Studi laboratorium pengaruh kontaminasi kalsium terhadap sifat-sifat rheologi lumpur berbahan dasar minyak biodiesel pada berbagai temperatur tinggi
Nomor Panggil : 2264/TP/2014
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2014
Pembimbing 1 : Abdul Hamid
Subyek : Oil Well Drilling
Kata Kunci : laboratory studies, the effect of calcium contamination, rheological properties, biodiesel oil-based
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2014_TA_TM_07106003_1.pdf |
2. | 2014_TA_TM_07106003_2.pdf |
3. | 2014_TA_TM_07106003_3.pdf |
4. | 2014_TA_TM_07106003_4.pdf |
5. | 2014_TA_TM_07106003_5.pdf |
6. | 2014_TA_TM_07106003_6.pdf |
7. | 2014_TA_TM_07106003_7.pdf |
8. | 2014_TA_TM_07106003_8.pdf |
L Lumpur pemboran adalah salah satu bagian yang sangat penting dalam suatu operasi pemboran. Dengan bertambahnya kedalaman sumur yang ingin dicapai dalam melakukan pemboran, masalah yang akan dihadapi adalah makin tingginya temperatur karena gradient geothermal dan kontaminasi dapat terjadi apabila dalam proses pemboran menembus lapisan yang dapat merubah sifat fisik lumpur pemboran. Dimana tujuan dari perencanaan lumpur adalah untuk memperoleh hasil yang optimal dan efektif pada saat melakukan operasi pemboran. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk meneliti sifat fisik dari lumpur berbahan dasar minyak biodiesel terhadap pengaruh penambahan bahan kalsium dan temperaturnya dinaikan antara 120°F, 160°F, 200°F sampai 240 °F. Sifat fisik lumpur minyak biodiesel yang ditelitidi Laboratorium Teknik Pemboran dan Produksi Universitas Trisakti adalah berat jenis, viskositas, yield point, apparent viscosity, plastic viscosity, gel strength, laju tapisan, mud cake, kadar cairan, kadar padatan, dan kestabilan listrik. Berdasarkan analisa uji dilaboratorium didapatkan hasil bahwa dengan meningkatnya suhu lumpur minyak biodiesel yang ditambahkan bahan kalsium maka sifat fisik lumpur minyak biodiesel mengalami penurunan seperti berat jenis, viskositas, plastic viscosity, gel strenght dan kestabilan listrik. Sebaliknya untuk sifat fisik lumpur pemboran seperti laju tapisan dan mud cake mengalami kenaikan
T The drilling mud is one very important part in a drilling operation. With increasing depth of the well is to be achieved in the drilling, the problem to be faced is due to the higher temperature geothermal gradient and contamination can occur if in the process of drilling through the layer that can change the physical properties of the drilling mud. Where the purpose of planning the mud is to obtain optimal results and effective at the time of drilling operations. This thesis aims to investigate the physical properties of the sludge oil-based biodiesel to the influence of the addition of calcium and elevated temperature between 120 ° F, 160 ° F, 200 ° F to 240 ° F. The physical properties of biodiesel oil sludge under study at the Laboratory of Drilling and Production Engineering from Trisakti University is the specific gravity, viscosity, yield point, apparent viscosity, plastic viscosity, gel strength, the rate of filtrate, mud cake, liquid level, solids content, and electrical stability. This thesis aims to investigate the physical properties of the sludge oil-based biodiesel to the influence of the addition of calcium and elevated temperature between 120 ° F, 160 ° F, 200 ° F to 240 ° F. The physical properties of biodiesel oil sludge under study at the Laboratory of Drilling and Production Engineering from Trisakti University is the specific gravity, viscosity, yield point, apparent viscosity, plastic viscosity, gel strength, the rate of filtrate, mud cake, liquid level, solids content, and electrical stability. Based on laboratory test analysis showed that with increasing temperature the oil sludge biodiesel is added the calcium material physical properties of biodiesel oil sludge decreased as density, viscosity, plastic viscosity, gel strenght and power stability. In contrast to the physical properties such as the rate of drilling mud filtrate and mud cake to rise