The role of image, trust, and satisfaction as a mediating variable of spirituality and halal-labelled food shopping behavior
Nomor Panggil : 022163001
Penerbit : FEB - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2022
Pembimbing 1 : Dyah Astarin
Subyek : Marketing - Management;Halal food
Kata Kunci : spirituality, image, trust, satisfaction, halal-labelled food shopping behaviour
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2022_TA_SMJ_022163001_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2022_TA_SMJ_022163001_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | ||
3. | 2022_TA_SMJ_022163001_Bab-1-Pendahuluan.pdf | ||
4. | 2022_TA_SMJ_022163001_Bab-2-Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf |
5. | 2022_TA_SMJ_022163001_Bab-3-Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf | 8 |
6. | 2022_TA_SMJ_022163001_Bab-4-Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf | 8 |
7. | 2022_TA_SMJ_022163001_Bab-5-Kesimpulna.pdf |
8. | 2022_TA_SMJ_022163001_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
9. | 2022_TA_SMJ_022163001_Lampiran.pdf |
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh spirituality, image, trust dan satisfaction terhadap behavior of halal-labelled food shopping. Tahap selanjutnya dilakukan uji terhadap varibel image, trust dan satisfaction memediasi halal-labelled food shopping behavior. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah uji hipotesis dengan menggunnakan kuesioner yang dibagikan pada 200 responden yang pernah membeli makanan berlogo halal. Hipotesa penelitian ini di uji dengan menggunakan metode Structural Equition Model (SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan image, trust, dan satisfaction berpengaruh positif terhadap halal-labelled food shopping behavior. Image, trust, dan satisfaction berpengaruh positif memediasi halal-labelled food shopping behavior, sedangkan spirituality terhadap halal-labelled food shopping behavior tidak berpengaruh positif. Penelitian ini memeberikan saran atau masukan terhadap perusahaan makanan berlabel halal untuk mengetahui factor apa saja yang mempengaruhi pembeli untuk membeli halal-labelled food, dan meningkatkan strategi marketing perusahaan. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan kepada peneliti di masa depan untuk menyertakan produk halal lainnya seperti kosmetik, pakaian, dan obat-obatan. Juga meneliti mengenai faktor lainnya seperti penampilan produk dan kualitas produk, juga memperluas area penelitian hingga ke skala nasional atau internasional.
T This research aims to determine the effect of spirituality, image, trust and satisfaction towards the behaviour of halal-labelled food shopping. Furthermore, the next stage is to test the variables Image, trust and satisfaction mediating halal-labelled food shopping behaviour. The design of this research is to test the hypothesis by using a questionnaire distributed to 200 respondents who have bought food with the halal logo. The research hypothesis was tested using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method. The results of this study show that image, trust, and satisfaction have a positive effect on halal-labelled food shopping behaviour. Image, trust, and satisfaction have a positive effect on mediating halal-labelled food shopping behaviour, while spirituality on halal-labelled food shopping behaviour has no positive effect. This study provides advice or input for halal-labelled food companies to find out what factors influence buyers to buy halal-labelled food, and improve the company's marketing strategy. This study recommends future researchers to study other halal products such as cosmetics, clothing, and medicines. Furthermore, adds other factors such as product appearance and product quality, while expanding the scope of observation by including respondents from national or international scale.