Analisa queuing dan wait on truck pada kombinasi backhoe liebherr R966 (S414) VC Cat 789 pada PIT Inul East, PT.Kaltim Prima Coal
Nomor Panggil : 503/TT/2018
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2018
Pembimbing 1 : Hermanto S.
Pembimbing 2 : Syamidi P.
Subyek : Productivity
Kata Kunci : productivity, equipment availability, fuel consumption analisa
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2018_TA_TB_07312150_Halaman-judul.pdf | 21 | |
2. | 2018_TA_TB_07312150_Bab-1.pdf | 5 | |
3. | 2018_TA_TB_07312150_Bab-2.pdf | 9 |
4. | 2018_TA_TB_07312150_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2018_TA_TB_07312150_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2018_TA_TB_07312150_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2018_TA_TB_07312150_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2018_TA_TB_07312150_Bab-7.pdf |
9. | 2018_TA_TB_07312150_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | 1 | |
10. | 2018_TA_TB_07312150_Lampiran.pdf |
P Pada proses kegiatan pengupasan lapisan Overburden yang dilakukan PT.Kaltim Prima Coal seringkali mengalami hambatan-hambatan operasi yangmenyebabkan tidak tercapainya produktivitas alat yang telah ditentukan olehperusahaan, Perusahaan menargetkan Produktivitas alat sebesar 2100 BCM/Jamnamun pada kondisi nyata dilapangan Produktivitas tersebut tidak tercapai, makadari itu dilakukan pengamatan terhadap Queuing dan Wait on Truck terhadap satuFleet Liebherr R996 (S414) dan 7 Truck CAT 789.Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengamatan terhadap hambatan-hambatanyang terjadi pada kegiatan pengupasan Overburden, Ketersediaan alat,Produktivitas alat gali-muat dan alat angkut, serta pengamatan terhadap konsumsibahan bakar dan Fuel ratio pada masing-masing alat. Pengamatan ini dilakukanpada periode 15 mei 2017 – 11 Juni 2017 di PIT Inul East.Dari hasil analisa pengamatan ini diperoleh yaitu nilai ketersediaan alatbaik alat gali-muat dan alat angkut masih dibawah standar yang ditentukan olehperusahaan. Nilai PA, MA, UA, EU dan efisiensi kerja baik pada alat angkutmaupun alat gali muat masih dibawah standar perusahaan. nilai PA, MA, UA, EUdan efisiensi alat gali-muat adalah 85%, 82%, 79%, 67% dan 68%. Dimana dalamplan yang buat oleh perusahaan adalah sebesar 95%, 94%, 88%, 84% dan 73%.Begitu pula dengan alat angkut nilai PA, MA, UA, EU dan efisiensi alat padaperiode pengamatan adalah 88%, 81%, 57%, 50% dan 85% sedangkan plan yangdibuat perusahaan terhadap ketersediaan alat angkut adalah 96%, 96%, 85%, 82%dan 91%. Maka dari itu produktivitas alat menjadi tidak tercapai dan hanyadidapat 1909.9 BCM/Jam. Karena ketidak tercapaian ini, penggunaan konsumsibahan bakar dan dan Fuel ratio pun menjadi tidak efisien, nilai konsumsi bahanbakar pada alat gali-muat menjadi 444.1 liter/Jam untuk alat gali-muat dan 133liter/jam untuk alat angkutnya. Nilai konsumsi bahan bakar tersebut masih diatasnilai konsumsi bahan bakar berdasarkan Teori R.L. Peurifoy yang digunakansebagai pembandingnya, untuk alat gali-muat sebesar 351,5 liter/Jam dan untukalat angkut 121.4 Liter/Jam.
I In the Overburden layer stripping process conducted by PT. Kaltim PrimaCoal often experience obstacles in the operation process which causing theequipment to be less productive than the company’s standard, the company istargeting the equipment to have productivity at 2100 BCM/hour but in the realityit didn’t have such productivity, therefore observations are made on Queuing andwait on 1 Fleet Liebherr R996 (S414) and 7 CAT 789 truck.In this studies observations are made on the possible obstacles in theOverburden stripping process, equipment availability, Excavating and Haulingequipment productivity, fuel consumptions, and fuel ration for each equipment.The observation were conducted in may 15 2017 to june 11 2017 in PIT Inul EastAnalysis show that the availability of the excavation equipment and thehauling equipment are below the company’s standard. The PA, MA, UA, EU, andwork efficiencies value on both Excavating and hauling equipment are still belowcompany’s standard. The PA, MA, UA, EU, and work efficiencies value of theexcavation equipment on the field are 85%, 82%, 79%, 67%, and 68%,respectively. Where the company’s standard for the excavating equipment are95%, 94%, 88%, 84%, and 73%, respectively. Likewise, the PA, MA, UA, EU,and work efficiencies value of the hauling equipment on the field are 88%, 81%,57%, 50%, and 85%, respectively. Where the company’s standard for the Haulingequipment are 96%, 96%, 85%, 82%, and 91%, respectively. All of those problemstated before are causing the productivity to be at 1909.9 BCM/hour. Theinefficiency and below productive rate on the field are causing the fuelconsumption and fuel ratio to be higher than the company’s standard, causing thework to be even less efficient and less productive, fuel consumption for theExcavating and hauling equipment are 444.1 liter/hour and 133 liter/hour,respectively. The fuel consumption on the field are still higher compared to R.L.Peurifoy theory which stated the fuel consumption should be at 351.5 liter/hourfor the Excavating equipment and 121.4 liter/hour for the Hauling equipment.