Evaluasi sistem kendali dan monitoring jaringan pencahayaan kota berbasis power line communication

Oleh : Achmad Mursyid Hasa

Info Katalog

Subyek : Municipal lighting - Control system

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2016

Pembimbing 1 : Tjandra Susila

Kata Kunci : power line communication, computer network, SEMS (smart energy monitoring system), city lighting

Status Posting : Published

Status : Tidak Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2016_TS_MTE_162120003_Halaman-Judul.pdf
2. 2016_TS_MTE_162120003_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf 3
3. 2016_TS_MTE_162120003_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf
4. 2016_TS_MTE_162120003_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf
5. 2016_TS_MTE_162120003_Bab-3_Pembahasan-perakitan-sistem.pdf
6. 2016_TS_MTE_162120003_Bab-4_Pengujian-dan-analisis.pdf
7. 2016_TS_MTE_162120003_Bab-5_Kesimpulan-Saran.pdf
8. 2016_TS_MTE_162120003_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf -1
9. 2016_TS_MTE_162120003_Lampiran.pdf

P Pencahayaan Kota merupakan bagian dari keindahan, kenyamanan dan keamanan kota. Kualitas pencahayaan kota selain ditentukan oleh kondisi jaringan listrik berikut luminer lampu dan komponen didalamnya juga dipengaruhi oleh kualitas pengelolaannya. Guna mendapatkan pencahayan kota yang berkualitas periu diadaptasi teknologi sistem kendali dan monitoring terhadap kinerja dan keberfungsian jaringan pencahayaan kota berbasis power line communication. Selama ini pengendalian dan monitoring jaringan pencahayaan kota -penerangan jalan umum (PJU)- dilakukan dengan cara tradisional yaitu memanfaatkan time switch yang terpasang di panel PJU dan survey lapangan oleh Petugas Time Switch.Telah dibangun sistem kendali dan monitoring jaringan pencahayaan kota - penerangan jalan umum- di beberapa kawasan wilayah Jakarta berbasis power line communication dimana kendali dan monitoring dengan mudah diakses melalui jaringan Internet. Komponen dalam sistem ihi yaitu web server, konsentrator, kontroler, dan jaringan komunikasi data antar perangkat. 4 Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komupitcasi, d to berjalan efektif pada laju bit 31411 pengguna dan server masing-masing 10 Mbps. Di a, delay yang terjadi antara pengguna dan perangkat di lapangan s'..4besar 0, 43 desik . Nilai THD (total harmonic distortion) jaringan listrik yaitu sebesar 1.12,09 %. dan kfaktor daya sebesar 0,992. Nilai impedansi jaringan listrik untie( iterierapan .komunikasi power line, standar CENELEC band C, frekwensi 112 ki lz, sebesar 11,9812 . Skema peredupan titik lampu dengan tingkat io.Jr.- iujoE-17'0 % dapat -"terapkgrNlengan illuminansi sebesar 13,11 lux yang mask memenuhi TNI 7-11:2008 pada kiasifikasi jalan kolektor primer. Demikian juga, Integrasi antara server kendali dan monitoring penerangan jalan SEMS (smart energy monitoring system) dan server berjalan balk.

C City Lighting is part of the beauty, comfort and safety of the city. The quality of city lighting is not only determined by the condition of the electricity network and the lamp luminaires and components in it, but also by the quality of their management. In order to get quality city lighting, it is necessary to adapt the control and monitoring system technology to the performance and functioning of the city lighting network based on power line communication. So far, the control and monitoring of the city lighting network - public street lighting (PJU) - has been carried out in the traditional way, namely utilizing time switches installed on PJU panels and field surveys by Time Switch Officers.A control and monitoring system for the city lighting network - public street lighting - has been built in several areas of the Jakarta area based on power line communication, where control and monitoring are easily accessible via the Internet. The components in the IHI system are web servers, concentrators, controllers, and data communication networks between devices. 4 The results showed that the computer, d to run effectively at a bit rate of 31411 users and 10 Mbps each server. In a, the delay that occurs between the user and the device in the field is s'..4 is 0.43 decics . The value of THD (total harmonic distortion) of the electricity network is 1.12.09%. and a power factor of 0.992. The value of the impedance of the electrical network unit (applied power line communication, CENELEC band C standard, frequency 112 ki lz, is 11.9812 . The light point dimming scheme with a level of io.Jr.- iujoE-17'0 % can be applied to an illuminance arm of 13.11 lux which mask meets the TNI 7-11:2008 on the primary collector road classification.Similarly, the integration between the SEMS (smart energy monitoring system) street lighting control and monitoring server and the server is running well.

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