Penanggulangan jaringan flabby pada pasien pengguna gigi tiruan lengkap (Studi pustaka)
Nomor Panggil : 617.692 VOL p
Penerbit : FKG - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2015
Pembimbing 1 : drg. Nova Adrian, Sp.Prost
Subyek : Prosthodontics(gtl)
Kata Kunci : Flabby tissue, modified impression technique, implant retained protheses, impression of flabby mucos
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2015_TA_KG_04011129_Halaman-Pengesahan.pdf |
2. | 2015_TA_KG_04011129_Bab-1-Pendahuluan.pdf | 5 | |
3. | 2015_TA_KG_04011129_Bab-2-Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf |
4. | 2015_TA_KG_04011129_Bab-3-Pembahasan.pdf |
5. | 2015_TA_KG_04011129_Bab-4-Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf |
6. | 2015_TA_KG_04011129_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 5 |
J Jaringan flabby merupakan jaringan lunak dengan pergerakan tinggi di daerah permukaan tulang alveolar rahang atas ataupun rahang bawah.Pembuatan GTL diatas mukosa tulang rahang flabby seringkali tidak stabil dan tidak retentif. Ketika tekanan mastikasi diberikan pada protesa tersebut, tekanan berubah posisi jaringan flabby yang bergerak sehingga posisi GTL,turut berubah dan GTL kehilangan penutupan tepi. selain itu, gaya tekan vertikal saat membuat pencetakan rahang mengakibatkan distorsi dari jaringan sehingga protesa tidak dapat duduk stabil diatas jaringan.studi pustaka ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pilihan perawatan beserta pertimbangan-pertimbangan yg harus diambil dalam merawat kasus ini.dua pilihan penatalaksanaannya dalam perawatan adalah pembedahan seperti eksisi jaringan fibrosa melalui pembedahan, pemasangan overdenture dukungan implan serta tanpa pembedahan, seperti pencetakan yang dimodifikasi.
A A flabby tissue is a mobile soft tissue on the superficial aspect of alveolar ridges, affecting the maxillary or mandibular. Flabby tissues present a challenging prosthodontic clinical scenario for the achievment of stable and retentive dental prostheses. Masticatory forces can displace this mobile denture -bearing tissues, leading to altered denture positioning and loss of peripheral seal. Forces exterted during the act of impression taking can result in distortion of the mobile tissue. The resulting stability of trhe denture can be poor and both function and appearance can be heavily compromised. Thus, this literature study aims to describe treatment choices with their considerations needed in treating full denture patients with flabby mucosa. Management of flabby ridge is mainly by two approaches: surgical treatment such as removal of fibrous tissue prior to conventional prosthodontics and implant retained prosthesis; and conventional prosthodontis without surgical intervention, such as modified impression techniques. Considerations for the most suitable treatment selection should include physical, economic and social conditions of the patients.