Canteen wastewater treatment using sequencing batch reactor with plastic waste type polisterina serine as media in Campus A, Trisakti University
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2017
Pembimbing 1 : Muhammad Lindu
Pembimbing 2 : Ramadhani Yanidar
Kata Kunci : treatment, sequencing batch reactor, wastewater, cinetic parameter, activated sludge
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2017_TA_TL_08210021_Halaman-judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2017_TA_TL_08210021_Bab-1.pdf | ||
3. | 2017_TA_TL_08210021_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2017_TA_TL_08210021_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2017_TA_TL_08210021_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2017_TA_TL_08210021_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2017_TA_TL_08210021_Daftar--pustaka.pdf |
8. | 2017_TA_TL_08210021_Lampiran.pdf |
L Limbah kantin Kampus A Universitas Trisakti masih melebihi baku mutu efluent air limbah menurut Pergub DKI 69 Tahun 2013. Air limbah mempunyai potensi pencemar yang menganggu kesehatan lingkungan disekitar, oleh karena itu di Kampus A Universitas Trisakti perlu dilakukan pengolahan air limbah sebelum di salurkan ke badan air. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan dan maksud memberikan alternatif untuk pengolahan air limbah kantin di Kampus A Universitas Trisakti di masa mendatang. Bio filter tipe Squencing Batch Reaktor (SBR) secara garis besar mendegredasi substrat menggunakan mikroorganisme, dimana substrat diaduk bersama flokulan biomasa, media pada SBR menggunakan modifikasi limbah botol berbahan Polisterina Serine (PS) agar dapat menjadi tempat berdiam atau menempelnya bakteri. Uji kemampuan degradasi bakteri terhadap zat organik Sampling dilakukan dengan interval waktu 0 menit, 15 menit, 1 jam, 2 jam, 3 jam, 5 jam, 7 jam, dan 24 jam dengan parameter yang diukur adalah COD (mg/L), BOD (mg/L), MLSS(mg/L) dan MLVSS (mg/L) dengan perbandingan 1:3 dan 1:4 Mixed Liquor (ML) terhadap influent. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui spesifikasi limbah yakult yang dimodifikasi menjadi media untuk penelitian dengan data ketebalan = 0,4 cm, LuasSpesifik = 231,39 m2/m3, beratnya = 0,0989 kg/m3, porositas rongga = 0,90, celahbebas 0,68%. Besaran COD dan BOD rata-rata pada limbah kantin Universitas Trisakti melebihi baku mutu jika dibandingkan dengan Pergub DKI No. 68 Tahun 2013 “Baku Mutu Air Limbah Bagi Kegiatan dan/atau Usahaâ€. Data influent konsentrasi COD yang masuk ke reaktor tertinggi dengan nilai 880 (mg/L) dan terendah dengan nilai 580 (mg/L). Persen penurunan COD terbesar dengan nilai 55% dan terendah 33,3 %. Konsentrasi BOD yang terendah 288,365 mg/L efesiensi = 47 % paling tinggi = 52 %. Umax/Ks berkisar -0,00024/haris sampaidengan -0,0048/hari. Nilai Y = 0,0644mg VSS / mg COD (ML 1:3) sampai dengan 0,3189 mg MLVSS / mg MLCOD (ML 1:4). Disarankan mempunyai waktu yang cukup untuk melakukan proses seeding dana klimatisasi karena pada proses ini berhubungan dengan pertumbuhan mikroorganisme.
T The waste water effluent of canteen in Campus A Trisakti University still exceeds quality standard according to Governor Regulation No.69;2013. Wastewater has pollutan potential that invade the health of the surrounding environment. Therefore, wastewater must have treatment before streamed to surface water area. The purpose of this research to provide an alternative for canteen wastewater treatment in Campus A, Trisakti University in the future. In general, type Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) BIofilter can degradate the substrate using microorganisms, where the substrate stirred with biomass flocculants. The media in SBR using modified bottle waste made of Polisterina Serine (PS). So, it can be place to bacteria attached. The ability of bacteria degradation test to organic matter was done with interval times of 0 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 5 hours, 7 hours and 24 hours with parameters measured were COD (mg/L), BOD mg/L), MLSS (mg/L) and MLVSS (mg/L) with a ratio of 1: 3 and 1: 4 Mixed Liquor (ML) to influent. From the result of this research, the spesification of modified bottle waste as media are thickness = 0,4 cm, Specific Area = 231,39 m2/m3, weigh = 0,0989 kg/m3, porosity cavity = 0,90, freeboard = 0.68%. The average value of COD and BOD in wastewater of Trisakti University canteen still exceeded the quality standard according to regulation of governor DKI Jakarta No. 69;2013 about “Wastewater Quality Standard for Activity and/or Businessâ€. Inffluent data of COD concentration that entering to reactor has the highest value with 880 mg/L and lowest value with 580 mg/L. The highest percentage of COD decrease is 55% and the lowest is 33,3%. The lowest BOD concentration is 288,365 mg/L with the efficiency 47%, the highest efficiency is 52% with Umax/Ks value -0,00024/day until -0,0048/day. The value of Y = 0,0644 mg VSS/mg COD (ML 1:3) until 0,3189 mg MLVSS/mg MLCOD (ML 1:4). For recommendation to has enough time to do the seeding and acclimatization process because in this process related to the growth of microorganisms