Evaluasi penggunaan metode casing drilling pada pemboran sumur FN-04 di lapangan salam
Nomor Panggil : 914/TP/2018
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2018
Pembimbing 1 : Abdul Hamid
Pembimbing 2 : Harin Widiyatni
Subyek : Casing drilling;Petroleum engineering
Kata Kunci : casing drilling, torque, drag, buckling, hookload
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2018_TA_TM_071001400202_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 18 | |
2. | 2018_TA_TM_071001400202_Bab-1.pdf | 3 | |
3. | 2018_TA_TM_071001400202_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2018_TA_TM_071001400202_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2018_TA_TM_071001400202_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2018_TA_TM_071001400202_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2018_TA_TM_071001400202_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
8. | 2018_TA_TM_071001400202_Lampiran.pdf |
S Sumur FN-04 berada di Lapangan Salam yang dikelola oleh PT. PertaminaEP terletak di Pulau Kalimantan, berada kurang lebih 50 km sebelah timur KotaSamarinda. Berdasarkan operasi pemboran pada sumur-sumur sebelumnya yangselalu memiliki masalah lost circulation yang sangat merugikan, maka pada sumurFN-04 diputuskan untuk melakukan operasi pemboran dengan metode casingdrilling pada trayek 17-1/2 inci. Pemilihan metode casing drilling tersebut karenadengan metode blind dilling dan LCM tidak efektif untuk mengatasi masalah lostcirculation yang terjadi sehingga berdampak pada meningkatnya non productivetime. Diharapkan dengan metode casing drilling ini masalah lost circulation padalapangan ini dapat teratasi dan juga mengurangi non productive time (NPT)khususnya ketika pemboran Sumur FN-04. Sumur FN-04 dibor secara vertikalhingga kedalaman 1078 mTVD, namun trayek 17-1/2 inci yang menggunakanmetode casing drilling hanya sampai kedalaman 401 mTVD.Metode casing drilling yang diterapkan pada Sumur FN-04 ini yaitu casingdrilling level 2 (non retrievable BHA). Pemboran dilakukan dari kedalaman 36meter sampai 401 meter TVD. Operasi casing drilling hanya digunakan pada trayekcasing intermediate. Casing yang digunakan pada pemboran ini merupakan casingkonvensional yang memiliki outside diameter 13-3/8 inci dengan grade K-55 danpounder 54,5 ppf. Casing tersebut mempunyai jenis sambungan BTC karena sudahstandar API. Bit yang digunakan yaitu bitshoe dengan tipe XCD3 yang bersifatdrillable bit. Perencanaan awal menggunakan beberapa estimasi parameter operasimeliputi densitas lumpur sebesar 8,7 ppg, rate of penetration sebesar 100 ft/h, stringRPM sebesar 40 rpm, friksi sebesar 0,40 dan weight on bit sebesar 10.000 lb. Padametode casing drilling Sumur FN-04 menggunakan MLT ring yang bertujuanuntuk meningkatkan torsional casing menjadi 63.630 lb-ft.Seperti halnya pada pemboran konvensional, operasi casing drilling padaSumur FN-04 perlu dievaluasi dan dianalisis. Parameter mekanika pemboranseperti beban torsi, beban drag, analisis buckling dan hookload harus dihitungkarena metode ini menggunakan casing sebagai drillstring sehingga beban-bebanakan semakin bertambah dibanding dengan pemboran konvensional. Bebantersebut tidak boleh melebihi batas atau limit yang dimiliki oleh casing maupun rig.Berdasarkan evaluasi operasi casing drilling Sumur FN-04 berjalan dengan lancar.Beban torsi terbesar di lapangan yaitu 5.887 lb-ft lebih kecil dibandingkan dengantorsional casing dengan MLT ring dan torsional casing drive system sehingga tidak
T The well FN-04 is located in Salam Field which is managed by PT. PertaminaEP is located on the Borneo island, located approximately 50 km east of SamarindaCity. Based on drilling operations at previous wells which always had very harmfullost circulation problems, the FN-04 well was decided to conduct drillingoperations with the casing drilling method on a trajectory 17-1/2 inch. Theselection of the casing drilling method is because the blind dilling method and LCMare not effective in dealing with lost circulation problems that occur so as to havean impact on increasing non-productive time. It is expected that with this casingdrilling method the problem of lost circulation in this field can be overcome andalso reduce non-productive time (NPT) especially when drilling the well FN-04.The well FN-04 was drilled vertically to a depth of 1078 mTVD, but 17-1/2 inchusing the casing drilling method only to a depth of 401 mTVD.The casing drilling method applied to this well FN-04 is a level 2 (nonretrievable BHA). Drilling is carried out from a depth of 36 meters to 401 metersTVD. Casing drilling operations are only used on intermediate casing. The casingused in this drilling is a conventional casing that has a diameter of 13-3/8 inch witha grade of K-55 and pounder 54.5 ppf. The coupling has a BTC type because it hasan API standard. The bit used is bitshoe with XCD3 type which is drillable bit. Theinitial planning of using some operating parameter estimations included a muddensity of 8.7 ppg, a rate of penetration of 100 ft/h, a string RPM of 40 rpm, afriction of 0.40 and a weight on bit of 10,000 lb. In the well FN-04 uses an MLTring which aims to increase the torsional casing to 63,630 lb-ft.As with conventional drilling, casing drilling operations in the well FN-04need to be evaluated and analyzed. Drilling mechanical parameters such as torque,drag, buckling analysis and hookload must be calculated because this method usesthe casing as drillstring so that the loads will increase compared to conventionaldrilling. The expense may not exceed the limit owned by the casing and rig. Basedon the evaluation of casing drilling operations the FN-04 well runs smoothly. Thelargest torque load in the field is 5,887 lb-ft smaller than the torsional casing withMLT ring and torsional casing drive system so that no problems arise due toexcessive torque loads. Maximum thrust load in the field of 16,970 lb is also smallerthan the thrust obtained from the weight of the drill string so that no stuck pipe willoccur due to drag load.In the casing drilling operation, the FN-04 well has no buckling problem orthe pipe is bent because the critical buckling casing of the K-55 is much larger than the weight on bit in the field as a compression load. The maximum hookload thatoccurs in the field is 70,390 lb smaller than the body yield and joint strength of thecasing K-55 so that the top casing is still able to bear the casing circuit load below.Hookload is also smaller than the hookload rig capacity of 600 klb so that the rigis capable of carrying out casing drilling operations. However, after optimizationof casing drilling operation does not require an MLT ring because the torsionalcasing is still able to withstand torque loads up to a depth of 401 meters.