Fasies kimiawi airtanah dan aplikasi metode ogata 1970 di daerah L alang Jaya Kecamatan Manggar Kabupaten Belitung Timur Provinsi Bangka Belitung
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2016
Pembimbing 1 : Abdurrachman Assegaf
Pembimbing 2 : Mochamad Khadafi
Subyek : Groundwater chemical analysis;Ogata method
Kata Kunci : MAT flow, groundwater chemical analysis, ogata method.
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2016_TA_GL_07212044_Halaman-judul.pdf | 22 | |
2. | 2016_TA_GL_07212044_Bab-1.pdf | 10 | |
3. | 2016_TA_GL_07212044_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2016_TA_GL_07212044_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2016_TA_GL_07212044_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2016_TA_GL_07212044_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2016_TA_GL_07212044_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | ||
8. | 2016_TA_GL_07212044_Lampiran.pdf |
D Daerah penelitian terletak di daerah Kecamatan Manggar yang secara administratif masuk kedalam wilayah Kabupaten Belitung Timur, Provinsi Bangka Belitung. Secara geografis daerah penelitian terletak pada 20 52' 23,42'' LS - 20 55' 54,99'' LS dan 1080 11' 37,35'' BT - 1080 17' 36,26'' BT. di lokasi penelitian airtanah termasuk kedalam akifer unconfined aquifer (aqifer bebas) yang mempunyai sebaran muka airtanah berkisar antara ± 1.11 hingga 15.21 meter (dml). Fasies kimia pada daerah penelitian airtanah maupun air permukaan dapat dikelompokkan menjadi 5 (lima) fasies, yaitu: Fasies Na++ K+, Cl- (Natrium, Klorida), Fasies Ca2+, HCO3- + CO32 - (Kalsium, Bikarbonat), Fasies Na++ K+, SO42- (Natrium, Sulfat), Fasies Ca2+, SO42- (Kalsium, Sulfat), Fasies Na++ K+, HCO3- + CO32 - (Natrium, Bikarbonat). Dengan menggunakan metode Ogata (1970) dapat diketahui nilai konsentrasi awal dan konsentrasi akhir menggunakan permeabilitas 2500 meter/hari zat pencemar Besi (Fe) dari gradien hidrolik pada daerah penelitian gradien hidrolik terdiri dari SG.6-SG.5 dengan konsentrasi akhir zat pencemar adalah 0.18499 mg/L pada kurun waktu 365 hari, pada SG.4–SG.2 pada kurun waktu 365 hari konsentrasi ini 0.18492 mg/L, SG.3-SG.2 pada kurun waktu 365 hari konsentrasi ini 0.05311 mg/L konsentrasi ini tergolong normal pada baku mutu air bersih serta air minum, pada SG.5-SG.2 pada kurun waktu 365 hari konsentrasi ini 21.0294 mg/L ini tergolong melebihi batas normal pada baku mutu air bersih dan air minum.
T The research area is located in the Subdistrict of Manggar that administratively entered into the district of East Belitung, Bangka Belitung province. Geographically the study area is located at 20 52' 23,42'' LS - 20 55' 54,99'' LS dan 1080 11' 37,35'' BT - 1080 17' 36,26'' BT. Groundwater at the site of the research included in the unconfined aquifer into the aquifer (aquifer free) which has groundwater level distribution of sea level ranges from ± 1.11 to 15.21 meters (dml). The results of the analysis of ground water samples which is conducted in the laboratory to determine the concentration of anions and cations, Facies chemical research area of groundwater and surface water can be grouped into 5 (five) facies, that is: facies Na++K+, Cl- (Natrium, Chloride), facies Ca2+, HCO3-+CO32- (Calcium, Bicarbonate), facies Na++K+, SO42- (Natrium, Sulfate), facies Ca2+, SO42- (Calcium Sulfate), facies Na++K+, HCO3-+CO32 -(Natrium, Bicarbonate). By using Ogata method (1970) can be seen the value of the initial concentration and final concentration using a permeability of 2500 meters/ day of contaminants Iron (Fe) of the hydraulic gradient in the study area consists of the hydraulic gradient SG.6-SG.5 to a final concentration of substances polluter is 0.18499 mg /L during the period of 365 days, on SG.4-SG.2 during the period of 365 days this concentration of 0.18492 mg / L, SG.3-SG.2 during the period of 365 days this concentration of 0.05311 mg / L concentration is quite normal in the raw water quality and drinking water quality, on SG.5-SG.2 during the period of 365 days this concentration 21.0294 mg / L is quite beyond normal limits on water quality standards and drinking water quality.