Pengaruh playfulness, trust, perceived easy of use, critical mass terhadap actual use melalui intention to use

Oleh : Rini Sri Wahyuni

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FEB - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2010

Pembimbing 1 : Harsini Soetomo

Subyek : Computer network;marketing;stock exchange

Kata Kunci : social networking website. perceived ease of use, critical mass, intention to use actual use

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2010_TA_MJ_022070300_1.pdf
2. 2010_TA_MJ_022070300_2.pdf
3. 2010_TA_MJ_022070300_3.pdf
4. 2010_TA_MJ_022070300_4.pdf
5. 2010_TA_MJ_022070300_5.pdf
6. 2010_TA_MJ_022070300_6.pdf
7. 2010_TA_MJ_022070300_7.pdf

P Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh playfulness, trust, perceived of use, critical mass terhadap actual use melalui intention to use. data dikumpulkan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 120 responden dari kalangan mahasiswa universitas trisakti, yang menggunakan situs jejaring social facebook, twiter, dan friendster. penarikan sample menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. analisa yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah SEM dengan menggunakan program amos versi 16.0. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tiga hipotesis terbukti signifikan bahwa perceived ease of use terhadap intention to use, critical mass terhadap intention to use, intention to use terhadap actual use.

T This study aims to determine the positive effects playfulness, trust, perceived of use, critical mass on actual use trough intention to use. Data obtained by transmit the questionnaires to 120 respondents from the students of Trisakti University that are using a social networking website facebook, twitter and friendster. The sampling technique used was Purposive Sampling. Analytical methods used to test hypotheses was SEM, using amos version 16.0 software. Hypothesis test revealed that there is positive influence ease of use on intention to use, critical mass on intention to use, intention to use on actual use.

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