Analisa penerapan SML ISO 14001 studi kasus PT Sharp Elektronik Indonesia
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2006
Pembimbing 1 : Endro S.
Pembimbing 2 : Sintorini
Subyek : ISO 14000 Series Standards;Production management - Environmental aspects;Environmental management - Standards
Kata Kunci : EMS, ISO 14001, Descriptive of Analysis, Laws number 7 year 1994, principles of WTO
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2006_TA_STL_08201055_Halaman-judul.pdf | 18 | |
2. | 2006_TA_STL_08201055_Bab-1.pdf | 4 | |
3. | 2006_TA_STL_08201055_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2006_TA_STL_08201055_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2006_TA_STL_08201055_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2006_TA_STL_08201055_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2006_TA_STL_08201055_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
8. | 2006_TA_STL_08201055_Lampiran.pdf |
S Sebagai konsekuensi ratifikasi perjanjian pembentukan Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia (WTO) melalui undang-undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1994 (persetujuan pembentukan WTO), kebijakan nasional Indonesia dalam b"dang perdagangan harus sejalan dengan prinsip• prinsip WTO. Isu lingkungan hidup dala'TI WTO mencuat pada konfrensi ke-1 tingkat Menteri WTO di Singapura pada tahun 1 95. Pelaksanaanya di lapangan adalah setiap industri dipersyaratkan memenuhi standar-standar lingkungan hidup bagi produk-produk ekspor seperti SML ISO 14001, SMM 9001 serta Sl\1K 18001, khususnya yang ditujukan ke negara-negara anggota WTO.Rancangan penelitian tugas akhir analisis penerapan sistem manajemen lingkungan di PT. SEID ini rnenggunakan metode pe elitian deskriptif analisis. Tujuan dari penelitian deskriptif ini adalah untuk mernbuaj deskripsi atau gambaran secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat, mengenai fakta-fakta, sifat-sifat serta hul:iungan antar fenomena yang diselidiki, serta mencari factor kendala dan faktor pendukung dalam penerapan SML ISO 14001 di PT. SEID.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian kendala yang mempengaruhi penerapan SML ISO 14001 diantaranya adalah: budaya kerja, tanggung jawab ganda, perekrutan pegawai, tingkat pendidikan, teknologi, monitoring kualitas lingkungan. Sedangkan faktor yang mendukung dalam penerapan SML ISO 14001 di PT. SEID adalah: tekanan konsumen dunia, persyaratan ekspor, kementerian lingkungan hidup, departemen ketenagakerjaan dan transmigrasi, biaya, teknologi, perekrutan pegawai, tingkat pendidikan, audit internal dan eksternal secara berkala.Untiik meningkatkan kinerja dalam penerapan SML ISO 14Q_QJ maka PT. SEID perlu melakukan beberapa tindakan yaifii: perlu adanya penghargaan dan hukuman terhadap para karyawan, perlunya dilakukan pemantapan terhadap para pekerja mengenai peraturan pemakaian Alat Pelindung Diri (APD), perlunya diberikari insentive kepada para pegawai yang mempunyai tanggung jawab ganda di dalam penerapan SMI:; ISCJ 14001 sehingga memberikam motivasi kepada para pekerja dalam peningkatan kinerjanya, dalam pemantauan kualitas lingkungan hendaknya rutin dilakukan secara berkala dan juga tidak hanya terpaku kepada standar baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah.Selain itu, PT. SEID perlu memberikan informasi kepada pemerintah (MENLH, DEPERINDAG) pentingnya SML ISO 14001 dalam industri dan perdagangan. Dengan pernberian inforrnasi ini, diharapkan peran pernerintah dalam memacu pelaksanaan SML ISO14001 di industri menjadi maksimal.
A As consequence ratify agreement World Trade Organization (WTO) forming by laws number 7 year 1994, policy national of Indonesia in the field of commerce have to in line with principles of WTO. Environment issue in WTO emerged at first conference level Minister ofWTO in Singapore by the year 1995. In the implementation every industry qualify to fulfill environment standards to products export like EMS ISO 14001, SMM ISO 9001 and also SMK ISO 18001, specially which is addressed to member nations ofWTO.Device research of final duty analysis implementation of environmental management system in PT. SEID use descriptive liesearch method of analysis. Intention of this descriptive research is to make picture or systematically description, factual and accurate, concerning facts, nature of and also relation between phenomenon investigated, and also look for constraint factor and supplementary factor in implementation of SML ISO 14001 [in] PT. SEID.Pursuant to result of research constraint influencing applying of EMS ISO 14001 in PT.SEID is: job culture, double responsibility, recruitment of office, storey level education, technological, monitoring of environment quality. While factors supporting in applying ofEMS ISO 14001 in P::r. SEID is: pressure of world consumer, conditions of exporting,ministry of environment, worker and transmigration department, cost, technology, recruitment of officer, storey education level, periodical internal audit and external audit.To increase performance in aJ!plying of EMS ISO 14001 therefore PT. SEID require to conduct some action that is: needing the existence of penalization and appreciation to all employees, the importance of conducted by monitoring to all worker concerning regulation of usage Tools Self Protector (APD), the importance of given incentive to all officer taking charge of to duplieate in applying of EMS ISO 14001 so that give motivated to all worker in make-up of its performance, in monitoring quality of environment shall be conducted routine periodically as well as do not only fetching up all standing to standard quality which have been specified by government.Besides that, PT. SEID required to give information to government (MENLH, DEPERINDAG) the important of SML ISO 14001 in commerce and industry. With giving of this information, is expected role the government in racing implementation of SML ISO 14001 in industry become maximally.As consequence ratify agreement World Trade Organization (WTO) forming by laws number 7 year 1994, policy national of Indonesia in the field of commerce have to in line with principles of WTO. Environment issue in WTO emerged at first conference level Minister of WTO in Singapore by the year 1995. In the implementation every industry qualify to fulfill environment standards to products export like EMS ISO 14001, SMM ISO 9001 and also SMK ISO 18001, specially which is addressed to member nations of WTO.Device research of final duty analysis implementation of environmental management system in PT. SEID use descriptive liesearch method of analysis. Intention of this descriptive research is to make picture or systematically description, factual and accurate, concerning facts, nature of and also relation between phenomenon investigated, and also look for constraint factor and supplementary factor in implementation of SML ISO 14001 [in] PT. SEID. Pursuant to result of research constraint influencing applying of EMS ISO 14001 in PT.SEID is: job culture, double responsibility, recruitment of office, storey level education, technological, monitoring of environment quality. While factors supporting in applying ofEMS ISO 14001 in P::r. SEID is: pressure of world consumer, conditions of exporting,ministry of environment, worker and transmigration department, cost, technology, recruitment of officer, storey education level, periodical internal audit and external audit.To increase performance in aJ!plying of EMS ISO 14001 therefore PT. SEID require to conduct some action that is: needing the existence of penalization and appreciation to all employees, the importance of conducted by monitoring to all worker concerning regulation of usage Tools Self Protector (APD), the importance of given incentive to all officer taking charge of to duplieate in applying of EMS ISO 14001 so that give motivated to all worker in make-up of its performance, in monitoring quality of environment shall be conducted routine periodically as well as do not only fetching up all standing to standard quality which have been specified by government.Besides that, PT. SEID required to give information to government (MENLH, DEPERINDAG) the important of SML ISO 14001 in commerce and industry. With giving of this information, is expected role the government in racing implementation of SML ISO 14001 in industry become maximally.