Konsekuensi influencer credibility terhadap intention to visit pada generasi milenial

Oleh : Mauritz Edo Soumutul

Info Katalog

Subyek : Marketing -- Management

Penerbit : FEB - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2023

Pembimbing 1 : Kurniawati

Kata Kunci : influencer credibility, intention to visit, perceived information quality, user attitude, credibilit

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2023_TS_MMJ_122012011087_Halaman-Judul.pdf 10
2. 2023_TS_MMJ_122012011087_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf 4
3. 2023_TS_MMJ_122012011087_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf 10
4. 2023_TS_MMJ_122012011087_Bab-2_Landasan-Teori.pdf 11
5. 2023_TS_MMJ_122012011087_Bab-3_Metode-Penelitian.pdf 19
6. 2023_TS_MMJ_122012011087_Bab-4_Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf 19
7. 2023_TS_MMJ_122012011087_Bab-5_Kesimpulan.pdf 4
8. 2023_TS_MMJ_122012011087_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf 4
9. 2023_TS_MMJ_122012011087_Lampiran.pdf 25

P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhiIntention to Visit destinasi wisata di Indonesia dengan mempertimbangkan variabelInfluencer Credibility, Perceived Information Quality, dan User Attitude padagenerasi milenial. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer, diperoleh dengan caramenyebar kuesioner dengan menggunakan metode non probability sampling, yaitudengan purposive sampling. Sehingga, sampel penelitian yang diperoleh sebanyak140 responden. Analisis data untuk uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis StructuralEquation Model (SEM) dengan bantuan software AMOS. Hasil analisamenunjukkan bahwa Influencer Credibility tidak dapat mempengaruhi langsungterhadap Intention to Visit, perlu adanya mediasi untuk dapat memberikanpengaruh, yaitu variabel User Attitude. Namun, tingkat kredibilitas influencer dapatmempengaruhi Perceived Information Quality dan User Attitude secara langsung.Lainnya, Perceived Information Quality yang dianggap dapat mempengaruhiIntention to Visit tidak memiliki dampak pengaruh yang signifikan, sehingga tidakmenjamin kualitas informasi yang diterima dapat meningkatkan niat calonwisatawan untuk berkunjung (Intention to Visit). Serta, Perceived InformationQuality tidak dapat memediasi pengaruh Influencer Credibility terhadap Intention to Visit.

T This study aims to analyse the factors that can influence the Intention to Visit touristdestinations in Indonesia by considering the Influencer Credibility, PerceivedInformation Quality, and User Attitude variables in the millennial generation. Thedata used is primary data, obtained by distributing questionnaires using nonprobabilitysampling method, namely by purposive sampling. Thus, the researchsample obtained was 140 respondents. Data analysis for hypothesis testing usedStructural Equation Model (SEM) analysis with the help of AMOS software. Theresults of the analysis show that Influencer Credibility cannot directly influenceIntention to Visit, there needs to be mediation to be able to give effect, is the UserAttitude variable. However, the level of influencer credibility can affect PerceivedInformation Quality and User Attitude directly. Others, Perceived InformationQuality which is considered to be able to influence Intention to Visit does not havea significant impact, so it does not guarantee the quality of information receivedcan increase the intention of prospective tourists to visit (Intention to Visit). Also,Perceived Information Quality cannot mediate the effect of Influencer Credibilityon Intention to Visit.

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