Perancangan dan implementasi sistem pengukuran kinerja Departemen Human Resources pada PT. Interact Corporation dengan menggunakan Metode Human Resources Scorecard
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2004
Pembimbing 1 : Didie Suhanlini
Subyek : Personnel management;Employees - Rating of
Kata Kunci : performance measurement system, Human Resources Department, PT. Interact Corporation, Human Resource
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2004_TA_TI_06399203_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2004_TA_TI_06399203_Bab-1.pdf | 4 | |
3. | 2004_TA_TI_06399203_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2004_TA_TI_06399203_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2004_TA_TI_06399203_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2004_TA_TI_06399203_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2004_TA_TI_06399203_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2004_TA_TI_06399203_Bab-7.pdf |
9. | 2004_TA_TI_06399203_Bab-8.pdf |
10. | 2004_TA_TI_06399203_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 1 | |
11. | 2004_TA_TI_06399203_Lampiran.pdf |
H Human Resources Scorecard (HR Scorecard) merupakan suatu alat untuk mengukur kinetja swnber daya manusia dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja sumber daya manusia untuk mencapai sasaran strategis melalui 4 perspektif, yaitu perspektifkeuangan , perspektif customer, perspektif proses bisnis internal dan prespektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan. PT. InterAct Corporation merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang printing, packaging, dan roi.ogravure. Sarnpai saat ini PT. InterAct Corporation belum memiliki sistem pengukuran kinelja yang yang komprehensif. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan merancang dan mengimplementasikan sist:em pengukuran ki:terja dengan menggunakan metode HR Scorecard. Data yang digunakan adalah visi, misi, strategi perusahaan, jumlah penjualan produk, jumlah keluhan kualitas sumber daya manusia, presentase produk cacat, presentase keterlambatan pemgiriman order, tingkat mangkir karyawan, recruitment processing time, jumlah waktu training karyawan, jumlah keterlambatan pemberian gaji, training for trainers, dan jumlah pegawai yang menguasai komputer. HR Scorecard yang baik didalamnya terdapat hubungan sebab akibat antara sasaran strategi, basil dan fuktor pendorong kinetja (Lag and Lead Indicator) dan keterkaitan dengan masalah financial sebagai tujuan akhir. Melalui peta strategi (Strategy map) dapat dilihat hubungan keempat perspektif yang terdapat dalam HR Scorecard . Berdasarkan metode HR Scorecard yang telah di rancang, dapat diketahui tujuan-tujuan strategis pada keempat persepektif . Tujuan strategis perspektif keuangan yaitu meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan yang didorong dengan meningkatkan SDM agar penjualan meningkat dan meningkatkan kemampuan SDM dalam bidang marketing. Tujuan strategis perspektif pelanggan yaitu meningkatkan kepuasan seluruh departemen perusahaan, kualitas produk, pengiriman order serta meningkatkan kepuasan ketja karyawan. Tujuan perspektif proses bisnis internal yaitu rekrutmen dan seleksi kaxyawan yang berkualitas, melatih dan mengembangkan karyawan produksi dan non-produksi, memberikan penghargaan . Tujuan perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan yaitu meningkatkan kemampuan manajemen HRD karyawan HRD, kemampuan training karyawan HRD, meningkatkan motivasi karyawan. Perancangan HR Scorecard ini rnengukur kinetja swnber daya manusia , untuk rnenentukan bobot masing - masing sasaran strategis menggunakan metode Pairwise Comparisons. Untuk mengukur nilai tujuan strategis menggunakan skala Likert. Kineija sumber daya manusia PT. InterAct Corporation dalam perspektif keuangan mempunyai nilai 3.1, yang berarti cukup, perspektif customer mempunyai nilai 3.39 yang berarti cukup, perspektif proses bisnis internal mempunyai nilai 3.17 yang berarti cukup, dan perspektif pembelajaran dan pertwnbuhan mempunyai nilai 3.67 yang berarti baik. Setiap perspektif dalam HR Scorecard memiliki kontnbusi yang sama , yaitu 25%. Keseluruhan penilaian kinerja dari PT. InterAct Corporation adalah sebesar 3.34 yang berarti cukup. Kepada PT. InterAct Corporation diberikan saran untuk menerapkan HR Scorecard sebagai alat ukur kinetja karyawan dan terus melakukan penyesuaian target perusahaan dengan perubahan yang tetjadi dalam dunia bisni serta disarankan untuk membentuk sebuah tim yang terus menerus memantau dan melakukan perbaikan -perbaikan jika diperlukan.
H Human resources scorecard (HR Scorecard) is a tool to measure the human resources performance in improving the human resources performance to obtain the strategic objective through 4 perspectives, which are the financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process . PT. Interact Corporation is a company which is running in the printing, packaging, and rotogravure business. Until now, PT. Inter Act Corporation still have a comprehensive performance measurement system. There fore, the obj tive of this research is to design and to implement the performance system by using the HR score card method. The data was used in this research are : vision, mission, company•s strategy, product sales number, the human resources quality complaints number, the failure product percentage, the order delay delivery system percentage, the employee absenteeism rate, the recruitment processing time, the employee's training session number, the salary payment delay number, the training for trainers, and employee's number which has a required skill in operating the computer. HR. score card, whether within it exists a causal relationship between the strategy target, result and lag and lead indicator and the relationship on the financial issue as the final objective. Through the strategy map, could be seen the relationship of the four perspectives on theHR. scorecard. Based on the HR. scorecard method which has been designed , it isacknowledged that there are several strategic objectives on those four perspectives. The financial perspective strategic objective is to increase the employee's productivity which was supported by increasing the human resources management so the sales could increase and by increasing the human resource department ability in the marketing field . The customer perspective strategic objective is by increasing the satisfaction of all the company 's department, product quality, order delivery as well as improving the employee's job satisfaction. The internal business process perspective objective is by implementing the recruitment and the high quality employee's selection, training and developing the production and non - production employees, providing awards. The learning and growth perspective objective is by improving the human resources department management ability of the human resources department employees,. the human resources employee's training ability, improving the employee's motivation . These HR Score Card planning is measuring the human resources performance, in order to set each strategic objective value, by using the pair wise comparisons method . To measure the strategic objective was by using the Likert scale. The human resources performance ofPT. Inter Act Corporation in the financial perspective is 3.1 which means quite good, the customers perspective is 3.39 which means quite good, the internal business process perspective is 3, 17, which means quite good, and the learning and growth perspective is 3,67, which means good. Each perspective in the HR. scorecard has the same contribution, which is 25%. The whole performance assessment of PT. Inter Act Corporation is 3.34, which means quite good For PT Interact corporation, it was suggested that the HR. Scorecard should be used as the employee's performance measurement tool and keep implementing the company •s target adjustment along with the ongoing changes in the business world , and it also suggested to establish a team which its' task is to continuously monitoring and implementing the required improvements.