Analisa perbandingan nilai densitas dan rheology lumpur smooth fluid 05 dan saraline terhadap metode pengangkatan cutting pada temperatur 200, 250, dan 350 F
Nomor Panggil : 1361/TP/2021
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2021
Pembimbing 1 : Onni Ridaliani
Pembimbing 2 : Apriandi Rizkina Rangga W
Subyek : Rheology
Kata Kunci : saraline, smooth fluid 05, rhelogy, filtrat loss, cutting carry index, cutting transport ratio
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700132_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 25 | |
2. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700132_Pengesahan-&-persetujuan.pdf | 4 | |
3. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700132_Bab-1_-Pendahuluan.pdf | 5 | |
4. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700132_Bab-2_-Tinjauan-Literatur.pdf | 29 |
5. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700132_Bab-3_-Kerangka-Konsep.pdf | 36 |
6. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700132_Bab-4_-Metode.pdf | 132 |
7. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700132_Bab-5-_Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf | 9 |
8. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700132_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 3 | |
9. | 2021_TA_STP_071001700132_Lampiran.pdf | 21 |
F Fungsi utama lumpur pemboran adalah mengangkat cutting kepermukaan. Pada proses pengangkatan cutting dari bawah formasi sampai ke permukaan terdapat beberapa karakteristik sifat fisik lumpur dan faktor pendukung yang harus di perhatikandemi mencapai keberhasilan pengangkatan cutting tersebut diantaranya density lumpur, Viskositas lumpur, sifat rheologi, Plastic Viscosity, Yield Point, Gel Strength,jenis aliran fluida, Rate of Penitration (ROP), Surface tension, kecepatan pemutaran pipa pemboran (RPM), serta Jet Velocity dari kemampuan Pompa. Penelitian akan menggunakan tiga masing masing sample lumpur Oil BaseMud berupa Saraline dan Smooth Fluid 05 yang akan dipengaruhi oleh perubahan temperatur. Analisa yang akan diuji adalah berupa sifat fisik meliputi lain densitas, viskositas, sifat rheologi, filtration loss. Setelah itu akan diuji pengangkatan cutting dengan menggunakan tiga metode parameter diantaranya: CCI (Cutting Carry IndexMethod),CTR (Cutting Transport Ratio Method), dan CCA (Concentration in Annulus Method). Dari hasil pengujian dilaboratorium mendapatkan bahwa semakin tinggi temperatur semakin menurun pula hasil yang didapatkan dikarenkan memuainya volume pada sample tersebut, namun hasil tersebut tidak sesuai dengan kondisi standarspesifikasi yang dibutuhkan maka diperlukan adanya penamabahan bahan aditif sepertibarite dll sehingga volume pada sample lumput tersebut menghasilkan nilai sifat fisikyang baik sesuai standar yang dibutuhkan. Pada analisa pengangkatan cutting pada masing masing sample lumpur Saraline dan Smooth Fluid 05 memiliki hasil yang sangat baik seperti nilai CCI (Cutting Carry Index) diatas 1, CTR (Cutting TransportRatio) diatas 90 % dan CCA (Concentration in Annulus) dibawah 5 %. Sehingga hasil komposisi yang digunakan pada setiap sample tersebut dapat menghasilkan proses pengangkatan cutting yang berjalan optimal.
T The main function of drilling mud is to lift the surface cutting.. In the process of cutting removal from the bottom of the formation to the surface there are several characteristics of the physical properties of sludge and supporting factors that must be considered in order to achieve the success of cutting removal including the mud density, Mud viscosity, rheological properties, Plastic Viscosity, Yield Point, Gel Strength, fluid flow type, Rate of Penitration (ROP), Surface tension, drilling piperotation speed (RPM), and Jet Velocity of Pump capability. The design of the study to be used is analytical research and experimental research, both of which are to determine the causal relationship between the two variables operationally, differences, relationships, and interventions of researchers init. The research will interrogate the source data in it such as the concentration of OilBase Mud in the form of Saraline and Smooth Fluid 05 against the temperature to beused and then tested with rusteristic provisions on the mud such as density, and rheology of sludge that has a role in the process of trapping drill powder. After determining the value of physical properties such as density and rheology in the six samples of sludge will perform analysis of cutting removal using three parameter methods including: CCI (Cutting Carry Index Method), CTR (Cutting Transport Ratio Method), and (Concentration in Annulus Method). Value of Cutting Carry IndexMethod play a role in the drill mud whether the mud can lift the cutting at the base of the drill hole to the surface, the result can be said to be optimal if the value of CCI(Cutting Carrying Index) is more than 1. After conducting experimental research of the physical properties and rheological properties of sludge and analysis of cutting removal using the three methods above, it can be known the parameters of success incutting removal. From the observations of this study, it can be concluded that smooth fluid 05 and Saraline mud runs optimally in cutting removal. The calculation of cutting lifting meets the specification standards.