Perancangan public open space dan contemporary art center di BSD CITY dengan pendekatan arsitektur late modern

Oleh : Fitri Isnaini

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTSP - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2021

Pembimbing 1 : Enny S. Sardiyarso

Subyek : Open spaces

Kata Kunci : public open space, contemporary art center, BSD City, late moder

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2021_TA_SAR_052001700052_Halaman-Judul.pdf 8
2. 2021_TA_SAR_052001700052_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf 3
3. 2021_TA_SAR_052001700052_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf 8
4. 2021_TA_SAR_052001700052_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf
5. 2021_TA_SAR_052001700052_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf
6. 2021_TA_SAR_052001700052_Bab-4_Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf
7. 2021_TA_SAR_052001700052_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf -1
8. 2021_TA_SAR_052001700052_Bab-5_Pengembangan-Rancangan.pdf
9. 2021_TA_SAR_052001700052_lampiran.pdf
10. 2021_TA_SAR_052001700052_Poster.pdf

P Penulisan ini merupakan hasil laporan tugas akhir yang menjabarkan secara rinci mengenai teori, standar, referensi, dan gagasan ide dan pemikiran penulis yangbertujuan untuk mengembangkan desain perancangan Public Open Space dan Contemporary Art Center (BSD City) Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Late Modern. Contemporary Art Center merupakan suatu wadah kegiatan senikontemporer untuk pengembangan kegiatan bagi pelaku seni dan interaksi sosial dan budaya antar masyarakat. Permasalahan yang diangkat yaitu idealnyabangunan kesenian memerlukan tampilan bangunan yang menarik sebagai dayatarik wisata di bidang seni, namun pada realitanya bangunan kesenian yang ada di Indonesia khususnya di wilayah sekitar pusat kota belum nampak ada bangunan art center yang secara khusus menaungi seni kontemporer dengan fasilitas yang masih kurang memadai serta tampilan bangunan yang monoton sehingga kurang menarik perhatian dan tidak dapat menjadi ikon kesenian. Tujuan dariperancangan ini yaitu menyediakan public space yang diutamakan terbuka (open)untuk memudahkan konektivitas dan akses sirkulasi serta kegiatan untukberinteraksi bagi semua kalangan masyarakat serta wadah berkegiatan bagi pelakuseni dan masyarakat penikmat seni khususunya seni kontemporer yang dilengkapidengan fasilitas utama berupa auditorium skala besar, galeri pameran, ruangmeeting, workshop, studio rekaman dan tari, serta fasilitas penunjang lain untukmeningkatkan daya tarik ekonomi, edukasi, hiburan dan rekreasi denganrepresentatif bentuk arsitektur late modern dengan tampilan estetika, eskpresistruktur, material, dan teknologi terkini pasca modern yang berkaitan dengansejarah berkembangnya seni kontemporer yang mendukung perkembangan senikontemporer masa kini dan ditampilkan dalam besaran ruang dan desainperancangan bangunan. Metode pada laporan perancangan tugas akhir ini denganmengumpulkan data pendukung berupa studi literatur dan preseden sebagai acuandan referensi rancangan yang kemudian menggunakan teori HECTTEAS yaituhuman, environmental, technology, temporal, economy, aesthetic, dan safety olehhersberger sebagai landasan dan dikembangkan lagi dengan teori programatikKathryn H. Anthony dengan melakukan identifikasi aspek teknis dan desain yangsesuai dengan karakteristik pendekatan arsitektur late modern menghasilkanaspek kriteria perancangan berupa: Massa Geometri Asimetris, Dinamis, MaterialSleek&Reflective, Ruang Kompleks Dengan Skala Gigantic, Open&ContinousSpace, dan Penonjolan Ekspos serta Ekspresi Struktur. Aspek kriteriaperancangan ini diharapkan dapat menghasilkan bangunan sebagai representatifseni kontemporer yang sesuai dengan ciri arsitektur late modern sebagai sarana berhimpun dan mengembangkan seni kontemporer dan kegiatan social budaya lainnya di masa mendatang khususnya di sekitar wilayah BSD City.

T This writing is the result of a final project report that describes in detailregarding the theories, standards, references, and ideas of the author who aims to develop the design of Public Open Space and Contemporary Art Center (BSD City) With a Late Architectural Approach Modern. Contemporary Art Center is a place for art activities contemporary for the development of activities for artists and social interactionand inter-community culture. The problem raised is ideally Art buildings require an attractive building display as power tourist attraction in the field of art, but in reality the art buildings in Indonesia, especially in the area around the city center, there are no buildings yet an art center that specifically houses contemporary art with excellent facilities still inadequate and the appearance of the building is monotonous so that it is less attract attention and cannot be an icon of art. The purpose of This design is to provide public space that is prioritized to be open. to facilitate connectivity and access to circulation as well as activities for interact for all circles of society as well as a forum for activities for perpetrators art and art connoisseurs, especially contemporary art, which is equipped with with main facilities in the form of a large-scale auditorium, exhibition gallery, meetings, workshops, recording and dance studios, as well as other supporting facilities for increase the attractiveness of the economy, education, entertainment and recreation by representative form of late modern architecture with aesthetic appearance, expression the latest postmodern structures, materials, and technologies related tothe history of the development of contemporary art that supports the development of artcontemporary and presented in terms of space and design building design. The method in this final project design report is collect supporting data in the form of literature studies and precedents as a reference and design references which then use the HECTTEAS theory, namely human, environmental, technology, temporal, economy, aesthetic, and safety by Hersberger as a foundation and further developed with programmatic theoryKathryn H. Anthony by identifying the technical and design aspects that arein accordance with the characteristics of the late modern architectural approach to produce aspects of the design criteria in the form of: Mass Geometry Asymmetric, Dynamic, Material Sleek&Reflective, Complex Room With Gigantic Scale, Open&Continous Space, and Exposure Highlights and Expression of Structure. Criteria aspect This design is expected to produce a representative building contemporary art that is in accordance with the characteristics of late modern architecture as a means of gather and develop contemporary art and socio-cultural activities others in the future, especially around the BSD City area.

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