Analisis diagnosa aliran pada pressure build up test dan deriverability test pada sumur b dan c lapangan x
Nomor Panggil : 1162/TP/2019
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2019
Pembimbing 1 : M. Taufiq Fathadin
Pembimbing 2 : Aqlina Fattahanisa
Subyek : Petroleum engineering - Well drilling
Kata Kunci : productivity, several factors, horner method
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500141_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 16 | |
2. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500141_Bab-1.pdf | 2 | |
3. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500141_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500141_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500141_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500141_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500141_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
8. | 2019_TA_TM_071001500141_Lampiran.pdf |
P Penurunan produktivitas pada Sumur B dan C yang merupakan sumur gasyang terdapat pada Lapangan X ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunyaadalah kerusakan formasi. Untuk mengidentifikasi kerusakan tersebut dilakukantest sumur. Test yang dilakukan adalah Pressure Build Up dimana sumurdiproduksikan selama waktu tertentu dengan laju alir yang tetap kemudian ditutupsehingga tekanannya akan naik dan dicatat sebagai fungsi watu. Untukmemudahkan analisa ini, penulis menggunakan metode Horner dan PressureDerivative dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Saphir versi 3.20 dan manual denganmetode Horner. Dari penggunaan softwre ini, maka diperoleh hasil analisa berupahistory plot, log-log plot (pressure derivative), semilog plot (superposisi) danHorner plot. Dari analisa yang dilakukan dapat diketahui nilai flowrate sumur,tekanan reservoir (Pr), tekanan dasar sumur (Pwf). Dari hasil pengujian ini dapatdiketahui nilai permeabilitas (k), skin factor (S), dan flow efficiency (FE). Selain ituflowrate maksimum dari suatu sumur harus dilakukan untuk menegetahui batasanproduksi dari suatu sumur dan dapat diuji dengan Deliverability Test yangdilakukan dengan metode Back Pressure Test (Flow After Flow) untuk Sumur Bdan Isochronal Test untuk Sumur C. Dimana dari hasil analisa dengan Saphirdiperoleh nilai skin untuk Sumur B sebesar 1.43, permeabilitas (k) sebesar 4.39md,AOFP sebesar 282.897 mmscfd, nilai N sebesar 1.2, dan nilai C sebesar 0.0014451[Mscf/D]/[psi]2. Sedangkan untuk Sumur C skin sebesar 0, permeabilitas (k)sebesar 2.26 md, AOFP sebesar 96,511 mmscfd, , nilai N sebesar 0.832826, dannilai C sebesar 0.170678 [Mscf/D]/[psi]2.. Berdasarkan hasil analisis model sumuryang sesuai untuk Sumur B adalah uniform flux, dengan model boundary infinite,dan model reservoir homogeneous. Sedangkan untuk Sumur C dengan model sumuruniform flux, dengan model boundary constant pressure, dan model reservoirhomogeneous.
D Decrease in productivity in Wells B and C which is a gas well found in FieldX is caused by several factors, one of which is damage to the formation. To identifythe damage, a well test was carried out. The test carried out is Pressure Build Upwhere the well is produced during a certain time with a fixed flow rate which isthen closed so that the pressure will rise and recorded as a watu function. Tofacilitate this analysis, the author uses the Horner and Pressure Derivative methodwith the help of Saphir version 3.20 software and manual with the Horner method.From the use of this software, the analysis results are obtained in the form of historyplots, log-log plots (pressure derivatives), semilog plots (superpositions) andHorner plots. From the analysis carried out, it can be seen the well flowrate value,reservoir pressure (Pr), well bottom pressure (Pwf). From the results of this test itcan be seen the value of permeability (k), skin factor (S), and flow efficiency (FE).In addition, the maximum flowrate from a well must be done to determine theproduction limits of a well and can be tested with the Deliverability Test carriedout by the Back Pressure Test (Flow After Flow) method for Wells B and IsochronalTest for Wells C. Where is the result of analysis with Saphir obtained skin value forB Well of 1.43, permeability (k) of 4.39md, AOFP of 282,897 mmscfd, N value of1.2, and C value of 0.0014451 [Mscf / D] / [psi] 2. Whereas for C skin well is 0,permeability (k) is 2.26 md, AOFP is 96.511 mmscfd, N value is 0.832826, and Cvalue is 0.170678 [Mscf / D]/[psi] 2. Based on the analysis of the well modelaccording to Wells B is uniform flux, with infinite boundary models, andhomogeneous reservoir models. Whereas for C well with uniform flux well models,with constant pressure boundary models, and homogeneous reservoir models.