Anteseden dan konsekuen new ecological paradigm
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui anteseden dan konsekuen berjudulAnteseden dan Konsekuen New Ecological Paradigm. Data yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah konsumen vitamin daya tahan tubuh yang mengandung bahanalami. Jumlah data yang diambil pada penelitian ini terdapat 204 sampel data yangmengonsumsi vitamin daya tahan tubuh yang mengandung bahan alami selamapandemi COVID-19. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah altruistic valuedan hedonic value. Variabel dependennya adalah green purchase behavior. Selain itu,variabel mediasi adalah new ecological paradigm dan personal norm. Dari hasilpenelitian ini, terdapat pengaruh positif hedonic value terhadap new ecologicalparadigm, terdapat pengaruh positif new ecological paradigm terhadap personalnorm, terdapat pengaruh positif personal norm terhadap green purchase behavior,terdapat pengaruh positif hedonic value terhadap personal norm melalui newecological paradigm, dan terdapat pengaruh positif new ecological paradigmterhadap green purchase behavior melalui personal norm.
T This study aims to determine the antecedents and consequences entitled Antecedentsand Consequences of New Ecological Paradigm. The data used in this study wereconsumers of immune vitamins that contain natural ingredients. The amount of datataken in this study contained 204 data samples that consumed immune vitaminscontaining natural ingredients during the COVID-19 pandemic. The independentvariables in this study are altruistic value and hedonic value. The dependent variableis the green purchase behavior. In addition, the mediating variables are newecological paradigm and personal norm. From the results of this study, there is apositive influence of hedonic value on the new ecological paradigm, there is apositive effect of the new ecological paradigm on personal norms, there is a positiveinfluence of personal norm on green purchase behavior, there is a positive influenceof hedonic value on personal norm through the new ecological paradigm, and thereare the positive influence of the new ecological paradigm on green purchasebehavior through personal norms.