Usulan sistem perawatan pencegahan mesin dan sistem persediaan suku cadang dengan pendekatan Reliability Centered Maintenance II dan Realibility Centered spares di PT. ISM Bogasari Flour Mills
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2006
Pembimbing 1 : Ismed Abdurrachman
Pembimbing 2 : Amal Witonohadi
Subyek : Machinery in industry - Maintenance and repair;Industrial equipment - Maintenance and repair;Maintainability (Engineering);Reliability (Engineering)
Kata Kunci : machine, preventive, maintenance, system, stock, spare parts, reliability, centered, spares approach
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2006_TA_TI_06302394_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2006_TA_TI_06302394_Bab-1.pdf | 4 | |
3. | 2006_TA_TI_06302394_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2006_TA_TI_06302394_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2006_TA_TI_06302394_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2006_TA_TI_06302394_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2006_TA_TI_06302394_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2006_TA_TI_06302394_Bab-7.pdf |
9. | 2006_TA_TI_06302394_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
10. | 2006_TA_TI_06302394_Lampiran.pdf |
P PT. lndofood Sukses Makmur (ISM) Bogasari Flour Mills adalah produsen tepung terigu di Indonesia dengan kapasitas produksi sebesar 3,6 juta ton per tahun, terbesar di dunia dalam satu lokasi. Di Bogasari terdapat delapan area Mill(penggilingan gandurn)namun penelitian dilakukan di area KL (biasa disebut dengan Mill KL), karena frekuensi kerusakan mesinnya tertinggi dan memiliki total downtime terbesar. Selain itu, produk yang dihasilkan oleh Mill ini adalah produk yang paling diminati oleh konsumen yaitu tepung terigu dengan merk Cakra Kembar.Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah tingginya frekuensi kerusakan mesin dan lamanya downtime yang mengakibatkan ongkos produksi meningkat. Dengan kapasitas 26,6 ton/jam. dapat dibayangkan besarnya kerugian yang terjadi akibat downtime.Diperlukan perencanaan perawatan mesin yang optimal untuk meminimasi total downtime dan meningkatkara reliabilitas mesin, kemudian diperlukan juga sistem persediaan suku cadang yang optimal.Penelitian diawali dengan memilih mesin kritis dan unit mesin kritis berdasarkan total downtime yang kemudian dibuat diagram pareto sehingga didapatkan mesin SC501, SF602, dan BL505 sebagai unit mesin kritis. Selanjutnya dilakukan pemil ihan komponen kritis berdasarkan diagram pareto dan didapatkan ada empat komponen kritis pada masing masing mesin kritis. Kemudian dilakukan perencanaan kegiatan perawatan dengan pend ekatan RCM II (Reliability Centered Maintenance) yang diawali dengan pembuatan Functional Block Diagram (FBD), Failure Mode and Effect Critically Analysis (FMECA), RCM II Information Worksheet dan RCM II Decision Worksheet. Proposed task yang d ihasi lkan adalah Scheduled on-condition task pada komponen gearbox, conveyor's motor, sifter's motor, dan blower's motor serta Scheduled discard task pada komponen pen bolt, metal, lower bearing, press sifter bolt, upper bearing, roller bearing, v-belt, dan gear wheels.Perhitungan interval perawatan diawali dcngan menghitung selang waktu antarkerusakan dan selang waktu perbaikan. Lalu dilakukan pemilihan distribusi berdasarkan index of fit terbesar dengan menggunakan metode Least Square Curve Filling (LSCF), kemudian hasil distribusi diuji menggunakan uji-uji khusus dan dilanjutkan dengan penentuan parameter menggunakan metode Maximum Likelihood Estimator (M LE). Perhitungan index of fit dan MLE dilakukan dengan perhitungan manual dan dengan menggunakan softvl'are Minitab 13. Setelah itu dihitung interval penggantian pencegahan dan interval pemeriksaan berdasarkan kriteria Minirnasi Downtime. Dengan interval perawatan yang diusulkan terdapat peningkatan reliabilitas pada komponen pen bolt, metal, gearbox, conveyor's motor, lower bearing, v-belt, dan gear wheels sedangkan pada komponen lainnya tidak terdapat peningkatan reli abilitas.Dari perhitungan total biaya dihasilkan total biaya penggantian preventive maintenance terbesar adalah pada komponen sifter's motor yaitu sebesar Rp I08.046.224,91. Kemudian dihasilkan suatu sistem persediaan suku cadang dengan pendekatan Reliability Centered Spares (RCS) yaitu menyimpan part pada stok lokal untuk komponen gearbox, conveyor's motor, sifter's motor, dan blower's motor sedangkan untuk komponen lainnya adalah memesan part dari supplier sebelum terjadi kerusakan.
P PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur (ISM) Bogasari Flour Mills is a company that produc:e wheat powder in Indonesia which has production capacity 3,6 mega tons per year, the biggest in the world at one place. There are eight Mill areas in Bogasari, but the research is only done in KL area (KL Mill) because this Mill has the most high of machine damages frequency and has the biggest downtime. After more, the product of this Mill is the mostly liked by consumer, the wheat powder called Cakra Kem bar.The problem faced by the company is the height of mach ine damages frequency and the downtime duration that caused the production cost increased. With the capacity of producing wheat powder as 26,6 tons per hour, the loss caused by the downtime could be predicted. An optimal machine maintenance planning is needed to minimize total downtime and to increase the machine reliability, then an optimal stock of spare pa11s system is also needed.This research started by choosing critical machines and critical machine unitsaccording to the total downtime, then pareto diagram were made that shows mach ine SC50 I, SF602, and BL505 as the critical machines. Next, choosing the critical parts according to the pareto diagram and resulted that there are four critical parts of each critical machine. The next step is to plan maintenance activity with RCM II (Reliabil ity Centered Maintenance) approach which started by making the functional Block Diagram (FBD), Failure Mode and Effect Critically Analysis (FMECA), RCM II Information Worksheet and RCM II Decision Worksheet. The resulted propo sed task are Scheduled on condition task at these following parts : gearbox, conveyor's motor, sifter's motor, and blower's motor and the Scheduled discard task of these following pa11s : pen bolt, metal, lower bearing, press sifter bolt, upper bearing, roller. bearing, v-bclt, and gear wheels.The maintenance interval measurement started by measuring the interval timebetween damages and reparation interval time. Then choose the distribution according tothe biggest index of fit by using Least Square Curve Fitting (LSCF) method, next the distribution result tested with specific testers and followed by determined parameter with Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) method. The measurement of index of fit and MLE were did manually using MINITAB ver 13. The next step is counting the prevention exchange interva l and inspection interval according to Downtime Minimize criteria. With the suggested maintenance interval the reliability of these following parts: pen bolt, metal, gearbox, conveyor's motor, lower bearing, v-belt, and gear wheels were increased. Even though there were no increasing in reliability of any other parts.From the result of total cost calculation, known that the biggest total cost of preventive maintenance exchange is sifter's motor with Rp. 108.046.224,91. Next, planning the stock of spare parts system by using Reliability ·centered Spares (RCS) approach, that hold parts of the local stock for gearbox, conveyor's motor, sifter's motor, and blower's motor, while for the other components, parts were ordered from the supplier before the damage occurred.