Pengaruh leaderrship style, organization culture, motivation dan welfare terhadap terhadap employee performance pada perusahaan distributor elektronik di Cengkareng Timur


Oleh : Angelina

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FEB - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2024

Pembimbing 1 : Deasy Aseanty

Pembimbing 2 : Mahasiswa

Subyek : Leadership;Corporate culture

Kata Kunci : leadership style, organizational culture, motivation, welfare, employee performance.

Saat ini file hanya dapat diakses dari perpustakaan.

Status : Lengkap

P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Leadership style,Organizational culture, Motivation, dan Welfare Terhadap Employee Performance padaPerusahaan Distributor Elektronik di Cengkareng Timur. Data dikumpulkan melalu surveikuesioner yang didistribusikan kepada 132 responden. Pengambilan sampel dalampenelitian ini menggunakan metode non probability sampling dengan pendekatanpurposive sampling. Sedangkan metode analisis yang digunakan di dalam penelitiandengan metode analisis SEM AMOS untuk menguji hubungan antara variabel yang teliti.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Leadership style memiliki pengaruh positifterhadap Employee Performance, Organizational culture memiliki pengaruh positifterhadap Employee Performance, Motivation memiliki pengaruh positif terhadapEmployee Performance, dan Welfare memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap EmployeePerformance. Implikasi manajerial pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mencegah adanyapenurunan Employee Performance didalam perusahaan dengan cara menerapkanLeadership style yang baik sesuai dengan lingkungan kerja yang dihadapi, menciptakanOrganizational culture yang kuat, mempertahankan tingkat Motivation yang tinggi, terusmemberikan Welfare yang terpenuhi dengan baik sesuai dengan kebutuhan karyawanselain itu perusahaan juga perlu memperhatikan tingkat rasa kepedulian tinggi terhadapEmployee Performance.

T This research to analyze the effect of Leadership style, Organizational culture,Motivation, and Welfare on Employee Performance at an Electronic Distributor Companyin East Cengkareng. Data was collected through a questionnaire survey distributed to 132respondents. Sampling in this study using non probability sampling method withpurposive sampling approach. While the analysis method used in the study with the AMOSSEM analysis method to test the relationship between the variables studied.The results showed that Leadership style has a positive influence on EmployeePerformance, Organizational culture has a positive influence on Employee Performance,Motivation has a positive influence on Employee Performance, and Welfare has a positiveinfluence on Employee Performance. Managerial implication in this study is to prevent adecrease in Employee Performance within the company by applying a good Leadershipstyle in accordance with the work environment at hand, creating a strong Organizationalculture, maintaining a high level of Motivation, continuing to provide Welfare that is wellfulfilled according to employee needs besides that the company also needs to pay attentionto a high level of concern for Employee Performance.

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