Perancangan apartemen dan area komersial di Kawasan Jaticempaka Kota Bekasi dengan pendekatan arsitektur high-tech
Penerbit : FTSP - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2020
Pembimbing 1 : Dermawati
Pembimbing 2 : Dwi Rosnarti
Subyek : Apartment - Architecture
Kata Kunci : partment, commercial area, transit oriented development, high-tech architecture.
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2020_TA_ARS_052001500068_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2020_TA_ARS_052001500068_Bab-1.pdf | 10 | |
3. | 2020_TA_ARS_052001500068_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2020_TA_ARS_052001500068_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2020_TA_ARS_052001500068_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2020_TA_ARS_052001500068_Bab-5.pdf | 11 |
7. | 2020_TA_ARS_052001500068_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
8. | 2020_TA_ARS_052001500068_Lampiran.pdf |
T Tugas akhir ini berisikan rumusan gagasan perancangan apartemen dan area komersial di kawasan jaticempaka kota Bekasi dengan pendekatan arsitektur high-tech. Di latar belakangi oleh Semakin meningkatnya penduduk tidak sebanding dengan lahan yang ada sehingga menyebabkan masyarakat sulit mencari lahan untuk tempat tinggal sehingga di rancang bangunan apartemen dengn fasilitas nya berupa area komersial sebagai penunjang dan terdapat ruang kommunal di pusat kawasan. Apalagi di kawasan ini sudah terintegrasi dengan transportasi massal LRT dengan Transit Oriented Development (TOD) dan Terminal hub bus, dan fasilitas berupa Park & Ride untuk melayani kebutuhan pengguna dalam bidang ekonomi, social, budaya. Metode analisa menggunakan teori HECTEAS yang di rancang dengan metode programing Robert G. Hershberger dalam buku “Architectural Programming And Predesigne Managerâ€. Sedangkan metode konsep menggunakan teori Kathryn H. Anthony (1997). Gagasan awal perancangan bermula dari TOR lalu di uraikan melalui studi preseden tipologi, tema dan lokasi. Kemudian analisa lokasi lalu dijadikan konsep programatik desain menuju gambar perancangan arsitektur.
T This final project contains the formulation of the idea of designing apartments and commercial areas in the jaticempaka area of Bekasi city with a high-tech architectural approach. In the background by the increasing population is not proportional to the existing land, making it difficult for people to find land for shelter so that the design of apartment buildings with facilities in the form of commercial areas to support and there is a communal space in the center of the area. Moreover, in this region it has been integrated with LRT mass transportation with Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and bus hub Terminals, and facilities in the form of Park & Ride to serve the needs of users in the economic, social and cultural fields. The analysis method uses the HECTEAS theory which was designed by Robert G. Hershberger's programing method in the book "Architectural Programming And Predesigne Manager". While the concept method uses the theory of Kathryn H. Anthony (1997). The initial design idea originated from the TOR and then explained through the study of precedent typologies, themes and locations. Then the location analysis is then made into a programmatic design concept towards an architectural design drawing.