Analisa kinerja dan tingkat kepuasan pengguna bus trans Pakuan Kota Bogor rute halte Cidangiang-Sentul City (Studi Kasus: Halte Cidangiang Sentul City)
Penerbit : FTSP - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2018
Pembimbing 1 : Budi Hartanto
Subyek : Performance - Public transportation
Kata Kunci : bus rapid transit, performance analysis, satisfaction
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2018_TA_TS_051001300017_Halaman-judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2018_TA_TS_051001300017_Bab-1.pdf | 5 | |
3. | 2018_TA_TS_051001300017_Bab-2.pdf | 8 |
4. | 2018_TA_TS_051001300017_Bab-4.pdf | 30 |
5. | 2018_TA_TS_051001300017_Bab-3.pdf | 9 |
6. | 2018_TA_TS_051001300017_Bab-5.pdf | 3 |
7. | 2018_TA_TS_051001300017_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
8. | 2018_TA_TS_051001300017_Lampiran.pdf |
B Bus Trans Pakuan merupakan salah satu sarana penunjang Transportasi di Kota Bogoryang berjenis Bus Rapid Transit ( BRT ). Dengan kondisi saat ini hanya memiliki satu rute yang beroprasi, yaitu dari Halte Cidangiang – Sentul City yang berjarak ±10,7 km, dengan empat jumlah unit Bus yang beroperasi. Merupakan sebuah bentuk degradasi dari saat pertama kali Bus Trans Pakuan di resmikan pada tahun 2007 yang pada saat itu memiliki tiga rute yang beroperasi yaitu Bubulak – Cidangiang , Cidangiang – Ciawi dan Cidangiang – Sentul City, serta 15 unit Bus yang beroperasi. Penelitian ini menganilisis kinerja Bus Trans Pakuan dengan membandingkan hasil survei terhadap beberapa point yang telah ditentukan lalu kemudian di bandingkan dengan standar yang telah ditentukan oleh Direktorat Jendral Perhubungan Darat dan World Bank 1987. Dari Penelitian ini ditemukan hasil bahwa adanya beberapa point yang berada di bawah standar, yaitu jumlah kendaraan per hari, presentase ketersediaan unit bus dan Load Factor. Berhubungan dengan minim nya jumlah pengguna Bus Trans Pakuan, maka dilakukan test uji tingkat kepuasaan pengguna Bus Trans Pakuan dengan metode pengisian kuisioner oleh para penumpang. Hasil akhir di dapat 4 point denganpersentase kepuasan terendah, yaitu Kondisi Halte Bus Trans Pakuan bersih dan nyaman, Tingkat Keamanan pada Bus Tans Pakuan, Kesesuaian tarif Bus Trans Pakuan dengan fasilitas yang diberikan dan penampilan petugas Bus Trans Pakuan. Maka solusi yang didapatkan adalah dengan penambahan unit operasi Bus Trans Pakuan, pengembangan jaringan trayek Bus Trans Pakuan, peremajaan sarana dan prasarana serta fasilitas penunjang Bus Trans Pakuan serta peninkatan kinerja operasi Sumber Daya Manusia ( SDM ) Bus Trans Pakuan.
T Trans Pakuan Bus is a type of Bus Rapid Transit ( BRT ) that is operating in BogorCity. Nowadays, Trans Pakuan only have one operate route, that is halte Cidangiang -Sentul City by the distance of ± 10.7 km, and its only operating four units of bus. It is a form of degradation from the first time the Trans Pakuan Bus was officially operating in 2007 which at that time, it had three operating routes, There was Bubulak - Cidangiang,Cidangiang - Ciawi and Cidangiang - Sentul City, and also with 15 units of bus that wasoperating . This research analyzes Bus Trans Pakuan performance by comparing the surveyresults to several points which has been specified and then compared to the standards set bythe Directorate General of Land Transportation and the World Bank 1987. From the results of this research found there are several points that under standards Which are the number of vehicles per day, the percentage of availability of bus units and Load Factor. In connection with the low numbers of Trans Pakuan Bus users, a test of the level of satisfaction of Trans Pakuan Bus users was completed by filling out questionnaires by passengers. The final result is 4 points with the lowest percentage of satisfaction, Which are: the cleanliness and comfort level of Trans Pakuan Bus Stop, the Level of Safety on the Trans Pakuan Bus, the tariff propriety of Trans Pakuan Bus with the provided facilities and the appearance of Trans Pakuan Bus officers. According to this result, the solution in this case are obtained is by the addition of Trans Pakuan Bus operating units, the development of the Trans Pakuan Bus route network, the rejuvenation of facilities and infrastructure as well as the Trans Pakuan Bus support facilities and the improvement of the Trans Pakuan Bus Human Resources (HR) operation performance.