Usulan perancangan kursi dan meja warnet yang ergonomis di Warnet Yokudonet


Oleh : Sumiyati

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2008

Pembimbing 1 : Dorina Hetharia

Pembimbing 2 : Nataya Charoonsri Rizani

Subyek : Human engineering;Chairs - Design;Tables - Design

Kata Kunci : chair design, table design, internet cafe, ergonomic, Warnet Yokudonet

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2008_TA_TI_06304137_Halaman-Judul.pdf 29
2. 2008_TA_TI_06304137_Bab-1.pdf 4
3. 2008_TA_TI_06304137_Bab-2.pdf
4. 2008_TA_TI_06304137_Bab-3.pdf 5
5. 2008_TA_TI_06304137_Bab-4.pdf 8
6. 2008_TA_TI_06304137_Bab-5.pdf
7. 2008_TA_TI_06304137_Bab-6.pdf
8. 2008_TA_TI_06304137_Bab-7.pdf
9. 2008_TA_TI_06304137_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf 1
10. 2008_TA_TI_06304137_Lampiran.pdf

P Perkembangan internet yang cukup pesat menyebabkan menjamurnya wamng internet (warnet). Salah satunya adalah warnet Yokudonet, yang bia sanya digunakan untuk melakukan kegiatan browsing, rnengetik , chatting , dan bennain game yang berl okasi d i Jakarta Barat. Mengingat kebutuhan internet yang terns menin gkat, warnet Yokudonet harus memberikan kenyamanan bagi para penggunanya.Pada penelitian ini dilakukan identifikasi masalah dellgan rnen yebarkan kuesioner awal. Hasil dari kuesioner awal menunjukkan permasalahan terletak pada kondisi kursi dan meja yang tidak memberikan kenyamanan bagi pengguna . Untuk itu dilakukan survey kepada para pengunjung dengan menggunakan kuesioner Nordic Body Map untu k mengetahui bagian tubuh yang paling sering dikeluhkan sakit akibat penggunaan kursi dan meja warnet.Perancangan kursi dan meja warnet ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment. Metode ini digunakan untuk mengetahui keinginan konsumen dan tingkat kepuasan mereka terhadap terhadap kursi dan meja warnet.Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data yang dilakukan, diketahui bahwa terdapat 7 karakteristik kebutuhan konsumen (WHATs) dan 18 karakteristik teknis (HOWs) untuk kursi, sedangkan untuk meja terdapat 9 karakteristik kebutuhan konsumen 35 karakteristik teknis. Berikutnya dilakukan prosesfuzzy arithmetic dan defuzzifikasi yang diubah dalam bentuk angka fuzzy sehingga diperoleh kepentingan absolut dan relatif yang digunakan untuk menentukan prioritas. Berdasarkan urutan prioritasnya , dibuat pohon konsep, dilakukan screening dan scoring concept serta penyelel

I Internet growing rapidly has caused the widely spread of internet cafe business. Yokudonet is one of those that usually being used for browsing, typing, chatting, and playing games. This internet cafe was located in West Jakarta. The increasing need of internet, made Yokudonet had to gave comfortable for the customers.This research was conducted to identify the problem by spreading early questioner. The result of the early questioner indicated that there were problem on chair and table condition, which didn't give comfortable service for the customers. So that, a survey had to be conducted for the customers by using Nordic Body Map questioner for get information about the most often hurt complain caused by chair and table in yokudonet.The design of chair and table using Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment method. This method was used to identify the desire of customers and their satisfaction based of chair and table.Data processing result showed there were 7 characteristics of customers desire (WHATs) and 18 technical characteristics (HOWs) for chair, 9 characteristics of customers desire and 35 technical characteristics for table. Then, fuzzy arithmetic process and defuzzification were conducted and were converted into the fuzzy value so that the importance absolut and relative value can be found to detennine the priorities. Based on the priorities rank, concept tree was made, screening concept and scoring concept was conducted and last selection was conducted by using New Fuzzy Weight Average method. One decision maker was involved in this method so that one best concept was selected on designing chair and table. Suggestion concept for chair are the height of chair can be adjusted , construct of chair was made from iron and fiber, have 5 leg and I support, and back was made from foam was covered by leather. Suggestion concept for table are rectangle shape of table, have 4 leg and 4 support with I type, have push-pull divider. Then, the implementation of the suggestion products was conducted by spreading Nordic Body Map questioner and improvement analysis was conducted with Mannequin Pro7. The result of these questioner show there was decreasing percentage of customers bodies hurt complaint. Percentage of hurt complaint which a significant decreasement is upper neck fro 90% to 20%. The result of improvement analysis with Mannequin Pro7 show there was improvement for momentum at back and neck side compared to past condition.

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