Pengaruh empathic concern for colleague, anticipated positive effects, dan disturbance due to indoor noise terhadap job performance yang dimediasi oleh job satisfaction pada PT Pertamina (Persero) Cirebon dan Indramayu

Oleh : Nur Halimah

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 022001902097

Penerbit : FEB - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2024

Pembimbing 1 : Deasy Aseanty

Subyek : Job satisfaction;Personnel management

Kata Kunci : empathic concern for colleague, anticipated positive effects, disturbance due to indoor noise.

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2024_TA_SMJ_022001902097_Halaman-Judul.pdf 12
2. 2024_TA_SMJ_022001902097_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf 6
3. 2024_TA_SMJ_022001902097_Bab-1-Pendahuluan.pdf 14
4. 2024_TA_SMJ_022001902097_Bab-2-Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf 37
5. 2024_TA_SMJ_022001902097_Bab-3-Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf 20
6. 2024_TA_SMJ_022001902097_Bab-4-Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf 32
7. 2024_TA_SMJ_022001902097_Bab-5-Kesimpulan.pdf 8
8. 2024_TA_SMJ_022001902097_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf 6
9. 2024_TA_SMJ_022001902097_Lampiran.pdf 20

P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa Pengaruh Empathic Concern for Colleague, Anticipated Positive Effects, dan Disturbance Due to Indoor Noise Terhadap Job Performance dengan Job Satisfaction sebagai variabel mediasi pada PT Pertamina (Persero) di cabang Cirebon dan Indramayu. Penelitian ini menggunakan responden yang didapat sesuai dengan kriteria dengan metode pengambilan sampel sebanyak 200 karyawan dari 2 kantor cabang. Penelitian ini menggunakan cross sectional dan pengolahan data menggunakan software Amos dengan SPSS versi 23 dan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa Job Satisfaction hanya memediasi Empathic Concern for Colleague dan Anticipated Positive Effects. Saran penelitian selanjutnya dapat dilakukan tidak hanya pada sektor pertambangan minyak melainkan bisa dilakukan pada sektor seperti pendidikan, perbankan dan lainnya.

T This study aims to analyze the effect of Empathic Concern for Colleague, Anticipated Positive Effects, and Disturbance Due to Indoor Noise on Job Performance with Job Satisfaction as a mediating variable at PT Pertamina (Persero) in Cirebon and Indramayu branches. This study uses respondents obtained in accordance with the criteria with a sampling method of 200 employees from 2 branch offices. This research uses cross sectional and data processing using Amos software with SPSS version 23 and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of this study indicate that Job Satisfaction only mediates Empathic Concern for Colleague and Anticipated Positive Effects. Suggestions for further research can be done not only in the oil mining sector but can be done in sectors such as education, banking and others.

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