunci : proximate analysis, geophysical log, deposition environment, coal quality

Saat ini file hanya dapat diakses dari perpustakaan.

Status : Lengkap

P Pada dewasa ini, batubara tetap menjadi sumber energi utama yang diandalkan diIndonesia maupun di dunia internasional. Berdasarkan data dari kementrian ESDMtahun 2022, cadangan batubara yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia berada pada kisaranangka 31,1 miliar ton. Batubara sendiri merupakan suatu padatan yang bersifatheterogen, berasal dari alam yang terbagi dalam beberapa tingkatan yang berbedamulai dari lignit, subbituminus dan antrasit. Perbedaan lingkungan pengendapandapat berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik batubara yang dihasilkan. Penelitian inidilakukan pada Pit “X” wilayah konsesi milik PT. Bukit Asam Tbk , yang secarageologis didominasi oleh Formasi Muara Enim dan berada pada cekungan SumateraSelatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi lingkunganpengedapan batubara terhadap karakteristik batubara yang dihasilkan. Berdasarkandari keseluruhan data yang diperoleh seperti data singkapan lapangan, data Loggeofisika, uji proksimat dan kandungan maseral yang diperoleh, kemudiandiintergrasikan dan memberikan gambaran bahwa pada lokasi penelitian yaitu Pit“X” memiliki kondisi lingkungan pengendapan transitional lower delta plaindengan fasies berupa interdistributary bar, swamp,dan crevase splay. Berdasarkandiagram TPI -GI Batubara pada lokasi penelitian ini diendapkan pada marsh dengannilai TPI yang relatif rendah TPI < 1% dan nilai GI yang sedang GI > 1%, batubarapada daerah penelitian ini diendapkan pada lingkungan transitional lower deltanamun dengan karakteristik kandungan mineral matter, dan kadar sulfur yangrendah, termasuk kedalam high grade coal dengan rank sub bituminous A - subbituminous B, kandungan sulfur pada lokasi penelitian tergolong rendah-sedang.Dapat diartikan bahwa kondisi lingkungan penelitian sedikit terpengaruh olehfaktor air laut.

T Today, coal remains the main energy source relied upon in Indonesia andinternationally. Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resourcesin 2022, Indonesia\'s coal reserves are around 31.1 billion tons. Coal itself is aheterogeneous solid, derived from nature which is divided into several differentlevels ranging from lignite, subbituminous and anthracite. Differences in thedeposition environment can affect the characteristics of the coal produced. Thisresearch was conducted in Pit \"X\" concession area owned by PT Bukit Asam Tbk,which is geologically dominated by the Muara Enim Formation and is located inthe South Sumatra basin. This study was conducted to determine the environmentalconditions of coal sedimentation on the characteristics of coal produced. Based onthe TPI -GI diagram, the coal in this research location was deposited in a marshwith a relatively low TPI value of TPI < 1% and a medium GI value of GI > 1%,the coal in this research area was deposited in a transitional lower deltaenvironment but with characteristics of mineral matter content, and low sulfurcontent, including high grade coal with sub bituminous rank A -sub bituminous B,the sulfur content at the research location is classified as low-medium. It can beinterpreted that the environmental conditions are slightly affected by seawaterfactors.

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