Analisis Transien Tekanan dan Uji Deliverabilitas pada Sumur D Lapangan C dan Sumur Y Lapangan X
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2016
Pembimbing 1 : M. Taufiq Fathadin
Pembimbing 2 : Samsol
Subyek : Transient analysis;Deliverability test
Kata Kunci : transient analysis, deliverability test, district Indramayu
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2016_TA_TM_07112003_Halaman-judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2016_TA_TM_07112003_Bab-1.pdf | ||
3. | 2016_TA_TM_07112003_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2016_TA_TM_07112003_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2016_TA_TM_07112003_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2016_TA_TM_07112003_Bab-6.pdf |
7. | 2016_TA_TM_07112003_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | ||
8. | 2016_TA_TM_07112003_Lampiran.pdf |
S Sumur D terletak di daerah Kabupaten Indramayu Provinsi Jawa Barat. Sumur D merupakan sumur penghasil minyak pada lapangan C. Sumur D mulai produksi pada lapisan Z-14 pada 15 Mei 2015. Namun sumur D ini sudah lama ditutup dan baru dibuka kembali, sehingga dilakukan uji sumur dengan pressure build-up test pada tanggal 30 April 2015 untuk melihat kondisi reservoir. Sedangkan sumur Y terletak di daerah Tinggian Cilamaya Provinsi Jawa Barat. Sumur Y merupakan sumur penghasil gas pada lapangan X. Lapangan X ditemukan pada tahun 2012 dengan ditandai dengan pemboran pada sumur Y. Sumur Y mulai berproduksi pada 10 Desember 2012, namun hasil produksinya mengalami penurunan. Sehingga dilakukan uji sumur dengan pressure build-up test pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2015. Setelah didapat kondisi reservoir pada sumur D dengan menggunakan uji sumur pressure build-up test, dilakukan pengujian untuk mencari nilai produktivitas sumur dan analisa kerusakan formasi pada sumur D dengan menggunakan metode Jones, Blount, and Glaze. Sehingga didapatkan hasil bahwa sumur D mengalami kerusakan formasi dan memiliki nilai produktivitas sumur yang kecil, serta direkomendasikan untuk dilakukan stimulasi reservoir. Pada sumur Y setelah didapat kondisi reservoir dari uji sumur pressurebuild-up test, dilakukan uji deliverabilitas sumur untuk mencari nilai absoluteopen flow potential dengan menggunakan metode modified isochronal test sehingga didapatkan nilai absolute open flow potential yaitu sebesar 7.59 MMscfd. Hasil dari Pressure Build-up Test pada sumur D didapatkan nilai permeabilitas sebesar 24.3 mD, nilai skin (s) sebesar 1.23, nilai Pressure Initial sebesar 2374.9 psi, nilai ΔPskin sebesar 243.406 psi, dan nilai boundary distance sebesar 295 ft. Dari hasil uji sumur pada sumur D dengan menggunakan Jones, Blount, and Glaze Method disimpulkan bahwa sumur D memiliki nilai produktivitas sumur yang kecil dan terjadi keruskan formasi. Berdasarkan Jones, Blount and Glaze Method nilai A dan A’/A pada sumur D tinggi sehingga direkomendasikan untuk dilakukan stimulasi reservoir. Hasil dari Pressure Build-Up Test pada sumur Y didapatkan nilai permeabilitas sebesar 30.5 mD, nilai Pressure Initial (Pi) sebesar 1398.8 psi, nilai skin (s) sebesar 17.7 dan nilai ΔPskin sebesar 176.478 psi. Dan dari hasil uji deliverabilitas didapatkan nilai n sebesar 0.5605, nilai Cs sebesar 0.002257, dan nilai AOFP yang didapatkan dari Modified Isochronal Test pada Sumur Y yaitu sebesar 7.59 MMscfd. Dari analisa pressure build-up test dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya indikasi kerusakan sumur yang terjadi dari kedua sumur yaitu sumur D dan sumur Y. Indikasi kerusakan dapat diketahui dari nilai skin yang bernilai positif, sehingga perlu dilakukan stimulasi reservoir yang bertujuan untuk menghilangkan nilai skin. Stimulasi reservoir yang dapat dilakukan yaitu dengan menggunakan metode matrix acidizing, karena sumur D dan sumur Y memiliki lithologi batuan berupa limestone atau karbonat.
D D well is located in the district of Indramayu, West Java Province. D well is an oil producing well of field C. D well has started its production through Z-14 zoneon May 15th, 2015. However, D well has been long shut and has been re-openedrecently, therefore a well test is done with pressure build-up test on April 30th, 2015to check up on the reservoir condition. Meanwhile, Y well is a gas producing well offield X. Field X was discovered in 2012, marked with a drilling job on Y well. Wellhas started its production on December 10th, 2012, however its production isdeclining. Therefore a pressure build-up well test was done on October 16th, 2015.After acquiring reservoir conditions of D well through pressure build-up test,an evaluation to find the productivity of the well and formation damage analysis of Dwell were done using Jones, Blount and Glaze method. Therefore it could beconcluded that D well has a formation damage and low productivity, then it is recommended to conduct a reservoir stimulation. On Y field, after acquiring reservoir conditions through pressure build-up test, a deliverability test was done to find absolute open flow potential value using modified isochronal test method, then the gained absolute open flow potential value is 7.59 MMScfd. The result from the pressure build up test concludes that well D has 24.3 mD of permeability, the skin has 1.23, the pressure initial has 2374.9 psi, the Δpskin has 243.406 psi, and the boundary distance has 295 ft. From the result of well test D that uses jones, blount, and glaze method concludes that well D has small productivity and has formation damage. Based on jones, blount, and glaze method, the A and A’/A on well D are very high therefore it was recommended doing the reservoir stimulation. The result from the build up test concludes that well Y has 30.5 mD of permeability, the skin has 17.7, the pressure initial has 1398.8 psi, the Δpskin has 176.478 psi. The deliverability test concludes that the n has 0.56505, the Cs has 0.002257, and the AOFP that was from modified isochronal test on well Y has the amount of 7.59 MMscfd. From this pressure build-up test analysis is concluded that well damaged is occurred in both well, well D and well Y. The damage indication is obtained from the value of skin which resulted positives, therefore a reservoir stimulation is needed to disappear the value of skin. Reservoir stimulation which can be applied into the well is using matrix acidizing, because both well D and well Y has same rock lithology, which is limestone or carbonate.