Kajian perkembangan Kota Bogor ditinjau dari aspek pelayanan kota dan fungsi wilayah penelitian
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarts
Tahun Terbit : 2018
Pembimbing 1 : Endrawati Fatimah
Pembimbing 2 : Yayat Supriatna
Subyek : City development
Kata Kunci : city development, city service, function area
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2018_TA_SPW_083001400020_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 15 | |
2. | 2018_TA_SPW_083001400020_Bab-1.pdf | 10 | |
3. | 2018_TA_SPW_083001400020_Bab-2.pdf | 22 |
4. | 2018_TA_SPW_083001400020_Bab-3.pdf | 5 |
5. | 2018_TA_SPW_083001400020_Bab-4.pdf | 11 |
6. | 2018_TA_SPW_083001400020_Bab-5.pdf | 44 |
7. | 2018_TA_SPW_083001400020_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2018_TA_SPW_083001400020_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 |
P Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh belum berkembangnya 5 Wilayah Pelayanan (WP) di Kota Bogor, dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi perkembangan Kota Bogor ditinjau dari aspek pelayanan kota dan fungsi wilayah. Lingkup penelitian ini adalah aspek pelayanan kota dan fasilitas pendukung fungsi wilayah. Aspek pelayanan kota terdiri dari sarana pendidikan, kesehatan, perdagangan dan prasarana transportasi, kelistrikan, persampahan serta air bersih. Fungsi wilayah merupakan fungsi perdagangan, sentra, wisata, pusat perkantoran, RTH skala kota, jasa akomodasi, ekowisata serta MICE. Berdasarkan pada tujuan penelitian, teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah skalogram Guttman dan deskriptif. Hasil analisis skalogram Guttman menunjukan bahwa WP Kota Bogor terbagi menjadi 3 hierarki, WP A termasuk ke dalam hierarki I, WP B dan C termasuk ke dalam hierarki II, WP D dan E termasuk ke dalam hierarki III. Kondisi hierarki pelayanan dapat disimpulkan masing-masing WP memiliki aspek pelayanan kota yang sama dan dibedakan dengan skala pelayanan dari perbandingan jumlah aspek pelayanannya. Fungsi wilayah di masing-masing WP menunjukan bahwa terdapat beberapa WP yang belum menjalankan fungsinya. WP yang menjalankan fungsinya hanya WP A; WP B yang belum terpenuhi fungsi jasa akomodasi dan perdagangan; WP C yang belum terpenuhi fungsi sentra elektronik; WP D yang belum terpenuhi fungsi jasa akomodasi; dan WP E yang belum terpenuhi fungsi jasa akomodasi dan MICE. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa aspek pelayanan kota dan fasilitas penunjang fungsi jumlahnya belum sesuai dengan standar kebutuhan dan diperlukan pemenuhan aspek pelayanan kota dan fasilitas penunjang fungsi agar terciptanya perkembangan Kota Bogor yang sesuai dengan RTRW.
T This research is motivated by the undeveloped 5 Service Areas ( WP ) in the city of Bogor, with the aim of identifying the development of the city of Bogor in terms of aspects of city services and function areas. The scope of this research is aspects of city services and supporting facilities for function areas . The aspect of city service consists of means of education, health, trade and infrastructure of transportation, electricity, solid waste and clean water. Function areas are functions of trade, centres, tourism, office centres, city-scale green space, accommodation services, ecotourism and MICE. Based on the research objectives, the analysis technique used are Guttman sclaogram and descriptive. The results of the Guttman scalogram analysis show that the Bogor City WP is divided into 3 hierarchies, WP A belongs to hierarchy I, WP B and C are included in hierarchy II, WP D and E belong to hierarchy III. The condition of the service hierarchy can be concluded that each WP has the same aspect of city service and is distinguished by the service scale from the comparison of the number of aspects of its services. The function area in each WP shows that there are several WPs that have not carried out their functions. WPs that carry out their functions are only WP A; WP B which has not fulfilled the functions of accommodation and trade services; WP C has not fulfilled the electronic centre function; WP D which has not fulfilled the function of accommodation services; and WP E which has not fulfilled the function of accommodation services and MICE. The results of the study show that the aspects of city service and function support facilities have not been in accordance with the standard requirements and the fulfilment of aspects of city services and function support facilities is needed to create the development of Bogor City in accordance with the spatial plan.