Pengaruh pasta gigi yang mengandung bahan pemutih terhadap kekerasan permukaan dentinoenamel junction
Nomor Panggil : 617.695 YUL p
Penerbit : FKG - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2000
Pembimbing 1 : Rosalina Tjandrawinata
Pembimbing 2 : Elly Hamid
Subyek : Tooth bleaching;Toothpaste
Kata Kunci : tooth paste containing whitener, dentinoenamel junction, the test of vickers hardness
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2000_TA_KG_04094014_Halaman-judul.pdf | 8 | |
2. | 2000_TA_KG_04094014_Lembar-pengesahan.pdf | 1 | |
3. | 2000_TA_KG_04094014_Bab-1-Pendahuluan.pdf | 3 | |
4. | 2000_TA_KG_04094014_Bab-2-Tinjauan-pustaka.pdf | 8 |
5. | 2000_TA_KG_04094014_Bab-3-Kerangka-teori-dan-hipotesis.pdf | 1 |
6. | 2000_TA_KG_04094014_Bab-4-Metode-penelitian.pdf | 10 |
7. | 2000_TA_KG_04094014_Bab-5-Hasil-penelitian.pdf | 2 |
8. | 2000_TA_KG_04094014_Bab-6-Pembahasan.pdf | 4 |
9. | 2000_TA_KG_04094014_Bab-7-Kesimpulan-dan-saran.pdf | 1 |
10. | 2000_TA_KG_04094014_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | 1 | |
11. | 2000_TA_KG_04094014_Lampiran.pdf | 2 |
P Pasta gigi yang mengandung bahan pemutih banyak dijual bebas danmudah didapat. Kegunaan pasta gigi tersebut adalah memutihkan gigi agar kelihatan baik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan kekerasan permukaan dentinoenamel junction, bila dilakukan penyikatan maupun pengolesan pasta gigi. Sebagai sampel pada penelitian ini digunakan 3 kelompok sampel terdiri dari 15 gigi, yang sebelumnya mengalami penyikatan, pengolesan dan kontrol yang kemudian dipotong dan dihaluskan dengan amplas sampai permukaannya halus dan bersih dari dentin. Pengukuran kekerasan gigi dilakukan dengan alat Vickers Hardness Test. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa pasta gigi yang mengandung pemutih mengakibatkan adanya perubahan kekerasan permukaan dentinoenamel junction yang mengalami pengolesan pasta gigi mengandung pemutih memiliki nilai kekerasan yang paling rendah dibandingkan dengan gigi yang hanya disikat dengan pasta tersebut dan gigi kontrol.
N Nowadays, tooth paste which contains whitening agent can bebought easily without presecription. The paste is used for whitening teeth to get better appearance. In this research there were 3 groups of sample which consisted of 15 teeth. Group I were teeth brushed with tooth brush whitening tooth paste for 3 minutes. Group II were teeth smear with whitening tooth paste for 3 minutes. Group III were teeth soaked in distilled water, as control. After a month the enamel of the teeth were out off and smoothed, with sandpaper until the dentin removed. This research was done for knowing the difference of dentinoenamel junction’s strength between teeth in group I and control group, and between teeth in group II and control group. The strength of the teeth were tested by Vickers Hardness Test. From this research, it was known that tooth paste which contained, whitening agent could change. The enamel strength, teeth in group II had the highest score among the 3 group of teeth which mean teeth in group lihad the worst strength.