Perencanaan sistem air buangan di kota Bogor sampai dengan Tahun 2020
Nomor Panggil : -
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2001
Pembimbing 1 : Prawoto
Pembimbing 2 : Winarni
Subyek : Sewage disposal - Designs and plans
Kata Kunci : wastewater management, wastewater distribution system, City of Bogor
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2001_TA_STL_08296120_Halaman-judul.pdf | 11 | |
2. | 2001_TA_STL_08296120_Lembar-pengesahan.pdf | 1 | |
3. | 2001_TA_STL_08296120_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 3 | |
4. | 2001_TA_STL_08296120_Bab-2_Gambaran-umum-....pdf |
5. | 2001_TA_STL_08296120_Bab-3_Tinjauan-pustaka.pdf |
6. | 2001_TA_STL_08296120_Bab-4_Metode-perencanaan.pdf |
7. | 2001_TA_STL_08296120_Bab-5_Analisis-data.pdf |
8. | 2001_TA_STL_08296120_Bab-6_Perencanaan-sistem-....pdf |
9. | 2001_TA_STL_08296120_Bab-7_Perencanaan.pdf |
10. | 2001_TA_STL_08296120_Bab-8_Anggaran-....pdf |
11. | 2001_TA_STL_08296120_Bab-9_Kesimpulan-....pdf |
12. | 2001_TA_STL_08296120_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | 1 | |
13. | 2001_TA_STL_08296120_Lampiran.pdf |
K Kota Bogor terdiri dari 6 Kecamatan, 31 Kelurahan, 37 Desa mempunyai luas wilayah 11.850 Ha. pengelolaan air buangan saat ini dilakukan dengan sistem on site menggunakan tangki septik, cubluk, cemplung dan plengsengan atau sungai. Untuk meningkatkan taraf kesehatan masyarakat direncanakan sistem penyaluran air buangan yang teratur dengan menggunakan system Off Site.Laju pertumbuhan penduduk kota bogor sebesar 2425 jiwa/tahun. Proyeksi jumlah penduduk tahun 2010 dan tahun 2020 adalah 705.355 jiwa dan 729.605 jiwa. Untuk pemakaian air bersih non domestik 33,71 % dari pemakaian domestik dan faktor hari maksimum 1,11 Persentase air buangan didapat dari analisis waktu kerja pompa pada bak penampungan air buangan di Perumahan Indraprasta Bogor dengan hasil sebesar 79,17 % dari pemakaian air bersih. Debit rata-rata air buangan tahun 2010 dalah 1,466 1/detik/1000 jiwa dan tahun 2020 adalah 1,558 1/detik/1000 jiwa.Periode perencanaan tahap I (2000 – 2010) untuk Kelurahan/ Desa dengan kepadatan penduduk tinggi mencakup 30 % dari penduduk Kota Bogor. Tahap II (2010 – 2020) untuk Kelurahan/ Desa yang berada di tengah kota kepadatan 50 jiwa/ Ha mencakup 60 % dari penduduk Kota Bogor. Sistem penyaluran ini terbagi atas dua alternative berkaitan dengan kondisi lapangan.Hasil perhitungan untuk Alternative I yaitu panjang pipa induk 23.624 m, diameter pipa 300 – 900 mm, jumlah manhole 167 buah, jumlah drop manhole 64 buah, pompa 3 unit, dengan perkiraan biaya Rp. 7.405.400.000’-. sedangkan Alternatif II, panjang pipainduk 24.426 m, diameter pipa 300 – 900 mm, jumlah manhole 246 buah, jumlah drop manhole 71 buah, pompa 3 unit dengan perkiraan biaya Rp. 6.665.400.000,-. Alternatif terpilih adalah alternatife I dengan dasar meskipun biaya investasi awal besar tetapi biaya perawatan dan operasional lebih rendah.Sebelum pembangunan, perlu dilaksanakan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat, penyebaran informasi kegiatan, pengamatan dampak terhadap lingkungan dan menyiapkan sumber daya yang ada.The calculation results for Alternative I are the main pipe length 23,624 m, pipe diameter 300 – 900 mm, the number of manholes 167, the number of drop manholes 64, pumps 3 units, with an estimated cost of Rp. 7.405.400.000'-. while Alternative II, the main pipe length is 24,426 m, the pipe diameter is 300 – 900 mm, the number of manholes is 246, the number of drop manholes is 71, the pump is 3 units with an estimated cost of Rp. 6.665.400.000,-. The chosen alternative is alternative I on the basis that although the initial investment costs are large but the maintenance and operational costs are lower.Prior to construction, it is necessary to conduct outreach to the community, disseminate information on activities, observe impacts on the environment and prepare existing resources.
T The city of Bogor consists of 6 sub-districts, 31 urban villages, 37 villages and has an area of 11,850 ha. Wastewater management is currently carried out with an on site system using septic tanks, cubluk, cemplung and plengsengan or rivers. To improve the health level of the community, a regular wastewater distribution system is planned using the Off Site system.The population growth rate of Bogor city is 2425 people/year. The projected population in 2010 and 2020 is 705,355 people and 729,605 people. For the use of non-domestic clean water 33.71% of domestic use and a maximum day factor of 1.11 The percentage of waste water is obtained from the analysis of the working time of the pump in the waste water reservoir in the Indraprasta Housing Bogor with a result of 79.17% of clean water use. The average discharge of wastewater in 2010 was 1,466 1/second/1000 people and in 2020 it was 1,558 1/second/1000 people.Phase I planning period (2000 – 2010) for Kelurahan/Village with a high population density covers 30% of the population of Bogor City. Phase II (2010 – 2020) for Kelurahan/Village located in the middle of the city with a density of 50 people/ha covering 60% of the population of Bogor City. This distribution system is divided into two alternatives related to field conditions.The calculation results for Alternative I are the main pipe length 23,624 m, pipe diameter 300 – 900 mm, the number of manholes 167, the number of drop manholes 64, pumps 3 units, with an estimated cost of Rp. 7.405.400.000'-. while Alternative II, the main pipe length is 24,426 m, the pipe diameter is 300 – 900 mm, the number of manholes is 246, the number of drop manholes is 71, the pump is 3 units with an estimated cost of Rp. 6.665.400.000,-. The chosen alternative is alternative I on the basis that although the initial investment costs are large but the maintenance and operational costs are lower.Prior to construction, it is necessary to conduct outreach to the community, disseminate information on activities, observe impacts on the environment and prepare existing resources.The calculation results for Alternative I are the main pipe length 23.624 m, pipe diameter 300 – 900 mm, the number of manholes 167, the number of drop manholes 64, pumps 3 units, with an estimated cost of Rp. 7.405.400.000'-. while Alternative II, the main pipe length is 24,426 m, the pipe diameter is 300 – 900 mm, the number of manholes is 246, the number of drop manholes is 71, the pump is 3 units with an estimated cost of Rp. 6.665.400.000,-. The chosen alternative is alternative I on the basis that although the initial investment costs are large but the maintenance and operational costs are lower.Prior to construction, it is necessary to conduct outreach to the community, disseminate information on activities, observe impacts on the environment and prepare existing resources.