Studi pedagang kaki lima di pasar ciputat
Nomor Panggil : 083008
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2002
Pembimbing 1 : Aidid A. Gafar
Pembimbing 2 : Yayat Supriatna
Subyek : Regional Planning - Local market
Kata Kunci : traditional market, Ciputat, economic activity
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2002_TA_PL_08397010_Halaman-judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2002_TA_PL_08397010_Bab-1.pdf | ||
3. | 2002_TA_PL_08397010_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2002_TA_PL_08397010_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2002_TA_PL_08397010_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2002_TA_PL_08397010_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2002_TA_PL_08397010_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | ||
8. | 2002_TA_PL_08397010_Lampiran.pdf |
S Studi tentang pedagang kaki lima yang perkembangannya dibedakan dalam dua models mempunyai peranan penting di area tersebut, terutama pasar tradisional sebagai aktivitas ekonomi dari masyarakat yang sudah lama. Karakteristik umum dari pasar tradisional di Indonesia adalah melanggar peraturan, kotor, brcek; dan bau. Walaupun dengan program renovasi seperti membuat bangunan pasar sebagai pegganti gubuk, persoalan tetap ada, apalagi banyak aktivitas perdagangan dilakukan diluar bangunan formal seperti di trotoar atau di jalan. Jenis aktivitas perdagangan ini dikategorikan sebagai pedagang kaki lima. Sebagai pasar tradisional yang menempati lokasi strategis Pasar Ciputat juga berusaha mengatasi masalah tersebut. Efek negatip dari pedagang kaki lima adalah masalah kebersihan dan keindahan kota dan kemacetan lalu lintas.
S Study on street vendors in Ciputat Market, which in its progress developed into two distinguishable models, have important aspect to an area, especially traditional market as a manner of existence of economic activity from community that established in older times and particularly to low income community.General characteristics from traditional markets in Indonesia always associated with disorderly, filthy, muddy and smelly. Even with renovation programs like making store building as replacement of huts, this problems still exists, moreover, many trading activities was done outside of provided formal place like on the pedestrian area and road shoulder. This kind of trading activity is categorized as street vendors. As a traditional market positioned in strategic location, Pasar Ciputat at Ciputat Sub district, Banten Regency, Province of West Java, also encounter these problems. Negative effects from the existence of street vendor are problems in city beauty and cleanliness and traffic congestion. In order to cope with this problems, the first step must be taken is analyzing why street vendor occurs.Aspects examined here included status and location, physical and management aspects of market, also policy from central and regional authority, characteristic of street vendor and buyers. The result is the sources of street vendor occurrences can be categorized into pull factors and push factors. The pull factors included strategic location of Pasar Ciputat and its status as a sub district market, capability in capturing many consumer, no need to pay rent, and•high income possibility. The push factors included limited resources of street vendor, forced to fulfill living necessity, economical principle in choosing business location, inadequate area of business, wretched arrangement of business area, uncomfortable conditions inside market building, taking retribution from street vendor as part of legalization, and lack of firm attitude to uphold the law from the authority.Handling street vendor is not easy, as matter of fact it is extremely difficult. Recommendations for handling is expected to overcome problems in physical aspect of market and street vendor location, capital and law, by renovating market, or still using existing location but allocating parts of street vendor to other market in sub city area, providing complement facilities, repairing street and sanitation facilities, improving the service of Market Cooperation and upholding the law. Handling street vendor requires long period process, heavy budget and the most important thing is it needs support from every stake holders especially from the street vendors themselves