Karakteristik ruang publik berdasarkan preferensi masyarakat di BSD City

Oleh : Faiz Ahmad Alfarizi

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2023

Pembimbing 1 : Hanny W Wiranegara

Pembimbing 2 : Yayat Supriatna

Subyek : Public spaces

Kata Kunci : characteristics of public spaces, gated community, types of public spaces.

Status Posting : In Pres

Status : Lengkap

P Pengembangan model perumahan gated community menimbulkan segregasi dan disintegrasi sosial. Salah satu cara untuk meminimalkannya adalah dengan menyediakan ruang publik yang dapat dipakai bersama oleh masyarakat yang tinggal di dalam maupun di luar gated community. Agar ruang publik efektif dalam merangsang terjadinya interaksi antara ke duanya, maka perlu diketahui karakteristik ruang publik berdasarkan preferensi mereka. Sejauh ini masih terbatas jumlah penelitian yang berfokus pada karakteristik ruang publik di private city gated community berdasarkan preferensi masyarakat gated dan non-gated. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah teridentifikasinya karakteristik ruang publik berdasarkan preferensi masyarakat di BSD City sebagai private city gated community yang memiliki jenis ruang publik yang lengkap. Taman, pasar, dan masjid dipilih sebagai sampel ruang publik. Ke tiganya memiliki skala pelayanan luas, tidak hanya untuk masyarakat di dalam, tetapi juga masyarakat dari luar gated community. Hasil penelusuran teoritik, karakteristik ruang publik yang diteliti meliputi multifungsionalitas, aksesibilitas, kenyamanan, dan inklusivitas. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode survey angket dengan jumlah responden pengguna Taman Kota 1 sebanyak 33 orang, pengguna Pasar Modern BSD sebanyak 34 orang, serta pengguna Masjid Islamic Center sebanyak 33 orang. Teknik analisis untuk menguji karakteristik ruang publik memakai teknis analisis konfirmatori orde kedua. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa multifungsionalitas, aksesibilitas, kenyamanan, dan inklusivitas merupakan karakteristik ruang publik yang signifikan. Akan tetapi di level indikator, pada aksesibilitas tidak ada indikator yang mampu mengukurnya. Tampak bahwa aksesibilitas tidak signifikan pada kasus taman, karena pengunjung tidak terlalu mempermasalahkan aksesibilitas selama kebutuhan mereka ketika di taman dapat terpenuhi. Dari hasil ini maka multifungsionalitas, kenyamanan, dan inklusivitas menjadi karakteristik utama ruang publik di BSD City yang dapat memfasilitasi terjadinya interaksi antara masyarakat yang tinggal di dalam maupun di luar gated community sehingga dapat meminimalkan segregasi/disintegrasi sosial.

T The development of the gated community housing model causes segregation and social disintegration. To minimize it is by providing public space that can be shared by people who live inside and outside the gated community. In order for public space to be effective in stimulating interaction between the two, it is necessary to know the characteristics of public space based on their preferences. So far there is still a limited number of studies that focus on the characteristics of public spaces in private city gated communities based on the preferences of gated and non-gated communities. The purpose of this research is to identify the characteristics of public space based on the preferences of the people in BSD City as a private city gated community that has a complete type of public space. Parks, markets and mosques were selected as samples of public space. The three of them have a wide scale of service, not only for the people inside, but also people from outside the gated community. The results of the theoretical search show that the characteristics of the public spaces studied include multifunctionality, accessibility, convenience, and inclusiveness. The data collection technique used a questionnaire survey method with the number of respondent users City Park 1 as many as 33 respondents, Modern BSD Market users as many as 34 respondents, and Islamic Center Mosque users as many as 33 respondents. The results of the analysis show that multifunctionality, accessibility, convenience, and inclusiveness are significant characteristics of public space. However, at the indicator level, there is no indicator capable of measuring accessibility. It appears that accessibility is not significant in the case of parks, because visitors do not really care about accessibility as long as their needs when in the park can be met. From these results, multifunctionality, convenience, and inclusivity are the main characteristics of public space in BSD City which can encourage interaction between people living inside and outside the gated community to minimize social segregation/disintegration.

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