Evaluasi dan optimasi sumur dengan desain electrical submersible pump (ESP) pada lapangan Mourin
Nomor Panggil : 1373/TP/2021
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2021
Pembimbing 1 : Djoko Sulistyanto
Pembimbing 2 : Ghanima Yasmaniar
Subyek : Submersible pumps industry
Kata Kunci : optimization, addition of stages, replacement of pump type.
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700018_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 17 | |
2. | 2021_TA_STP_0710001700018_Pengesahan-&-Persetujuan.pdf | 2 | |
3. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700018_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 3 | |
4. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700018_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Literatur(1).pdf | 48 |
5. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700018_Bab-3_Kerangka-Konsep.pdf | 12 |
6. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700018_Bab-4_Metode.pdf | 66 |
7. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700018_Bab-5_Kesimpulan.pdf | 6 |
8. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700018_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
9. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700018_Lampiran.pdf | 9 |
L Lapangan Mourin memiliki tiga sumur yaitu “M-1â€, Sumur “M-2†danSumur “M-3â€. Ketiga sumur tersebut sudah menggunakan Electric SubmersiblePump denga kandungan gas yang sedikit pada masing-masing sumur. Sumur initelah lama diproduksikan sehingga diperlukan adanya evaluasi. Minyak yangdiproduksikan memiliki oil gravity sebesar 38 °API dengan watercut pada ketigasumur di atas 90% dan well flowing pressure (Pwf) di bawah 1.000 psia. Evaluasiyang dilakukan pada Sumur “M-1â€, “M-2†dan “M-3†yaitu berupa evaluasiefisiensi volumetris dan efisiensi pompa saat ini. Sumur “M-1’ memiliki lajuproduksi 1.572 bfpd dan tipe pompa yang digunakan adalah DN1750, Sumur “M2†memiliki laju produksi 987 bfpd dan tipe pompa yang digunakan adalah D1150Ndan Sumur “M-3†memiliki laju produksi 554 bfpd dan tipe pompa yang digunakanadalah D1150N.Untuk meningkatkan produksi pada Sumur “M-1â€, “M-2†dan “M-3†dapatdilakukan dua metode yaitu dengan menambahkan jumlah stages atau menggantitipe pompa. Hasil optimasi Sumur “M-1†mengganti tipe pompa menjadi DN2400.Peningkatan produksi untuk Sumur “M-1†mencapai 483 bfpd. Sumur “M-2†danâ€M-3†adanya penambahan stages karena operating range yang digunakan dipompa D1150N sudah mampu untuk memproduksi sampai. Peningkatan produksiuntuk Sumur “M-2†mencapai 118 bfpd dan Sumur “M-3†129 bfpd.
M Mourin field has three wells, namely “M-1†well, “M-2†well and “M-3â€well. The three wells already use an Electric Submersible Pump with a small gascontent in each well. This well has been in production for a long time so anevaluation is needed. The oil produced has an oil gravity of 38 °API with a watercut in all three wells above 90% and a well flowing pressure (Pwf) below 1,000psia. The evaluations carried out on the “M-1â€, “M-2†and “M-3†wells are in theform of evaluating the volumetric efficiency and the current pump efficiency. The“M-1' well has a production rate of 1,572 bfpd and the type of pump used isDN1750, the well “M-2†has a production rate of 987 bfpd and the type of pumpused is D1150N and the well “M-3†has a production rate of 554 bfpd and the typeof pump used is D1150N.Two methods can be used to increase production in “M-1â€, “M-2†and“M-3†wells, namely by adding the number of stages or changing the type of pump.The results of the optimization of the well "M-1" change the pump type to DN2400.Production increase for the “M-1†well reached 483 bfpd. The wells "M-2" and "M3" have additional stages because the operating range used in the D1150N pump iscapable of producing up to. Production increase for the “M-2†well reached 118bfpd and the “M-3†well 129 bfpd